View Full Version : 30 sec Warforged vs Human cagematch

06-16-2010, 09:39 AM
Pretty much, as you've all seen, I play to go with a 10/10 Wiz/Barb.
Now, the 2 questions I have are, well, based on greed, which class progression is better for feats? ya know, start as wiz to barb? or barb to wiz?
ALSO! play to go with a Warforged, Im liking the immunities, and the might-be-able-to-heal self as a Wiz, BUT! I don't liek the penalties.
Human, I like the extra feat,. but I dislike the well, 'blandness', the fact they are just so average, so, cudja guys help out?

06-16-2010, 03:51 PM
Help as follows:

Don't make a 10wiz/10barb build.

06-16-2010, 04:05 PM
Why 10 levels of each? 10 Wiz is a waste; you get firewall at 7, and level 5 spells (gotten at level 9) are pretty lame. And you need 11 Wiz for Reconstruct.

Wiz8/Barb12 would at least get FW, and FB II. Still a pretty gimped build, but a bit better.

Wiz7/Rog1/Barb12 adds full UMD; you'll need it for decent self healing, even if you go WF, since you won't have reconstruct

Also, remember that you can't cast while raged. And a barbarian that isn't raging all (or at least most) of the time is pointless.

Frankly, I'd drop the whole concept, at least for now. This kind of build requires a lot more skill than your two months of experience in the game are going to have provided you.

06-16-2010, 04:25 PM
Thats good guys, now, at the risk of stirring up a hornets nest, Human VS Warforged for said build?
ALSO, anyone actually have any thoughts?
And PLEASE dont tell em what a terrible idea it is.. It suually works rather well in PnP and CG, but I gues this is probs wildly different, I just really wanna try it, any aging masters wanting a protege?:P

06-16-2010, 04:28 PM
Looks like somebody is trying to build a character to have cake (good HP, good STR, good CON, great damage) and eat it too (good buffs, good self-healing, good immunities).

In this case, why not make a warforged battle-Favored Soul with Great Swords? Good HP, saves, and strength, good CON, good buffs, good self-healing with healer's friend and items, good immunities and good in parties or solo.

I supposed a warforged light monk and tons of healing amplification items in sun stance would work too with the healing ki.

06-16-2010, 04:42 PM
Heheh! Yay! You got it!
Well, sort of, see I wanted a Barb/Wiz, so I cna sorta blast enemies, and charge them..
Itd be a hostile wizard, not relying on buffs tbh, maybe not how its MEANT to eb done, buit how Id LIEK to do it.
I jsut thought if I had a WF I could use spells to heal, HOWEVER I like the extra Human feat..
So, I guess what Im askign really, is which would be 'better', and well, any help on this build?

06-16-2010, 04:45 PM
Pretty much, as you've all seen, I play to go with a 10/10 Wiz/Barb.
Now, the 2 questions I have are, well, based on greed, which class progression is better for feats? ya know, start as wiz to barb? or barb to wiz?
ALSO! play to go with a Warforged, Im liking the immunities, and the might-be-able-to-heal self as a Wiz, BUT! I don't liek the penalties.
Human, I like the extra feat,. but I dislike the well, 'blandness', the fact they are just so average, so, cudja guys help out?


I pretty much am the king of weird builds. I definately dont feel like I should be writing this reply.

However, 10 barb 10 wizard is a horrible blend. You are in between spells and prestige enhancements on both class's.

I would do something like 12 wizard and do palemaster prestige 1 and 2 this gives you greater heroism and reconstruct.

Then do 8 barbarian and frenzied bezerker 1.

Play a warforged for the increased con, immunities, extra to power attack, and extra to glancing blows with 2 weapons.

Dump all your starting points into str, con, dex and a little into intel. Intel only needs to be 10 points higher then the level of spells your casting since most your spells will be self buffs thats all that required. Put your 5 pts mostly into str with a little into intel to get yourself to 16 intel.

Anyways thats just my view and opinion on it.

P.S. read about the class's, enchancements, and spells following this link http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Category:Classes

06-16-2010, 04:47 PM
Yeah.. that makes sense..

06-16-2010, 04:50 PM
Well..... IF your adamant this is the way you wana go... In my opinion I would say WF is your best choice.

You will get +2 to CON at start, and the negs in wis and cha wont be a big loss. Also, you will be able to self heal, somewhat, with the wiz repair spells. Even if you dont get recon you have the lesser repair spells.

I gota say, i agree with the others. You will find your self inbetween classes.

Many a slip twix a cup and a lip...... has no relevence but i like the sound of it.

You wont be able to fully nuke, or give excellent buffs. Also come end game you will be effectivly a level 10 barb trying to hit end game mobs.

EDIT: MEH ignore me, the countess is in there with better advice first :)

06-16-2010, 04:55 PM
Aurora1979, you absolute diamond! :)
Yeah, but, the hitting, can I negate that with potions, or good weapons?
One LAST thing, shud I start as a Wiz or Barb? I'm assumign Barb, but if I WF, well, I lsoe a feat, I assume I need all the feats I can get ALSO... wasn't there an armored caster feat? I SWEAR there was..??

06-19-2010, 11:03 PM
Aurora1979, you absolute diamond! :)
Yeah, but, the hitting, can I negate that with potions, or good weapons?
One LAST thing, shud I start as a Wiz or Barb? I'm assumign Barb, but if I WF, well, I lsoe a feat, I assume I need all the feats I can get ALSO... wasn't there an armored caster feat? I SWEAR there was..??

Don't pick barb.... Its completely conflicting to your idea.

12ftr/1rog/7wiz Warforged.

This way you can always cast spells at any time, and you get acess to kensai II and power surge. The one rog for umd. Having 12 fighter also gives you alot more feats to play with. THF/ITHF/GTHF/PowerAttack.. Maybe even stunning blow.

Heck, since you'll be needing int on this build you will have access to combat expertise aswell, which will synergise with your haste/surge clickies.

Fight in your firewalls and use a sword and sheild while soloing harder mobs.

Please for the love of ebberon, don't mix wizzy with barb.

EDIT: Start out as a rogue and pump Use magic device.

I suggest at least 13 int(CE), but Perferably 14 int+6item+2tome = 22. Decent for that build.
Rest into con and str.

Have fun!

06-20-2010, 12:39 AM
I agree with ragwa1 on the level split. Barbarian wants you to be raged for those goodies, but raging will negate all your Wizard goodies. Going Fighter 12/Wizard 7/Rogue 1 gives you UMD, some Sneak Attack, Wall of Fire and lots of good Fighter stuff which won't negate your Wizard stuff.

Even Wizard 10/Fighter 10 is better, though that's still not as good as getting Fighter 12 (has a clickie for +8 STR that stacks).

06-20-2010, 05:35 PM
Sorc/Pally also works, usually with 2 monk for the feats/evasion