View Full Version : Orthons

06-16-2010, 04:14 AM
So today I was doing a VoD with my guild. Due to my work schedule I generally do not get to run with my guild a lot.

So we enter and this is probably my 50th VoD...so I figure I know everything to know about this quest. I can pretty much solo it on one of my FVS...and then something amazing happened. NO ONE took damage from the Orthons except me. You see I generally would kinda "get in the middle of the melees" and cast mass heal on myself. Well my guild leader Bronko then points out to me that an Orthon's "cleaving attack" is actually only 270 degree arc.

Baisically if the intimitank sticks him...everyone else stands on the Orthon's left butt cheek...you avoid that spinning attack they do.

I am not sure this is common knowledge...but I sure would like it to be. My 3 capped toons are 2 FVS and a BRD. Reducing incoming damage will make my job way easier.

So in summary...

Stand next to an Orthon's Left Butt Cheek...you will not get splashed or grazed by them. reduces the incoming damage a TON.

06-16-2010, 04:19 AM
Standard orthon duty is 1 intimi tank in the middle of them and then everyone else on the butt of one at a time to avoid the cleave.

method 2 is just beat them down 1 at a time and move on

06-16-2010, 04:26 AM
Another tip for new casters (i'm sure a lot of the vets already know this) for the bats at the end have a good spell penn and cast horrid wilting, works a treat