View Full Version : Say it with me people, Neh-go-shi-a-chon

06-14-2010, 10:43 AM
Alright, this has happened way too many times to me. I offer to buy or sell an item, and 9 times out of 10 I am prompted to make an offer or set a price. So naturally I make my offer/price to be on the low or high side depending on whether I am buying or selling. Duh, right? Not so much. Take this recent example: I am in the market for Devil Scales. I need 5 of them so I can finish my Green Steel and TR. I've had a couple responses from my forum post and was asked how much was I offering to pay. My response? Generally either 2 million or 2.5 million gold. On two occasions I had the guy just go off and start flaming me and telling me how stupid I am and how I'll never get that, etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah. And on one occasion the guy just stop talking to me all together.

Now then, first of all, 2 or 2.5 million isn't a terrible offer for a Large Scale. Granted, you can sell it on the AH for 4 million, but first you have to wait for it to sell, then you get a nice 30% cut off your 4 mill. So after it is all said and done, you are only netting 2.8 million gold to put in your pocket. Now, that being said, do I actually expect to buy a Large Scale from someone for 2 or 2.5 million? No, of course not.

Ok everybody, say it with me: Neh-go-shi-a-chon.

   /nɪˌgoʊʃiˈeɪʃən, -si-/ Show Spelled[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuhn, -see-] Show IPA


1. mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement: the negotiation of a treaty.

2. the act or process of negotiating.

3. an instance or the result of negotiating.


   /nɪˈgoʊʃiˌeɪt/ Show Spelled [ni-goh-shee-eyt] Show IPA verb, -at·ed, -at·ing.

–verb (used without object)

1. to deal or bargain with another or others, as in the preparation of a treaty or contract or in preliminaries to a business deal.

–verb (used with object)

2. to arrange for or bring about by discussion and settlement of terms: to negotiate a loan.

3. to manage; transact; conduct: He negotiated an important business deal.

4. to move through, around, or over in a satisfactory manner: to negotiate a difficult dance step without tripping: to negotiate sharp curves.

5. to transfer (a draft, promissory note, etc.) to a new owner by endorsement and delivery or by delivery.

It's not that difficult really. It goes something like this:

Seller: How much are you offering to pay me for my Scale?

Buyer: I'll give you two million gold for it.

Seller: Two million gold? Your crazy, I can get four million from the AH!

Buyer: Yeah that's true, but you have to pay 30% so your not getting 4 million.

Seller: I understand that, but two million is still way off. Turn that into 3.5 million then we can talk Scales.

Buyer: 3.5 million? That's pretty steep man. After the cut your only going to get about 3 million from the AH. A little less than that actually. Ok, tell you what, can we settle on an even 3 million? That's still a couple hundred thousand more than you would make form the AH, and I have it here and now: you don't have to wait for it to sell.

Seller: Well, you are ripping me off, but I'm just too **** nice of a guy. O.K. 3 mill it is.

See? It's not hard. The whole process takes, maybe, 10 minutes. If that. Whether it's Scales or Rusty Chain Shirts, there is nothing wrong with a little play.

I hope this gets through to some people. And, if not, oh well. I'll get my Scales, or Boot Ingredients, or whatever, from someone who can negotiate.

06-14-2010, 11:04 AM
Stop Doing That!

06-14-2010, 11:09 AM
When we travel, my wife LOVES to haggle... She'll spend hours haggling in Mexico or Italy or wherever the hell we are...

Me, I like to see the price. If I like the price I buy it, if it costs too much I walk away...

My Haggle skill (and tolerance for) is zero.

06-14-2010, 11:14 AM
Alright, this has happened way too many times to me.

You know... If numerous people react negatively to your approach you may just want to consider changing your approach instead of whining that it doesn't work.

06-14-2010, 11:15 AM
I agree with the OP

Why do they tell you to make an offer, if they don't want to negotiate on the price?... o.O

06-14-2010, 11:16 AM

Not a good way to negotiate.

06-14-2010, 11:19 AM
I stopped reading as soon as I saw prices being discussed in gp rather than pp...

06-14-2010, 11:21 AM
Paying what they are asking for it.

Not a good for the Economy.

Perhaps, send a second offer so they know you're haggling.

06-14-2010, 11:37 AM
To the OP my question to you is this?

If you lowball out the gate for items, if you are selling do you also ask too much?

I agree with the other poster who suggested that if the approach doesnt work try another approach.

The true art of negotiation is not about buying for very cheap and selling for huge profit its about making sure both sides walk away from the transaction satisfied that they were dealt with repectfully and got value for the transaction.

06-14-2010, 11:46 AM
To the OP my question to you is this?
The true art of negotiation is not about buying for very cheap and selling for huge profit its about making sure both sides walk away from the transaction satisfied that they were dealt with repectfully and got value for the transaction.

yes... IF you want to cultivate a relationship based on the prospect of future dealings. If however you simply want to skin the sheep then getting the best price is really the only goal.

Have to agree that the concept of bargaining is lost on the majority of the player base. When someone says "make me an offer" they already have a price in mind and are hoping that the buyer is unaware of the going rate and will simply offer too much. This is good bargaining practice but the next step is where they fall apart. When the offer you get Is lower than your minimum price then you have to counter offer.. NOT fly off the handle at how the buyer is stupid.

06-14-2010, 01:38 PM
To the OP my question to you is this?

If you lowball out the gate for items, if you are selling do you also ask too much?

I agree with the other poster who suggested that if the approach doesnt work try another approach.

The true art of negotiation is not about buying for very cheap and selling for huge profit its about making sure both sides walk away from the transaction satisfied that they were dealt with repectfully and got value for the transaction.

Well like I said, 2 or 2.5 for a Scale isn't a terrible opening offer on the Sarlona server. They go on AH for 4 mil. Minus the 30% cut and it becomes 2.8 mil. So if I open with anything higher than 2.5 mil, say I open with 3 mil, that leaves no room to maneuver. So I wouldn't call a 2 million open a lowball. And enough people do actively negotiate a fair price that I don't plan on changing my approach. I just wanted to let it be known that it IS ok to make a counter offer if you don't like what your given. In fact, in any transaction I've been in, whether I made the initial offer or the other player did, I can't remember once that we actually finished on that first offer.

06-14-2010, 04:56 PM
The OP is way wrong on this one.

He's asking for people to socialize and thus engage in a conversation, to use their brains and wits, to think a notch here and there, to assess different possibilities, to even perform some calculations, do some math, and all of this in the time it'd usually take you in real life: less than a minute. Or so. A couple minutes at most, let's say.

Well sir you better start realizing this is the 21st century. People don't talk these days, they type. And not to people, but to names, nicknames to be precise. Languages are taught by rap or hip-hop singers, and math is something distant and better performed by computers, or people that live in hidden places without sunlight or water, but are nevertheless constantly plotting to take over the world with secret weapons. Prices are what you decide to pay or not for something, and are set by... the internet. Because it has to be on the internet, or it doesn't exist. In DDO that's the auction dude. What he says, it's the truth, and you dare not defy him, for he shall smite thee with tremendous anger.

Alright, I hope I managed to share some insight on how things work today. Might help you get those devil scales some day!


06-15-2010, 06:45 PM
The OP is way wrong on this one.

He's asking for people to socialize and thus engage in a conversation, to use their brains and wits, to think a notch here and there, to assess different possibilities, to even perform some calculations, do some math, and all of this in the time it'd usually take you in real life: less than a minute. Or so. A couple minutes at most, let's say.

Well sir you better start realizing this is the 21st century. People don't talk these days, they type. And not to people, but to names, nicknames to be precise. Languages are taught by rap or hip-hop singers, and math is something distant and better performed by computers, or people that live in hidden places without sunlight or water, but are nevertheless constantly plotting to take over the world with secret weapons. Prices are what you decide to pay or not for something, and are set by... the internet. Because it has to be on the internet, or it doesn't exist. In DDO that's the auction dude. What he says, it's the truth, and you dare not defy him, for he shall smite thee with tremendous anger.

Alright, I hope I managed to share some insight on how things work today. Might help you get those devil scales some day!


Does . . . not . . . compute. Seller is offering . . . two million . . . Gods of Auction say 4 million . . . cant . . . comprehend . . . uuuurrrrrrppppp . . . head swelling . . . head expanding . . .

*head explody*