View Full Version : is this fun ? ?

06-12-2010, 05:09 AM
cant believe how sometimes i go in lobster for have some fun with pvp, and i find some ppl that take it like a war or something like this , starting to send hate tells or insults if they get owned , and taking it as a personal injury, same as i kill his mama instead of his toon. One of them sent a dm report also , lol !
Guys : more sex and less ddo

06-12-2010, 05:24 AM
ddo is not based on pvp that said people who thrive on it usually have said attitude at least thats been my experience they have their own little corners and their are other places not in the lobster to pvp albiet not as crowded
so wonder to the basements of stormreach for a brawl dont expect good behavior