View Full Version : Looking for a top endgame raiding guild.

06-11-2010, 06:51 PM
Hi my name is Xercen.

I'm relatively new here on khyber (only been playing for 3-4 weeks) and i was looking for a guild for my toons.

I have a lvl 12 barb and will make a sorc in the future and these classes will both be my mains (i.e time spent on both will be relatively equal)

What i'm looking for is this.

1) A strong guild that does endgame with good manners and good cameraderie. "Strong" being individuals who have had endgame experience or people who are intelligent enough to be capable at endgame once their toons hit lvl 20 cap.

2) An active guild. I.e people who don't log on once a month or so.

3) A guild that don't have retards in it. I used to play wow and i quit after it became retards become commonplace.

4) I'm from europe so my time is GMT+0 so a guild that has raiding times that are GMT in the evening or morning would be great.

5) I also like a guild that doesn't have people who smirk or get angry if some1 doesn't know everything about ddo. I've met some of these people before in wow and i personally think they r nerds who prolly got bullied irl and want to vent their frustrations out on people with the safety of being behind a computer. If your guild has people like that in it then count me out please. Thanks.

I have been a raid leader in wow previously and also loved to do pvp before achieving gladiator as a rogue and druid. I used to play dnd (neverwinter nights etc) so i like that theorycrafting aspect of dnd.

My goal is to raid with a nice community and hopefully enjoy the game even more than i am now.

If you believe your guild could do with a extra pair of hands then leave yr in-game name and i'll contact u asap

06-11-2010, 06:55 PM
Hi my name is Xercen.

I'm relatively new here on khyber (only been playing for 3-4 weeks) and i was looking for a guild for my toons.

I have a lvl 12 barb and will make a sorc in the future and these classes will both be my mains (i.e time spent on both will be relatively equal)

What i'm looking for is this.

1) A strong guild that does endgame with good manners and good cameraderie. "Strong" being individuals who have had endgame experience or people who are intelligent enough to be capable at endgame once their toons hit lvl 20 cap.

2) An active guild. I.e people who don't log on once a month or so.

3) A guild that don't have retards in it. I used to play wow and i quit after it became retards become commonplace.

4) I'm from europe so my time is GMT+0 so a guild that has raiding times that are GMT in the evening or morning would be great.

I have been a raid leader in wow previously and also loved to do pvp before achieving gladiator as a rogue and druid. I used to play dnd (neverwinter nights etc) so i like that theorycrafting aspect of dnd.

My goal is to raid with a nice community and hopefully enjoy the game even more than i am now.

Let me know which guild you get into. That is a lot of requirements.

06-11-2010, 06:56 PM
Hi my name is Xercen.

I'm relatively new here on khyber (only been playing for 3-4 weeks) and i was looking for a guild for my toons.

I have a lvl 12 barb and will make a sorc in the future and these classes will both be my mains (i.e time spent on both will be relatively equal)

What i'm looking for is this.

1) A strong guild that does endgame with good manners and good cameraderie. "Strong" being individuals who have had endgame experience or people who are intelligent enough to be capable at endgame once their toons hit lvl 20 cap.

2) An active guild. I.e people who don't log on once a month or so.

3) A guild that don't have retards in it. I used to play wow and i quit after it became retards become commonplace.

4) I'm from europe so my time is GMT+0 so a guild that has raiding times that are GMT in the evening or morning would be great.

5) I also like a guild that doesn't have people who smirk or get angry if some1 doesn't know everything about ddo. I've met some of these people before in wow and i personally think they r nerds who prolly got bullied irl and want to vent their frustrations out on people with the safety of being behind a computer. If your guild has people like that in it then count me out please. Thanks.

I have been a raid leader in wow previously and also loved to do pvp before achieving gladiator as a rogue and druid. I used to play dnd (neverwinter nights etc) so i like that theorycrafting aspect of dnd.

My goal is to raid with a nice community and hopefully enjoy the game even more than i am now.

Hi Welcome

06-11-2010, 07:08 PM
please let my know if you find a guild, I'm looking for one with preaty much the same requirements in mind

06-11-2010, 10:29 PM
please let my know if you find a guild, I'm looking for one with preaty much the same requirements in mind

Hola Bienvenido

06-12-2010, 08:05 AM
3) A guild that don't have retards in it. I used to play wow and i quit after it became retards become commonplace.

Not exactly the best way to leave a good impression. Comes off a bit condescending, doncha think?

06-12-2010, 08:32 AM
Not exactly the best way to leave a good impression. Comes off a bit condescending, doncha think?

Isn't this the Khyber forums?

Also, considering the extreme condesention towards anything WoW on these forums, I don't think it was that bad.

On topic: Come to Thelanis.

06-12-2010, 08:35 AM
Jiipster what guild are u in?

06-12-2010, 08:36 AM
I like the fact that you know what you want. It will save you and others grief but as you can see here the know it all crowd on kyhber expect a little bit of boot licking. They really don't know what to do with a mature experienced MMO player who can express themselves intelligently. I have no idea if you would be a good guildee or not seeing that I've never run with you but Good luck and I like your post.

06-12-2010, 09:54 AM
The problem is... any guild that meets your requirements... you're not good enough to get into, lol.

06-12-2010, 09:55 AM
Most of the larger guilds (MAC, Loreseeker are good examples) should be able to accomodate your play times, but I'm a bit put off by

3) A guild that don't have retards in it.

Far better would be: "I'm looking for a guild that has intelligent players in it." Your use of the term '******' is inflammatory.

I'd be surprised to learn that anyone suffering from mental retardation would find themselves really anxious to play a game as complicated as DDO, and I've yet to encounter anyone in any guild whose behavior would lead me to suspect that they were mentally ********.

06-12-2010, 10:15 AM
Why not make your own guild and recruit people with YOUR standards in mind. ;) That'd be easier, especially with all of your "requirements" for you joining a guild.

06-12-2010, 11:00 AM
The problem is... any guild that meets your requirements... you're not good enough to get into, lol.

exactly the kinda of person i'm hoping not to encounter (who makes such a comment). You have no idea how good or bad i am lol

Plus 3100+ posts? You must live in front of the computer making stupid comments such as this. Perhaps go outside once in a while? :)

06-12-2010, 11:05 AM
exactly the kinda of person i'm hoping not to encounter (who makes such a comment). You have no idea how good or bad i am lol

Plus 3100+ posts? You must live in front of the computer making stupid comments such as this. Perhaps go outside once in a while? :)

Oh, you'll fit in on Khyber just fine.... :p
(Actually.... with that attitude, have you considered giving Argo a try?)

06-12-2010, 11:06 AM
Most of the larger guilds (MAC, Loreseeker are good examples) should be able to accomodate your play times, but I'm a bit put off by

3) A guild that don't have retards in it.

Far better would be: "I'm looking for a guild that has intelligent players in it." Your use of the term '******' is inflammatory.
This PC **** is outta control. You know he didn't mean mentally ******** people, he meant idiotic players. He also said he's from Europe, which means English is likely not his first language.

Which means that somewhere along the lines he learned the idiomatic usage of "******", as opposed to it's literal usage. So if a person who doesn't primarily speak English knows enough about the language understand the usage of "******" this way, why can't you figure it out?

I'd be surprised to learn that anyone suffering from mental retardation would find themselves really anxious to play a game as complicated as DDO, and I've yet to encounter anyone in any guild whose behavior would lead me to suspect that they were mentally ********.
This is just awesome. First you berate this guy for using "******" as a pejorative, then you state that mentally ******** people can't/won't/don't play DDO because it's "complicated". I'm fairly certain that the OP's desire to avoid retards is LESS offensive than your inference that retards aren't capable of playing in the first place.

Your response surprises me, actually. I generally find your posts to be pretty intelligent, logical, and level headed. You're one of the (few) folks on the forum I tend to pay attention to. But this one is uncharacteristically...dumb, for lack of a better term.

I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt; perhaps the OP touched a nerve? I could understand the emotional intensity of your reaction if someone close to you is mentally/intellectually/developmentally disabled.

I should clarify that I'm not defending this guy, I'm just tired of the PC Police and their candy-*** social coddling.

06-12-2010, 11:17 AM
Xercen, I think you'd have more success explaining what you have to offer, as opposed to stating what you expect from a guild. Obviously a guild like you mention has had success without your 3-4 week old level 12 barb, so I would suggest things like your attitude, play times, dedication, personality etc. as strong points. But above all, I would suggest actually pugging with, regularly, people in guilds like you mention. If you show you have the chops, and the attitude, they will make a place for you. Good luck

06-12-2010, 11:18 AM
This PC **** is outta control. You know he didn't mean mentally ******** people, he meant idiotic players. He also said he's from Europe, which means English is likely not his first language.

Which means that somewhere along the lines he learned the idiomatic usage of "******", as opposed to it's literal usage. So if a person who doesn't primarily speak English knows enough about the language understand the usage of "******" this way, why can't you figure it out?

This is just awesome. First you berate this guy for using "******" as a pejorative, then you state that mentally ******** people can't/won't/don't play DDO because it's "complicated". I'm fairly certain that the OP's desire to avoid retards is LESS offensive than your inference that retards aren't capable of playing in the first place.

Your response surprises me, actually. I generally find your posts to be pretty intelligent, logical, and level headed. You're one of the (few) folks on the forum I tend to pay attention to. But this one is uncharacteristically...dumb, for lack of a better term.

I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt; perhaps the OP touched a nerve? I could understand the emotional intensity of your reaction if someone close to you is mentally/intellectually/developmentally disabled.

+1 for calling Mith out for acting ********. :D

Xercen, Boldrin is right. New players don't get into high-end guilds because they used to be in one in another game. They get into high-end guilds because they've acquired the skills and equipment to hold their own there. You've been around for 3-4 weeks, your highest level character is 12. You don't belong in a high-end guild yet.

That, and insulting one of the best-known and liked players on the server isn't a good way to fast-track your entry into one.

06-12-2010, 11:19 AM
exactly the kinda of person i'm hoping not to encounter (who makes such a comment). You have no idea how good or bad i am lol

Plus 3100+ posts? You must live in front of the computer making stupid comments such as this. Perhaps go outside once in a while? :)


06-12-2010, 11:30 AM
Holy ****...I'd like to say you owe me a new keyboard because mine is now covered in snotty coffee.

But really, it was totally worth it. +1 to you.

06-12-2010, 11:51 AM
You don't look for strong end-game guilds, strong end-game guilds look for you.

You need to hit end-game and join a lot of pug raids for an extended period. Your goal is to develop name recognition, and a reputation that you are better than a random pugger. If you are not better/more desirable than a random pugger to have in raids, then a strong end-game guild has no reason to take you.

06-12-2010, 12:01 PM
exactly the kinda of person i'm hoping not to encounter (who makes such a comment). You have no idea how good or bad i am lol

Plus 3100+ posts? You must live in front of the computer making stupid comments such as this. Perhaps go outside once in a while? :)

That poster is in two guilds, both of which are the type of guild you aspire to.

06-12-2010, 12:08 PM
Great read, im laughing like crazy, Phalaeo, Lithic, Loki +1

On Topic, I debated making a post like this, mostly because of the new guild thing and not wanting to be left behind. That being said i desided agenst it. OP, the best guild is the one you find by default, the one that you just happen to group with alot anyway because there your friends.

I really hope you find a good crew, and as said before you may want to list a few of your abilities. A good raid guild wants to eat your cleric, enjoy.

06-12-2010, 12:24 PM
You do not have a level 17 character much less a level 20 and you are talking about the end game? You seem sort of rude as well.. Why would a 'top end game' guild want you?

06-12-2010, 12:58 PM
You do not have a level 17 character much less a level 20 and you are talking about the end game? You seem sort of rude as well.. Why would a 'top end game' guild want you?

Because i'm a person who is confident irl and in game of his abilities and definately a team player. A person who has proven in many previous games that he is a great team player.

I may have a low level character but i know the mechanics of the game. It's still dnd and i've played a lot of dnd games previously. I know i am an asset to any guild and also i'm not a rude person. I just defend myself when confronted with inane comments and i know what i want from life. If confidence bothers you then you better stick to other threads :)

06-12-2010, 01:23 PM
Most of the larger guilds (MAC, Loreseeker are good examples) should be able to accomodate your play times, but I'm a bit put off by

3) A guild that don't have retards in it.

Far better would be: "I'm looking for a guild that has intelligent players in it." Your use of the term '******' is inflammatory.

I'd be surprised to learn that anyone suffering from mental retardation would find themselves really anxious to play a game as complicated as DDO, and I've yet to encounter anyone in any guild whose behavior would lead me to suspect that they were mentally ********.

Actually, I doubt that he's welcome in MAC. We have some people with mental handicaps, and we are all very supportive of everyone who is part of the guild. It's part of that "Mature" thing that I'm not sure the OP understands.

06-12-2010, 01:39 PM
Found a top guild. Thanks for your positive replies :) Thread closed !

06-13-2010, 06:54 AM
Found a top guild. Thanks for your positive replies :) Thread closed !

For some reason.... I doubt it, lol.

06-13-2010, 09:40 AM
For some reason.... I doubt it, lol.

Maybe he doesn't mean top guild as in UBER guild, maybe he means he got into a guild for tops:


06-13-2010, 10:40 AM
Maybe he doesn't mean top guild as in UBER guild, maybe he means he got into a guild for tops:


+1 cuz it's true.. No way a true top guild would take him, lol. I think the OP needs to realize people earn their in game reps here based on playing ability. You can be the most wonderful team player and have ZERO skill. The only way to get into a truly top end guild is to run top end content and be noticed. Matt and a few others hit the nail on the head with that.

06-13-2010, 10:53 AM
Found a top guild. Thanks for your positive replies :) Thread closed !

What top guild would that be?

Really we want to know.....should keep this thread rolling right along. I promise not to laugh (much).
Stay anonymous OP. It is your only hope at this point.

06-13-2010, 11:03 AM
What's your barbs name, I want to run with you and see how great of a team player you are :)

06-13-2010, 11:16 AM
What top guild would that be?

Really we want to know.....should keep this thread rolling right along. I promise not to laugh (much).
Stay anonymous OP. It is your only hope at this point.

It might be that it's a Thelanis top guild as this is an x-post :)

06-13-2010, 11:23 AM
A person who has proven in many previous games that he is a great team player.
Proven...to who?

06-13-2010, 12:18 PM
It might be that it's a Thelanis top guild as this is an x-post :)

I saw his Thelanis post, and if a top guild there takes him when he hasn't ever played or even rolled his sorc yet... that's on them, lol.

06-13-2010, 01:10 PM
Because i'm a person who is confident irl and in game of his abilities and definately a team player. A person who has proven in many previous games that he is a great team player.

I may have a low level character but i know the mechanics of the game. It's still dnd and i've played a lot of dnd games previously. I know i am an asset to any guild and also i'm not a rude person. I just defend myself when confronted with inane comments and i know what i want from life. If confidence bothers you then you better stick to other threads :)

Boy, are you in for a rude awakening...

06-13-2010, 03:02 PM
Found a top guild. Thanks for your positive replies :) Thread closed !

screenshot or it didnt happen

06-14-2010, 08:30 AM
exactly the kinda of person i'm hoping not to encounter (who makes such a comment). You have no idea how good or bad i am lol

Plus 3100+ posts? You must live in front of the computer making stupid comments such as this. Perhaps go outside once in a while? :)

Take your level 12 barb and go back Gianthold before asking about guilds, on any server, including your new post on Thelanis.

Whatever your sorc's name becomes, make sure I post it, to avoid you.

PS. Your few post count means that you 1) have a life, 2) get babes, 3) awesome in the "RL" (whatever that means).

06-14-2010, 08:50 AM
This thread is very entertaining. The OP doesn't seem to appreciate there is an endless stream of raids all day every day, with raiders of all different skill levels, and to stand out from the crowd takes more than heritage.

My suggestion to the OP:
- level up
- get flagged for the low level raids of DQ and Reaver. Do some of them when the low level range version is up
- get flagged for Vale. Run Shroud and Hound when you can and VOD. You need weapons to break DR before you're contributing properly
- once you have some gear and experience, look for a guild that is running 'end game content'. I think that means TOD/Von6/EpicDQ amongst guild members efficiently and frequently. Everything else can be pugged at will

06-14-2010, 08:52 AM
i can't quite believe the vitriol that your OP has generated. it's a little over the top.

for myself my initial response to your OP is a raised eyebrow and a thought of 'confident chap'. but i know that people don't always come across as they mean to in a textural environment and that meeting someone 'in person' they will always be a little different from what was expected.

that said, if you are a good player with a good attitude, and even better are funny/witty/entertaining, good guilds will come to you just simply by the people you play with.

as you have stated you have already found a guild so any further points on this are moot.

enjoy thelanis.

06-14-2010, 03:22 PM
Any updates to which guild it is if it's on Khyber?

And to the OP - in case you're reading this - lotta good advice here. Top end guilds find you, not the other way around.

06-14-2010, 03:36 PM
Most of the larger guilds (MAC, Loreseeker are good examples) should be able to accomodate your play times, but I'm a bit put off by

3) A guild that don't have retards in it.

this requirement eliminates Loreseekers as a canditate you should know that Mith.

06-14-2010, 03:55 PM
The OP cannot be serious obviously.

06-14-2010, 03:56 PM
$10 says he got into Smokey's guild

06-14-2010, 08:12 PM
I don't care what guild he got into, as long as it's not any that i'm in. Yikes. With this kind of attitude at level 12, I'm nervous what the demands would look like with a lvl 20 toon and some raid loot...

06-14-2010, 10:38 PM
This PC **** is outta control. You know he didn't mean mentally ******** people, he meant idiotic players. He also said he's from Europe, which means English is likely not his first language.

Especially all the players from England. :rolleyes:

He should use the word idiot - which implies acting that way or not educated - instead of ****** which means people who are born that way.

Hi my name is Xercen.

3) A guild that don't have retards in it. I used to play wow and i quit after it became retards become commonplace.

5) I also like a guild that doesn't have people who smirk or get angry if some1 doesn't know everything about ddo. I've met some of these people before in wow and i personally think they r nerds who prolly got bullied irl and want to vent their frustrations out on people with the safety of being behind a computer. If your guild has people like that in it then count me out please. Thanks.

If he meant idiot, then 3 and 5 seem to go against each other: I won't tolerate others, but please tolerate me.


Hi Welcome

06-19-2010, 10:40 AM
Despite Strakeln's enthusiasm for anyone willing to take me to task, I'll take the opportunity to explain myself. . .

This is just awesome. First you berate this guy for using "******" as a pejorative, then you state that mentally ******** people can't/won't/don't play DDO because it's "complicated". I'm fairly certain that the OP's desire to avoid retards is LESS offensive than your inference that retards aren't capable of playing in the first place.

I didn't say that someone who is ******** can't play the game, so you're being offended by your inference; not by my statement.
Which means that somewhere along the lines he learned the idiomatic usage of "******", as opposed to it's literal usage. So if a person who doesn't primarily speak English knows enough about the language understand the usage of "******" this way, why can't you figure it out?

The use of the term '******' is far more common in American usage than by those who use English as a second language. I have figured it out and nevertheless find it both careless and offensive.

06-19-2010, 10:45 AM
this requirement eliminates Loreseekers as a canditate you should know that Mith.

I was thinking of Loreseekers and MAC specifically as examples of large guilds.

06-19-2010, 04:16 PM
exactly the kinda of person i'm hoping not to encounter (who makes such a comment). You have no idea how good or bad i am lol

Plus 3100+ posts? You must live in front of the computer making stupid comments such as this. Perhaps go outside once in a while? :)

Hi Welcome.

06-19-2010, 04:22 PM
I was thinking of Loreseekers and MAC specifically as examples of large guilds.

There are idiotic players where ever you go doesn't mean they are bad but hey lava diving is fun sometimes. :)

06-19-2010, 04:29 PM

That' so funny I almost cried

06-19-2010, 04:32 PM
Hi Welcome.


06-19-2010, 06:03 PM
Especially all the players from England. :rolleyes:

He should use the word idiot - which implies acting that way or not educated - instead of ****** which means people who are born that way.

So... idiot was the official medical term, until it became offensive. Then it switched to ********, and has since moved to mentally handicapped, which is becoming offensive. We'll need a new term soon.

06-19-2010, 06:07 PM
So... idiot was the official medical term, until it became offensive. Then it switched to ********, and has since moved to mentally handicapped, which is becoming offensive. We'll need a new term soon.

Synaptically Challenged?

06-19-2010, 10:41 PM
Synaptically Challenged?

I vote for this. +1

06-21-2010, 04:05 PM
Synaptically Challenged?

Dude! I'm gonna start using this in real life!!! lol

06-21-2010, 04:09 PM
Most of the larger guilds (MAC, Loreseeker are good examples) should be able to accomodate your play times, but I'm a bit put off by

3) A guild that don't have retards in it.

Far better would be: "I'm looking for a guild that has intelligent players in it." Your use of the term '******' is inflammatory.

I'd be surprised to learn that anyone suffering from mental retardation would find themselves really anxious to play a game as complicated as DDO, and I've yet to encounter anyone in any guild whose behavior would lead me to suspect that they were mentally ********.

You haven't played with the OP yet huh Mith?

06-21-2010, 04:15 PM
+1 for calling Mith out for acting ********. :D

Xercen, Boldrin is right. New players don't get into high-end guilds because they used to be in one in another game. They get into high-end guilds because they've acquired the skills and equipment to hold their own there. You've been around for 3-4 weeks, your highest level character is 12. You don't belong in a high-end guild yet.

That, and insulting one of the best-known and liked players on the server isn't a good way to fast-track your entry into one.

Seriously Strakeln? Where is the drama in that one. "... insulting one of the best-known and liked players ..."

you once called me "ass kissing" or "butt sniffng", blah, blah, concerning Mith, so ... back at you bro ... let the drama being!

06-21-2010, 04:18 PM
For some reason.... I doubt it, lol.

God (I mean Gorn) I love Khyber ...

06-21-2010, 04:21 PM
Because i'm a person who is confident irl and in game of his abilities and definately a team player. A person who has proven in many previous games that he is a great team player.

I may have a low level character but i know the mechanics of the game. It's still dnd and i've played a lot of dnd games previously. I know i am an asset to any guild and also i'm not a rude person. I just defend myself when confronted with inane comments and i know what i want from life. If confidence bothers you then you better stick to other threads :)

Correction in red

He's a Khyber Natural ... Boldrin or Strak should be able to find him a guild in no time ...