View Full Version : Guess I'm out, too.
06-09-2010, 02:10 PM
Been on game since one month after start, but haven't been a big forum contributer like many other vets. Not leaving because of M5, per say. Think I'm leaving more on a overall conceptual basis. After reading many many threads of other vets leaving, I starting reflecting on my 4+years on this game. I came from CoH/CoV, which I really liked, but this game really captured my attention and I have enjoyed the time here. However, the changes have just accumulated to the point that I don't know how we got here. I don't have any fixes for the problems here, but I agree with Lorien the first and many other vets that have said about the same things. In a nutshell, I don't like the constant "changes" to create balance that have almost always done the opposite. Then, when they realize the monster they created, they make another game breaker to fix it. It just seems to go on and on. Really, how did we get to boss' with a million hps and mobs with blanket immunities? how did we get to the point that a naked TWF can have more AC than a S&B encased within steel? How did we go from new content on a relatively constant basis- to 6 month to 1 year waits with crappy results when they finally do come? Why the epic grind of epics or crafting materials? Why the countless named items that are worthless compared to the ones randomely pulled from chests? and now why the constant additions masked as improving the game that are only a cheap ploy to get that extra nickel from us?
I may come back sometime, I may not. I will just have to see how much I miss it. To all those D&D'ers out there, keep on keeping on!
06-09-2010, 03:07 PM
GL in your travels. . .I concur with much of what you and Lorien have posted, at this point it is my friends that keep me playing more than the game itself. . .but as long as there are new quests coming out, I shall be here,
06-09-2010, 03:22 PM
Good luck in future games. Word of suggestion. Even if you want to give items and plat away, leave enough cash and equipment on your characters to restart if you decide to come back.
06-09-2010, 03:23 PM
I agree... but you'll be back in less than a month
06-09-2010, 03:26 PM
cheers mate. I wish you the best in all your endeavors.
06-09-2010, 04:28 PM
Just take the summer off and see what happens from there. Definately don't give away Everything. Have fun and stay safe in your travels. Hope to see you back.
06-09-2010, 05:12 PM
how did we get to the point that a naked TWF can have more AC than a S&B encased within steel?
This is one of the best questions I've seen in a while. Rather than adjusting DPS every patch maybe it's time to look at AC.
The AC thing has always been the case at least for a while now. There are four large factors involved here. DDO made their bed early on this issue.
1. Bracers granting more AC than armor. For a long time, you could get +8 on bracers but only +5 on armor. Yeah I know epic armor can surpass bracers, but someone shouldnt have to farm epic armor in order to surpass schlub ghetto chest loot bracers.
2. Being able to obtain a shield bonus without having a shield equipped, and not being a caster.
3. Monk multiclass wis to AC, for a 1 level splash.
4. All the dodge bonus that anyone can get.
This irritates me as well. Add that to the fact that AC is next to useless in most cases, even when heavily invested in.
06-12-2010, 12:54 AM
The AC thing has always been the case at least for a while now. There are four large factors involved here. DDO made their bed early on this issue.
1. Bracers granting more AC than armor. For a long time, you could get +8 on bracers but only +5 on armor. Yeah I know epic armor can surpass bracers, but someone shouldnt have to farm epic armor in order to surpass schlub ghetto chest loot bracers.
2. Being able to obtain a shield bonus without having a shield equipped, and not being a caster.
3. Monk multiclass wis to AC, for a 1 level splash.
4. All the dodge bonus that anyone can get.
This irritates me as well. Add that to the fact that AC is next to useless in most cases, even when heavily invested in.
1- Bracers do not stack with the base armor bonus either. So a +5 full plate counts as +13 (+15 if dragontouched) whereas bracers count as +8 since they have no base armor value.
2- is a tough one to fix, but limiting all shield clickies to max 1 minute duration will help a lot.
3- monks are only supposed to get the wisdom bonus to ac while centered. This is also supposed to include using monk weapons (kamas, shurikens, staff, or handwraps)
4- is actually working as intended. Dodge bonuses do stack in standard d&d rules.
06-12-2010, 12:42 PM
I agree... but you'll be back in less than a month
I thought that once, but yet today is the first time in 7 months that I have even looked at the forums much less logged in and played the game. I tried to log in, but every time it gets done I find myself suddenly bored and wanting to play BF:BC2. After 4 years of DDO I am realizing that there is just nothing left to do in DDO.
06-12-2010, 12:54 PM
Each game has its problems and they may never reach a perfect state. In fact I hope that it never becomes perfect because that would mean that a lot of players would become twins (ie. Have exactly the same stats, build, equipment). The 'nerfs' allow me constantly find ways of changing my builds, play style, and constantly think of ways to overcome it. I sympathise with all the players out there who feels that the updates have severely reduced their toon's effectiveness. I really do. But what this is, is an oppotunity for us to adapt. Granted, some people are unable to change their builds, etc but all that means is you have to find a way to play effectively with the new changes.
So, dear vets, please don't leave the game, you have shaped the game to what it is today (Without player feedback, the game wouldn't evolve). Change you playstyle, find ways to overcome this latest 'nerf' because when you leave the game, you're doing what the 'Evil Dev's' (Just a phrase...) want. They will get a new playerbase with new money who have no idea that 'nerfs' have ever occured.
06-12-2010, 01:02 PM
3- monks are only supposed to get the wisdom bonus to ac while centered. This is also supposed to include using monk weapons (kamas, shurikens, staff, or handwraps)
4- is actually working as intended. Dodge bonuses do stack in standard d&d rules.
3 - False. Anybody with one level of monk gets their wisdom bonus to AC when not wearing armor or a shield. This follows the PnP rules to the letter. "Centered" is the DDO mechanic for Flurry of Blows, where weapons are the only thing that matters.
4. Items do not grant permanent dodge bonuses in PnP. AFAIK, there is no "dodge" AC item in any book in all of 3.5.
06-24-2010, 01:41 PM
4. Items do not grant permanent dodge bonuses in PnP. AFAIK, there is no "dodge" AC item in any book in all of 3.5.
By design, to avoid this problem. It also doesn't help that in PnP a high stat is low to mid 20s, but in this game you get your DEX up to 40 and it can give you +15 to AC, which is limited by armor but not by bracers and the like.
06-24-2010, 01:44 PM
This is one of the best questions I've seen in a while. Rather than adjusting DPS every patch maybe it's time to look at AC.
Careful... They'll try to "fix" that too.
06-24-2010, 01:50 PM
Been on game since one month after start, but haven't been a big forum contributer like many other vets. Not leaving because of M5, per say. Think I'm leaving more on a overall conceptual basis. After reading many many threads of other vets leaving, I starting reflecting on my 4+years on this game. I came from CoH/CoV, which I really liked, but this game really captured my attention and I have enjoyed the time here. However, the changes have just accumulated to the point that I don't know how we got here. I don't have any fixes for the problems here, but I agree with Lorien the first and many other vets that have said about the same things. In a nutshell, I don't like the constant "changes" to create balance that have almost always done the opposite. Then, when they realize the monster they created, they make another game breaker to fix it. It just seems to go on and on. Really, how did we get to boss' with a million hps and mobs with blanket immunities? how did we get to the point that a naked TWF can have more AC than a S&B encased within steel? How did we go from new content on a relatively constant basis- to 6 month to 1 year waits with crappy results when they finally do come? Why the epic grind of epics or crafting materials? Why the countless named items that are worthless compared to the ones randomely pulled from chests? and now why the constant additions masked as improving the game that are only a cheap ploy to get that extra nickel from us?
I may come back sometime, I may not. I will just have to see how much I miss it. To all those D&D'ers out there, keep on keeping on!
I haven't been on DDO as long as you, but I have personally kept my CoH account active. I understand burn out, I was actually gone from there for about a year. Now if I want a little change of pace I can go play on there for a bit.
06-24-2010, 01:50 PM
We hate to lose another soldier from headstart.
Keep your sword, you may need it again!
07-02-2010, 01:14 AM
My wife and I just returned from a 7 month hiatus, so my advice is always keep your stuff. We did but since all the people in our guild moved on in Argo decided to try a fresh start on Sarlona, and while it sucks to have crappy gear and no money its refreshing to meet new people. So far its been a good experiance.
07-02-2010, 01:33 AM
I say don't keep your stuff. I left the European servers unintentionally - an intended short break turned into a long one - but starting again over here made the game exciting for the first time since about six months after launch. The break meant I wasn't bored to death with content, plus new content had appeared, plus opening chests meaning something again... it's good!
Give it all away, delete everyone and start fresh in a year! ;)
03-02-2011, 01:34 PM
I agree... but you'll be back in less than a month
well, I made it 8 months before I started playing the F2P again. I will say, there have been many changes since I left. Some seem good.....others seem like more endless grinding. However, whatever they did must have worked since I just went back to VIP. I hope it lasts this time. Although I have returned, I don't have the same addiction to play like I did before. It is nothing for me to play a couple quests then log for the day. In the past, I put in probably 5 hours a day at bare min and sometimes went on 12+ hour benders. I have no desire to return to that time, but a couple hours a day wouldn't hurt me :)
03-02-2011, 01:37 PM
Welcome back. :)
03-04-2011, 08:30 PM
well, I made it 8 months before I started playing the F2P again. I will say, there have been many changes since I left. Some seem good.....others seem like more endless grinding. However, whatever they did must have worked since I just went back to VIP. I hope it lasts this time. Although I have returned, I don't have the same addiction to play like I did before. It is nothing for me to play a couple quests then log for the day. In the past, I put in probably 5 hours a day at bare min and sometimes went on 12+ hour benders. I have no desire to return to that time, but a couple hours a day wouldn't hurt me :)
For the past week that's about what I've been doing, just a couple hours a day tops, then logging off for the night. I've been busy outside of the game lately - In fact, I just did a couple raids and I'm satisfied now, heh. I was just checking the forums before I get busy doing other things and found this thread. Welcome back to the game - If you'd like someone to run with, feel free to hit me up.
03-04-2011, 09:19 PM
I miss the old DDO. It was more.... raw back in the day. I do miss it. But it's still a fun game, though not what it used to be.
Regarding AC, I never played D&D and I never really understood the AC concept in regards to heavy armor. How is someone that is wearing 100 lbs of plate armor and carrying a shield harder to hit than a nimble little kung fu monkey dodging blows in a robe.
It makes sense that heavy armor would offer better DR, but not AC. If anything hvy armor should lower AC and raise DR. If I was all decked out in heavy armor and a shield I wouldnt be dodging blows, I certainly wouldnt be hard to hit, but yes, it would makes sense that I would take less damage, there would certainly be damage reduction (DR). Just makes no sense that a heavily armored combatant would be harder to hit.
DR should become relevent and I think that would make S&B and hvy armor comparable and competative with AC.
03-06-2011, 08:24 AM
I miss the old DDO. It was more.... raw back in the day. I do miss it. But it's still a fun game, though not what it used to be.
Regarding AC, I never played D&D and I never really understood the AC concept in regards to heavy armor. How is someone that is wearing 100 lbs of plate armor and carrying a shield harder to hit than a nimble little kung fu monkey dodging blows in a robe.
It makes sense that heavy armor would offer better DR, but not AC. If anything hvy armor should lower AC and raise DR. If I was all decked out in heavy armor and a shield I wouldnt be dodging blows, I certainly wouldnt be hard to hit, but yes, it would makes sense that I would take less damage, there would certainly be damage reduction (DR). Just makes no sense that a heavily armored combatant would be harder to hit.
DR should become relevent and I think that would make S&B and hvy armor comparable and competative with AC.
Doesn't account for the raw deflection that heavy armor & a shield provides. This has always been the base reasoning why heavy armor is good AC. Palladium uses a similar system to what you refer too above.
03-06-2011, 08:41 AM
DR should become relevent and I think that would make S&B and hvy armor comparable and competative with AC.
Doesn't account for the raw deflection that heavy armor & a shield provides. This has always been the base reasoning why heavy armor is good AC. Palladium uses a similar system to what you refer too above.
A PnP DM I played under many years ago had devised a homerule-system that combined AC and DR that worked pretty well.
Never did get a copy of his system, tho. :(
Could see medium/heavy armor types picking up some inherent DR, stackable with a shield. Ones with DR enchantments would then just add bonus DR onto those items.
Hmmm. How did an old necroed 'Bye thread turn into a debate on DR? :confused:
03-06-2011, 08:48 AM
I want more updates to ddo. mohoauauwhu.
Been here a long time myself and these last two events and the gear they provide not to mention the plat from the last event have put a real damper on my desire to play almost wish I hadnt reuppped my sub for another 6 months gonna try to reignite my desire to play but not sure how.
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