View Full Version : 5 Hound normal difficulty raids -> 5 wipes! /facepalm

06-08-2010, 02:07 PM
5 Hound of Xoriat normal difficulty raids with PUGs -> 5 wipes. /facepalm This raid is not remotely difficult. Steps to win:

1. Collect stones.
2. Charm doggies.
3. Buff doggies with Rage/GH/Bull/Bear/Haste.
4. Heal doggies.
5. Recharm doggies.
6. Collect loot.

06-08-2010, 02:14 PM
Step 5 optional on normal

06-08-2010, 02:23 PM
Step 5 optional on normal
You'd think.

Buffs, also: Prayer (+1 dmg) and Recitation (+2 hit). When extended should last as long as the charm.

06-08-2010, 02:24 PM
Doggies are immune to rage & GH

I'm assuming these are pugs where no is trying to lead at all, take control if you want people to do stuff! Or drop group if it's 5 wipes in a row & you ain't having fun, eek :)

06-08-2010, 02:29 PM
Doggies are immune to rage & GH

I'm assuming these are pugs where no is trying to lead at all, take control if you want people to do stuff! Or drop group if it's 5 wipes in a row & you ain't having fun, eek :)
Not so sure about those immunities. I'd test on my sorcerer, but I doubt I'll bother with that raid as a sorc again.

The wipes were spread out over three different groups within the past week. I wouldn't ever stay for 5 wipes in a row in a pug raid. You can give people all the instructions you want, but when they don't perform, you can't play their character for them.

06-08-2010, 08:48 PM
I've found that they break charm more quickly when they get GH. Of course, since GH boosts saves this should be expected. Without GH, I very rarely see the dogs break charm before Xizzy is ready for a beating.


06-09-2010, 12:24 PM
I've found that they break charm more quickly when they get GH. Of course, since GH boosts saves this should be expected. Without GH, I very rarely see the dogs break charm before Xizzy is ready for a beating.
Adjusting their saves has no effect on the length of the charm. It's a fixed duration.

06-09-2010, 12:39 PM
Had the funniest Hound run yesterday, figured I'd share here even if it was a painless completion.

Before zoning in, a barbarian in the group starts buffing. Ends up he's a 10 Barb 9 wizard warforged... Mmmm ok...

He wastes 50-75% of what little mana he has before we zone in, once we do, he steps forward and summons an earth elemental. Luckily he was JUST far enough, I hit myself up with a few more buffs and ran in grabbing aggro. 2 seconds later Mr. Barbarian rushes to the center and dumps the rest of his mana on the big dog firing MAGIC MISSILE. He runs out of juice and realizes his casting is not helping so he tries it barbarian style, whips out a greensteel greataxe BLANK and swings away at her. Meanwhile the momma dog clearly doesn't give a **** but one of her pups gets hit and suddenly it is warforged mega flizard vs puppy... The later quickly becoming victorious leaving our brave friend dead for the rest of the raid.

But wait, there's more! After we're done it takes our friend a while to realize that none of us want to Rez him and that there's a shrine he can use. After resting to get his mana back he walks to
the chest, casts a ddoor and takes it... Only to then run back to the chests and stand around while everyone is laughing waiting for him to loot

Funniest run I have ever seen!

06-11-2010, 01:11 AM
Haha, I have to group with that guy sometime.
I'd have raised him to see what he does next :D

06-16-2010, 03:20 PM
Found this interesting post on what to buff and what NOT to buff the pups with:


Interesting to note that Solid Fog actually affects the pups as well despite being allies. So no more Solid Fogs in Hound Raids please.

06-17-2010, 01:54 PM
Interesting to note that Solid Fog actually affects the pups as well despite being allies. So no more Solid Fogs in Hound Raids please.
They're affected by it before the charm and thus retain the debuff after the charm. Charming doesn't clear debuffs.

06-20-2010, 02:25 PM
Had the funniest Hound run yesterday, figured I'd share here even if it was a painless completion.

Before zoning in, a barbarian in the group starts buffing. Ends up he's a 10 Barb 9 wizard warforged... Mmmm ok...

He wastes 50-75% of what little mana he has before we zone in, once we do, he steps forward and summons an earth elemental. Luckily he was JUST far enough, I hit myself up with a few more buffs and ran in grabbing aggro. 2 seconds later Mr. Barbarian rushes to the center and dumps the rest of his mana on the big dog firing MAGIC MISSILE. He runs out of juice and realizes his casting is not helping so he tries it barbarian style, whips out a greensteel greataxe BLANK and swings away at her. Meanwhile the momma dog clearly doesn't give a **** but one of her pups gets hit and suddenly it is warforged mega flizard vs puppy... The later quickly becoming victorious leaving our brave friend dead for the rest of the raid.

But wait, there's more! After we're done it takes our friend a while to realize that none of us want to Rez him and that there's a shrine he can use. After resting to get his mana back he walks to
the chest, casts a ddoor and takes it... Only to then run back to the chests and stand around while everyone is laughing waiting for him to loot

Funniest run I have ever seen!

My ddoor was maximized, extended, and hightened...thats how bad ass I am.

06-21-2010, 08:40 AM
Seems likes loads of fun, gj on pulling through.

06-21-2010, 11:30 AM
Found this interesting post on what to buff and what NOT to buff the pups with:


Interesting to note that Solid Fog actually affects the pups as well despite being allies. So no more Solid Fogs in Hound Raids please.

Solid Fog is one of the fastest and easiest ways for a tank to hold the aggro of the mom while everyone is running around getting the stones to charm the pups. You only need it once or twice, unless someone else pulls aggro away form the tank, in which case he'll need to drop it again.

By that point though the debuff should be gone.

06-21-2010, 06:10 PM
You're not the only one who gets frustrated on that raid.
