View Full Version : Bring Back a couple of items

06-08-2010, 01:29 PM
I would like to see some of these possible brought back to the game.

1. Trainers by levels, make the players learn where everything is by finding their trainers. Korthos and Harbor levels 1-3, Market Levels 4-6, various by classes for levels 7-14, and then various locations for levels 15-20.

2. Experience points penalties for dying.

3. Training area by classes to explain class functions and abilities.

06-08-2010, 01:32 PM
Good idea.

I am new enough to the game that I never had to deal with any of the above but I like the ideas.

06-08-2010, 01:40 PM
1) Thanks but no. I don't enjoy running, that's something I like about DDO not having to go thru 10 minutes of running, and that include many trainers.

2) Certainly not, this was removed for a reason, and I certainly don't want to see it back... Many a quest that already are seldom run would never be run with that option.

3) Oh, yeah good Idea... And what do you do with someone who multiclass ? He then can do the other class trainning area or is he stuck without information cause the cleric don't need to learn how to pick locks ?

06-08-2010, 01:41 PM
Good idea.

I am new enough to the game that I never had to deal with any of the above but I like the ideas.

Would you still like the idea if by lvl 12 you would literally lose MORE exp by dying ONCE than by completing the quest you died in? Because thats how it use to be.

If scaled up to current cap, that system would have given us 30-60k exp debt PER DEATH at lvl 19.