View Full Version : Head Shots!

06-04-2010, 11:50 AM
When targeting an object with the reticle over it (the red reticle appears), you can perform an untargeted attack. This allows players to fire at specific parts of a target. Example: Using this targeting method you could shoot at the head of a kobold whose body is hidden behind a crate. Head shot!

Since you are now allow us to target specific spots on the body could you allow different effects based on that? Head shot = percent chance of double damage or blindness ...... Leg shot = percent chance of crippling. Also you could tie this in with deepwood sniper where each tier give a greater chance of the proc. I dont see this as being over powered as i am guessing this work like when you have to shoot different switches and levers in the game.

06-04-2010, 12:02 PM
Such chances of special effects are already represented as critical hits and are controlled by the dice.


06-04-2010, 12:02 PM
Hmmmm...this already has some benefits. But is seldom used.

Actually we could do this before. But it was degraded with the DDO/EU combat/targetting changes.

Hopefully it is fixed now.

But I find it hard to believe that it was fixed to restore an advantage to us. More likely it was tied to people having difficulty shooting levers and was fixed as a biproduct of that fix.

But if done on purpose....thx and sry for doubting your good will. :)

(wonder if it has any impact on the reliability of dog training ;) )

06-04-2010, 07:07 PM
I had notice that targeting with a bow was more difficult. Use to be i could right click a target and then fire. the relationship of my rectical to the target didn't make much differance. Now if i rightclick target and fire without my rectical being very close to the targeted enemy, it's a miss. That is; unless i use the round target box by putting my cursor in the round box and left clicking on the image to fire my bow . (the round box in the lower righthand corner that has the picture of what's targeted.)

06-04-2010, 07:30 PM
I believe what the first part is saying is something you could always do. You could always shoot a visible part of a monster and score damage with ranged.

However, if you have a monster selected it always shoots at a mid-point, which means if that point is obstructed you won't hit.

It never checks to see where you hit, just that you hit the creature's physics somewhere.

06-04-2010, 08:17 PM
When targeting an object with the reticle over it (the red reticle appears), you can perform an untargeted attack. This allows players to fire at specific parts of a target. Example: Using this targeting method you could shoot at the head of a kobold whose body is hidden behind a crate. Head shot!

Since you are now allow us to target specific spots on the body could you allow different effects based on that? Head shot = percent chance of double damage or blindness ...... Leg shot = percent chance of crippling. Also you could tie this in with deepwood sniper where each tier give a greater chance of the proc. I dont see this as being over powered as i am guessing this work like when you have to shoot different switches and levers in the game.

That would be awesome! Just to make it easy on the Dev's I would only code the headshot part, and make head shots hit for double.