View Full Version : The Shadow Crypt

06-03-2010, 06:04 PM
I've done the 4 shadow quests on Hard, but the Shadow Crypt quest is not available. Any idea why that should be?

06-03-2010, 06:07 PM
get the rewards for the 4 quests
DO NOT get the quests again
after getting the 4 end rewards, talk to um... i forget her name now

but she won't give you the quest if you haven't gotten your rewards and/or re-picked up the quests again

06-03-2010, 06:09 PM
Yeah there should be a new quest giver on your map now, near the left tents I think. Talk to that person to get the quest, once you've turned in all flagging quests.

06-03-2010, 06:20 PM
get the rewards for the 4 quests
DO NOT get the quests again
after getting the 4 end rewards, talk to um... i forget her name now

but she won't give you the quest if you haven't gotten your rewards and/or re-picked up the quests again


Many people even vets mess it up, touchy quest chain.

06-03-2010, 06:25 PM
Many people even vets mess it up, touchy quest chain.

yes I, *caugh* we do :(

I reset my shadow crypt AND cursed crypt the other day.
wasn't thinking about what i was doing..

oh well

06-04-2010, 02:30 AM
ok, can you tell me what the 4 end rewards are? and I did pick up the quests again but have abandonned them.
Might be easier if I just do them again, but does it then matter what level I do them at?

06-04-2010, 02:43 AM
No you can flag on casual, it doesn't mater. Getting completions are the hard parts.

06-04-2010, 10:27 AM
ok, can you tell me what the 4 end rewards are? and I did pick up the quests again but have abandonned them.
Might be easier if I just do them again, but does it then matter what level I do them at?

Doesnt matter if you abandoned them, you need them shown complete in your quest log to get the shadow crypt quest, which is why if you pick them ( or 1 of them ) back up you cant get the crypt quest, its quite lame.

Ran into a similar situation with Von right after they made the change to not needing to reflag for it, ran VOn 6, then was farming one of the other parts for xp, time came to re run Von6 i couldnt, because i had pt4 or something not showing completed, finished it up and all was good.

Hope it helped.

06-04-2010, 05:14 PM
Thanks everyone, ran the quests again without picking up a repeat, and lo & behold, the Shadow Crypt came up.
How on earth are we supposed to know these things??
Anyway, thanks for all the help