View Full Version : Why don't clerics carry healing wands?
06-03-2010, 01:47 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
06-03-2010, 01:49 PM
why dont you buy pots?
pots cost money, wands cost money, its equal
or what about buying a wand for your cleric?
clerics arent there to blow their money on melees which dont even try to take care of themself
06-03-2010, 01:50 PM
We do but when in a pug with players that have no clue how to mitigate damage and just yell hjeal me, we tend to keep the wands in our pockets. :rolleyes:
06-03-2010, 01:50 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Why can't you carry wands and pots?
Everyone who can should carry wands. Everyone who can't should carry pots.
If your cleric ran out of juice, could be he was a bad cleric, most likely it was a bad party. If you aren't helping top yourself up, buy your cleric a wand.
And because you are talking wands, I'll assume you are a low level new player. Could be the other person is as well and can't afford unlimited consumables.
Why do you take that much damage that cleric runs out of mana?
06-03-2010, 02:15 PM
I have made it a practice to always carry pots or wands(the toons that can use em) to save the clerics sp for the big fights when its important that they dont run out. I was naive to think when I first started playing that all clerics love to blow all their mana on squishy toons in their party. I decided I would build a cleric, how hard can it be to stand in the back of a party and just heal - its a pain, my heart goes out to all healers, they have my deepest respect and admiration. I stopped playing my cleric @ lvl 10 I couldnt take it any more.
To all healers on all server THANK YOU for your dedicated service to all partys.
06-03-2010, 02:16 PM
*Grabs Popcorn* Finally some entertainment!!!!
06-03-2010, 02:16 PM
PUG leader and primary tank (dwarf lvl 13) in Invaders quest decides out of the blue to get nekid and barefist fight everything. Completely ignored all questions "Why aren't you wearing armor?" and "*** u doing?!" and after 8 resurrections I stopped counting (and resurrecting him), although the second cleric continued to waste mana on him until he too finally gave up. (and yes he's perma squelched)
People demanding immediate heals during a skirmish/fight. While everyone in the group is valued for their role, if your not the primary tank or DPS dealer, you are not my healing priority during a fight. I will get to you when I have a chance.
Wands and healing gear can cost mucho plat. I've had maybe a handful of kind puggers offer mana pots or plat to cover expenses after or during a PUG. Even a simple thank you for the heals is nice. I never request either and don't expect it. It is however a nice gesture to keep us Clerics "encouraged" to keep playing and healing.
It's not uncommon to burn through 200+ wands in a quest or raid. This is especially true when you are the only healer for 11 other people in Von5/Von6.
One 50 stack of wands from house J is roughly 1.25k pp, so yes it can get expensive; especially for new players starting out.
Not carrying heal pots is just plain dumb. If your cleric dies, gets lagged or looses connection...
Not all clerics are built the same. While mine is a pure defensive healbot, there are clerics who like to lay a smackdown and focus on killing stuff.
06-03-2010, 02:17 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
They costs money & most players dont donate any to the healer = no money for wands.
So if you want the healer to have wands - BUY SOME FOR HIM / HER.
And do buy some healing potions for yourself incase of emergencys.
06-03-2010, 02:19 PM
*Grabs Popcorn* Finally some entertainment!!!!
/agrees with you
06-03-2010, 02:19 PM
Why should we spend our money keeping peoples gimpy toons alive? When we're out of SP, drink some pots or use your own wands. keeping yourself alive is YOUR responsibility.
That said I use scrolls all the time so i can stretch SP, I've got a ton of cash on my high-level warriors. The only thing that annoys me is people who invest nothing in their own defense and need constant baby-sitting.
06-03-2010, 02:22 PM
Bah, I drop the wands (except for a few ccw ones) as soon as I can cast off Heal scrolls. I bring supplies because it makes idiots who don't bring their own healing either look like idiots in front of the party, or guilt trip them into paying me for healing their idiot bum.
BUT: I also carry them for legit reasons: good party bad luck, overly tough quests, bacjk up plan.
You know, ANYONE can heal themselves with pots/wands or whatever, but I don't trust everyone. I cover everyone's butt, including my own.
06-03-2010, 02:24 PM
Why should we spend our money keeping peoples gimpy toons alive? When we're out of SP, drink some pots or use your own wands. keeping yourself alive is YOUR responsibility.
That said I use scrolls all the time so i can stretch SP, I've got a ton of cash on my high-level warriors. The only thing that annoys me is people who invest nothing in their own defense and need constant baby-sitting.
THere is big difference between idiots and gimps. Idiots usually get free rides in my backpack. Yes, they usually play gimpy characters. Some people are jsut gimp. I'd rather take the time to help them fix/reroll the character and finish the quest on a positive note than letting them die. People cna learn from making mistakes. Idiots can't.
06-03-2010, 02:24 PM
Your post is an inflamatory generalization.
Some do. Some don't.
Some people like Vanilla, some Chocolate.
I LIKE to carry one as back-up.
Sometimes they do run out ya know....?
06-03-2010, 02:35 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Most do. Most also learn to stop healing stupid very early too. If you are concerned about the wand supply of a healer in your groups there are a few things you can do.:
1) Make sure that you do not need healing, especially extra healing above and beyond.
2) Be fully or partially responsible for your own healing.
3) Provide the wand, scroll and potion supply that you think the healer needs.
Healers, you should carry a supply of potions, scrolls and wands, just like every other player. It is at your discretion on how to use them best. You should also manage your inventory in such a way as to have room for 5 stones if needed. Knowing when to use the supplies or space in your bag is one distinction of a solid healer. Worst case, if you do not have 5 inventory slots free it means you have some extra loot and you will be ahead for the day if you pretend that you did.
06-03-2010, 02:44 PM
Most do carry wands.
Why can't you carry potions?
And why can'r all the Rgrs and Pals carry wands?
or even better. Why can't you stop getting so beat up that they run out of SP.
For a long time my cleric did not carry wands. But eventually I got high enough level that wands became cheap.
And since then, even on rarely played servers, I do carry a few CLW wands at the very least.
That would be on all my chars that can use them. And those who can't carry whatever potions they can afford.
And I never ask for heals.....ever.
And if I don't get healed I adjust my playstyle.
But on another note. If a cleric or caster of some sort runs out of SP, I do not consider their contribution to the team to be over.
The good ones will have a build and equipment to be able to continue to contribute.
06-03-2010, 02:46 PM
Bah, I drop the wands (except for a few ccw ones) as soon as I can cast off Heal scrolls. I bring supplies because it makes idiots who don't bring their own healing either look like idiots in front of the party, or guilt trip them into paying me for healing their idiot bum.
BUT: I also carry them for legit reasons: good party bad luck, overly tough quests, bacjk up plan.
You know, ANYONE can heal themselves with pots/wands or whatever, but I don't trust everyone. I cover everyone's butt, including my own.
Same here, Heal scrolls all the way from level when i can use them.
I play hi Ac toon so i dont need healer till level... 16? But if you cant do same then, maybe its time to put a lil play where your mouth is and pay cleric for healing your gimpy toon.
But to be honest. If i run of SP in normal quests it means either I screwed up in SP management - to many spoted healing, not useing scrolls when i could or not useing mass heal where i could.
Or party is crappy.
In first case i chug pot(s), and go. In second i won't move a finger over occasional scroll heal.
And i dont have problem if i have half SP bar at end of quest on which i used 100 heal scrolls just in case something happends.
06-03-2010, 02:51 PM
Why don't clerics carry healing wands?
Because you didn't give them one, ya cheapskate. ;)
06-03-2010, 03:21 PM
My cleric and paladin always carry a few csw/ccw wands for emergency situations. I try not to bring them out very much because I tend to be broke.
For the groups that take a ton of unnecessary damage and expect me to supply all wands, I usually only admit to carrying the Eternal wand of cure minor wounds from the Catacombs. :p
06-03-2010, 04:33 PM
Few things will get you gang blasted on the forums like suggesting that someone else should spend their plat to keep you healed and up and running.
Along with many others I don't use wands/scrolls/sp pots when I'm on my healers unless I decide the group is worth it. On normal (non raid) quests up until end game or epic most quests do not need extra consumable healing. So if I run into a situation when it does call for scrolls/wands then I have to take a look at why.
There are only a few character classes that aren't very good at self healing, fighter and barbarian come to mind. Other than that after fights if the cleric is out of sp you can whip your own wands or have other means of healing just as effectively as the cleric.
Lesson is: Don't be a cheap ass SOB and buy your own **** wands.
06-03-2010, 04:37 PM
Like other posters here, I stop carrying wands when I can use scrolls of MCM and Heal.
And like other posters, I also wonder why you don't carry healing wands/pots?
Unlike the other posters, I wonder why you only have 1 red box?
06-03-2010, 04:45 PM
I as a cleric carry Wands, Scrolls, Mana Pots, and even Healing Pots for my self it is a rarity that you will see me use SP to heal myself. But I am also not going to go broke because no one else in the party wants to use Healing pots. Because if your grouped with a good cleric they are using alot of SP to buff you, cure poison, curses, disease, as well heal you. So carry some healing wands yourself weather you can use them or not. If you cant give them to the cleric. If you think we clerics are letting you down OP try using the hirelings I guarantee when they run out of SP the wont be wand whipping!
06-03-2010, 04:45 PM
Simple! They spent all their wands out on the last party and are now broke.
06-03-2010, 04:45 PM
Unlike the other posters, I wonder why you only have 1 red box?
I mean me to
06-03-2010, 04:48 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
I agree. Also, when people have a Barbarian, why do they think that they can just sit around and wait to be raised when they run out of HP? Seriously, just because you're a soulstone, that doesn't mean you have to stop swinging your axe.
Another one that gets me, when casters run out of mana, why aren't they using mana pots to get back spell points so they can still lay the smack down? I know that mana pots are expensive, but my time is more valuable than theirs, so they should know that any quest that I'm in is worth chugging mana pots.
And don't even get me started on Paladins. They think they're so high and mighty and they're always saving their Lay-on-Hands for the Cleric or themselves when they can CLEARLY see that I'm down to just 80% of my original health. Those Lay on Hands should go to me when there is an emergency like this.
Also, you might want to consider bringing wands into quests to hand over to the healer. I've seen lots of healers who do wand whip when their blue bar gets low, but it would certainly be nice to help out there. Also, Sorcerers, Rogues, Rangers and Paladins should always carry at least a couple of cure moderate wands to help out because they can all either use those wands on their own class abilities or get a Use Magic Device score high enough to use them. Finally, Wizards should be carrying Heal scrolls as soon as they can afford them (and are high enough level to cast them) because Heal is just plain handy.
06-03-2010, 04:53 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Answer: 12,000 gold (depending on haggle) for 1 wand.
06-03-2010, 05:05 PM
PUG leader and primary tank (dwarf lvl 13) in Invaders quest decides out of the blue to get nekid and barefist fight everything. Completely ignored all questions "Why aren't you wearing armor?" and "*** u doing?!" and after 8 resurrections I stopped counting (and resurrecting him), although the second cleric continued to waste mana on him until he too finally gave up. (and yes he's perma squelched)
It took you 8 times before you stopped? *boggle* I wouldn't have raised him the first time. (Unless it was just one of those groups where everyone's being goofy and having fun, but it doesn't sound like that was the case here.)
It's not uncommon to burn through 200+ wands in a quest or raid. This is especially true when you are the only healer for 11 other people in Von5/Von6.
Raids, I don't know, but... 200+ wands in a normal quest? I don't think I've ever burned through even 200 *charges* in a quest, let alone wands.
06-03-2010, 05:06 PM
You should wait til end-game there op, where you need to carry around major pots that cost 10k plat each on the AH. An epic raid goes bad and you can drink a dozen. Its no surprise that healers show some reflectance to dump resources on a party where they are not certain that the outcome will be worth the risk and with no assurances that they will be compensated for such and outlay of resources.
To help you should consider building your melees with some UMD so you don't need to rely on clerics/fvs to heal you. Also consider getting some healing amp items/enhancements so the cleric's heals go further.
06-03-2010, 05:21 PM
I have a lvl 20 Cleric, and no longer bothers with healing Wands either, just lots of Heal/MCM Scrolls and mana pots (only for Raids - refuse to drink a pot in a quest - especially a PUG.
I also have a a bunch of non-Healer characters (Sorcerer, two Pallys, Ranger, etc) that not only carry a Wand or three with them as they can use them, but a stack of Heal, raise dead and MCM scrolls. Now many can use them, and do to heal themselves and others, but mostly I carry them to hand to the Cleric in a tough quest or long raid.
One of my favorite Bio's is "I can't Heal Stupid" which is really the point of most of the replies to the OP I am thinking.
This is a group orientated Game (yes you can Solo, but obviously talking about Clerics means you are not!), so learn to play as a team and work together.
OP - go buy some pots for yourself and start carrying a couple of cure wands to give to your Clerics - and earn back some of the love you lost with this post!
06-03-2010, 05:21 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?xxxx is blocked or out of range.
06-03-2010, 05:22 PM
Unlike the other posters, I wonder why you only have 1 red box?
Sorry, still can't give Neg Rep, but I am getting closer...
06-03-2010, 05:30 PM
So let me get this straight. You want me to spend 1.2k ish plat for a wand to heal you when I'm not doing what I want with my sp but trying to keep you alive? And then I have to figure out where to get the coin to repair my gear after having to try to grab your stone from the middle of the mass of monsters that you or another player in the group gathered by running ahead and out of range of my heals. At the end of the quest I might be lucky and make a couple k of plat, but if I use a couple wands, raise dead scrolls, and various other healing items I'm losing money on healing your group. I like swinging a sword as much as the next person so the argument of "well the fighter has to spend all his money repairing" is not a valid argument. Many good clerics like to join the fight rather than just stand around healbotting. Caster clerics have expenses as well and there are monsters that will target clerics specifically.
Do I buy wands? No, the only wands I have I get from turning in collectibles but I'm not going to use them on a poor group who can't be bothered to try to heal themselves between fights. Am I a good cleric, meh probably not, but I still seem to find groups that want me to run with them. I'm not a healing cleric, I don't use my longsword to shave with (at least not my hair, monsters on the other hand....) Do I do as much DPS as the fighter/bbn/build of the day? No, but I can contribute by damaging monsters (which helps reduce the damage you take), CCing monsters (if I have any SP left from the players screaming for hjeals), and buffing characters so they take less damage. I'm there for damage mitigation, I'm not your personal band-aid. If you are contributing and not costing me my entire mana bar sure I'll throw heals your way. I will back off from a fight if need be and heal. But just healing gets boring very quick.
Might I suggest you start a cleric at level 1 on a server you don't play on and play it. Don't ask for any help in running your cleric and see where it gets you. Don't build another character to feed the cleric plat. Then come back and ask why clerics don't spend tons of plat on wands.
Just my not so humble opinion.
06-03-2010, 05:36 PM
why dont you buy pots?
pots cost money, wands cost money, its equal
or what about buying a wand for your cleric?
clerics arent there to blow their money on melees which dont even try to take care of themself
well typed our visty:D
06-03-2010, 05:44 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?As a cleric, I can think of many:
(1) I've already blown through 2 wands in your party, the quest isn't even even halfway done, and I've decided to cut my losses and pike the rest of the quest. I only contribute X amount of effort to a quest; if you use up all that effort in the first 10 minutes, you're out of luck
(2) I blew through my wands in the previous quest, and am extremely grumpy about it and not buying any more until someone restores my faith in squishies--which you are failing to do
(3) I can tell this group isn't any good, so I'm not going to devote any resources to the quest. If we complete, yay; if not, at least I'm not out 12k gold.
(4) Someone in the group really ****es me off. Don't get fooled by the "divine" faith--clerics are vindictive bastards with a god complex. We hold your life in our hands: tread carefully.
(5) People are kiting every which way. If I blew through my mana on "Axcrazy is blocked by the bookcase!" you can bet I won't be wasting charges too.
(6) Someone yelled "Heal. Heal! HEAL!" over and over again, as if I was deaf or stupid for not hearing them. I couldn't possibly be waiting for a cooldown, or healing a more important member of the party, or attempting to avoid the mobs that the melees failed to aggro, or out of range, or blocked, or shrining, or tripped, or knocked down, or in an anti-magic field, or any of the other myriad reasons I might not be able to attend to you right now--no, I'm just too dumb to notice a red bar go down. Yeah.
FYI: Clerics usually have wands. We just don't always use them, and usually lie about whether we have them or not. If the cleric who sparked this rant wasn't wandwaving, they were either too poor to buy a wand, or much more likely the party was doing something extremely wrong and the cleric was cutting losses.
06-03-2010, 05:45 PM
PUG leader and primary tank (dwarf lvl 13) in Invaders quest decides out of the blue to get nekid and barefist fight everything. Completely ignored all questions "Why aren't you wearing armor?" and "*** u doing?!" and after 8 resurrections I stopped counting (and resurrecting him), although the second cleric continued to waste mana on him until he too finally gave up. (and yes he's perma squelched)
What the heck is wrong with you?
You resurrected him 8 times (and more - since you stopped counting??)
I would've thought the 2nd res would've been enough....
Clerics have got to learn when the party just plain flat out sucks and cannot complete the quest. Let it fail, drop group and try with some people who can play the game!
06-03-2010, 05:47 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Why don't you roll up one and join some groups as main healer and find out for yourself?
While you are at it, try making some effort at healing yourself mid quest.
play in lava
stand there like a statue while being attacked
type or mic scream 'heal me' repeatedly
Be cognizant of your toons hitpoints
Not treat the designated healer like a healbot
be respectful in your requests
keep in mind there are 5 people besides you in the quest that might need something as well
carry healing supplies of your own
top yourself off between fights
The designated healer in your quests has more than enough spellpoints to keep you alive and buff you. If they are running out, AND make it a point to tell you they don't have wands... you just failed at being a contributor to party success. All you are is a mana sponge requesting a backpack tour of the quest.
Stop blaming others for your own failures please.
06-03-2010, 05:57 PM
I know it seems like I'm picking by bringing it up, but this is the same OP that brought you such threads as:
"That's just it. The game can't be soloed. The group ALWAYS dies"
"I will not join a party without a healer. Oh, I've joined hundreds of them that had no healer and everyone thought the pally could cover it."
I think (I really, really hope) all we're doing is feeding the troll.
06-03-2010, 06:07 PM
Clerics don't carry healing wands because some WF Barbarians touch themselves at night. There, I said it.
06-03-2010, 06:44 PM
Because you didn't give them one, ya cheapskate. ;)
What he said... (and most of the others too.)
I can tell you one thing. If you offer me a wand before the quest starts a few things are gonna happen.
1/ I'm gonna immediately think better of you
2/ I may not even take it, if I know I won't need it
2a/ I may take it if I am concerned about running out of mana
(due to group, specific quest, whatever) I can always give it back if unused
3/ While I will not ignore my duty to the party, I will be much
more likely to keep an eye on you
Tipping works, even if it is just to let the cleric know that you aren't a whiny ungrateful non-contributor...
06-03-2010, 07:03 PM
This thread made me giggle, I am sure the OP is feeling singed now so I wont add my own sting (sorry to disappoint but many of you covered it).
OP play a cleric then ask yourself that question we will all be waiting here when you get back to it :)
06-03-2010, 07:07 PM
Clerics don't carry healing wands because some WF Barbarians touch themselves at night. There, I said it.
+1 just because it made me laugh.
06-03-2010, 07:25 PM
cause you aint doin ya job at killing ya redneck :)
06-03-2010, 08:39 PM
OP play a cleric then ask yourself that question we will all be waiting here when you get back to it :)
The best idea out of all the post! Would have given ya rep but told me to "spread it around" adding to my owe list.
06-04-2010, 09:34 AM
It's not uncommon to burn through 200+ wands in a quest or raid. This is especially true when you are the only healer for 11 other people in Von5/Von6.
C'mon, seriously? 200? Having a played a Cleric for 4+ years, I can safely say I have never run through that amount, or anything remotely close to that amount, of resources in 1 quest or raid. ****, I couldn't click fast enough to burn through 200 if I wanted to ... if you are doing that, your mana bar is full. Might I suggest actually casting a healing spell? :cool:
06-04-2010, 09:42 AM
C'mon, seriously? 200? Having a played a Cleric for 4+ years, I can safely say I have never run through that amount, or anything remotely close to that amount, of resources in 1 quest or raid. ****, I couldn't click fast enough to burn through 200 if I wanted to ... if you are doing that, your mana bar is full. Might I suggest actually casting a healing spell? :cool:
I'm guessing that he meant 200 wand charges, so 4 full wands. I've burned through 4 full wands in healing through a quest sometimes, but that was on my Ranger when I was healing the party with no other healer in the group.
06-04-2010, 09:44 AM
You get my mana, that's it...after that point heals come by way of me really wanting that particular quest completion, me being in a generous mood, or you being responsible and paying your healing bill (wands, scrolls, mnemonics,....etc.... for my cleric or fvs).
06-04-2010, 09:54 AM
If worse comes to worse, I'll give the cleric my Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds and he can take care of the rest.
But yeah, it is a good idea to carry pots around, even though at high levels, you'll be wishing you had more than cure serious wounds pots. My assassin and some other characters are only blessed they can regenerate some of their HP with a Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds...
06-04-2010, 10:04 AM
I keep seeing a lot of talk about "hand the cleric some wands"... this is only appropriate until level 10 or so. Keep in mind that handing someone a wand is basically telling them that you don't play in high level content much.
Give 'em a stack of Heal scrolls if you really want to impress them and get a higher priority in their list of people to heal.
Don't be a cheapskate and ask for them back, neither...
06-04-2010, 10:30 AM
As a player that has 2 lvl 20, 1 lvl 18, and about 4 cleric between lvls 4-10 over 3 servers it costs time and pp to keep them feed. I have ran Shrouds with good groups where I only had to use very few scroll and some that I had to use 6 mana pots, 30 mcm scrolls and 60 heal scrolls. It amazes me when I hear people screaming for heals when they are hardly damage and there is not battle going on. I do not ask for donations but if someone offers I will take it unless it too much. Between my mages and other toons I raid the Desert and some other areas to loot to help offset my costs.
After looting the different areas and loading up the ah with stuff plus offing items on the forum here. I then run some more chests for loot and give the loots to lowbie clerics to help them get pp. It is fun to see their reactions of someone giving them 10-30 pieces of loot that they can sell just to the general vendor if they wanted to for between 10-15kp. Had one thank me so much cause he had just spent his last 6kp on wands needed the extra pp.
But my biggest complaint are the ones that do not take even the 1st enhancement of Healer friend or what ever it is called. I have seen my mcl do between 24-100+ points in combat. I have empowered Heal and Maximize on all my cleric to boost the healing.
06-04-2010, 10:40 AM
Because the weight of your stone acts as ballast when I am running around finishing the quest.
I am a little slow, when my FvS was just a little guy, I would keep mailing him money from my capped toons so he could carry 4 or 5 CSW wands and other things like RCW or whatever; but, as I climbed through the levels, I figured out that keeping people alive that did not have a clue is zero fun. So now I don't. I no longer heal after a fight, I don't pass out cure anything after a fight, if you can't bring your own stuff to fix yourself up before and after fights, that’s your problem. I also do not rez people who have not made any effort to take care of themselves.
My job is to heal during fights and keep whichever toon(s) is the most important during that fight. On a side note if you are trying and doing your part then I will bust my butt to do whatever it takes to keep you going.
06-04-2010, 11:44 AM
It amazes me when I hear people screaming for heals...
Now THAT is funny. If someone's screaming for a heal, think about it before you do so: Is it really worth healing them so they can continue screaming? Or would you rather not heal them so they can (hopefully) stop screaming and be relieved of their misery?
06-04-2010, 02:12 PM
It is that attitude that had me, about level 6, asking myself why on earth I was continuing to play such an overworked and underappreciated class - nevermind the cost of keeping myself in wands so that I could save poorly built and poorly played toons. My cleric is built for heals and buffs, not battle.
Now, granted I've only played DDO for a couple months, my cleric is lv 9 (after a reroll to be more effective) and I've devised 8 simple rules for my own play.
1 - DPS/Tanks get healed first, period.
2 - If you zerg ahead when you can't handle yourself (like one idiot in a recent TS run) I will reserve my mana and res for other players that aren't such a resource drain
3 - It is never a bad idea to remind party members that I require line of site to heal or res
4 - If you yell at me to heal you I will yell at you to heal yourself and will happily let you die (and pay repair bills)
5 - A party that doesn't know when their cleric is being attacked is a party I don't need to run with. Yes, I try to stay in a safe spot, but on the occasion when that isn't possible, I can't heal you if I'm dead.
6 - If you don't want to stand still for buffs then you don't get 'em.
7 - It is not my job to save YOU, it is my job to save the party as a whole
8 - My platnium is not there to refill your health bar... buy your own wands/scrolls/pots to help me save my mana and emergency resources for actual emergencies
Clerics are undoubtedly the difference between survival and failure in many quests for many classes. Perhaps the reason I get 5 tells requesting I join parties when I log on is because few people want to take the **** that some players heap on clerics so few people choose to play them. The solution, I've decided, is to simply refuse to take the **** :)
06-04-2010, 02:25 PM
Because I carry heal scrolls instead??
Actually, I carry plenty of wands. Remove curse, neutralize poison, recitation, etc, etc.. I stop carrying cure moderate wands at around 10th lvl or so. By then, anybody worth their salt can either top themselves off with UMD or pots, or doesnt need to because they arent taking that much damage in the first place. If you cant surive despite me tossing empowered heals and the like at you, and are still gagging to be wand whipped, then you are doing it WRONG.
06-04-2010, 02:31 PM
PUG leader and primary tank (dwarf lvl 13) in Invaders quest decides out of the blue to get nekid and barefist fight everything. Completely ignored all questions "Why aren't you wearing armor?" and "*** u doing?!" and after 8 resurrections I stopped counting (and resurrecting him), although the second cleric continued to waste mana on him until he too finally gave up. (and yes he's perma squelched)
This doesn't really make much sense. Either he's playing like that for amusement or he's plain crazy. There's no subtlety to his bad play, so it's not like a case where a healer has to decide between giving constant heals/raises to a crappy player at the cost of mana/resources or not give said heals at the cost of raising that individual or group's ire.
You basically just had to provide him with heals or raises as long as you thought what he was doing was comical. After that, backpack ride. Doesn't seem like it should have taken 8 raises to get to that point.
Don't be an enabler for ridiculous play.
06-04-2010, 02:42 PM
Ok, my two cleric can claim all but a couple of her levels as pug levels. :) I feel sorry for my guildies, who had to hear me b1tch about the pugs that I was in...especially the ones that didn't pay attention when I said "Hey, you're going faster than I can keep you alive."
1. I do actually carry cure wands, and heal scrolls, and major pots. I just choose not to use them on your sorry self, because I have deemed that you are not enough of an asset to the party.
2. I have been tipped with plat once in my cleric's 20 levels. It was a hellacious Gwylans, and I appreciated it. But...heal scrolls, wands, and pots mean more to me than their weight in gold, because they're bloody expensive.
3. Sometimes, just sometimes, I'll let you die because I get some sort of sick pleasure out of knowing that you won't be wasting my mana anymore.
4. Perhaps I ran out of mana because you were dying behind a door, or around a corner somewhere. My heals are not uber-swimmers that can blast through walls. They are standard heals that have to have line-of-sight, and for that I'm terribly sorry (/sarcasm). Perhaps a hireling can heal you better, as they are generally attached to your backside.
5. Shouting "HEAL ME!!!!!!!" is the quickest way to soul-stone village in my book. It's rude and irritating, especially when you still have a chunk of red bar left.
6. Ohhh, and if you're a fighter/whatever charging thru traps with no could wait for them to be disabled, or top your own self off afterwards. Healing stupid/reckless soooo is not my thing.
Ahhh, I feel better now. Just love these cleric topics, they make me happy inside. :) I'm sure I missed a few excellent points, but these are the ones that irk me the most. Top o' the morning to ya'll.../happy sigh
06-04-2010, 03:04 PM
Main current main is a cleric and I never leave home without a least one full wand. That being said, wands are expensive and only get whipped out if the potential returns out weigh the cost of the wand (i.e. the quest is worth a lot of xp, there's lots of money to be made, the group I'm running with has awesome people deserving of every ounce of my effort).
Give 'em a stack of Heal scrolls if you really want to impress them and get a higher priority in their list of people to heal.
Phidius is right on the mark here. If you want a generous healer, be generous! Any time someone gives me supplies (wands, mana pots, scrolls), they get a boost in healing priority.
Don't be a cheapskate and ask for them back, neither...
Unless the item you gave the cleric is exceptionally valuable, don't ask for it back. This also works both ways though. As a cleric, if someone gives you supplies to help with healing, USE THEM! It is very poor form to be stingy with your mana/heals after a player has given you supplies to help him/her and the party.
So there's you answer OP. Clerics do carry wands. But I for one won't beat a dead horse with my wands.
06-04-2010, 03:08 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Because I don't like your toon and it's easier if your toon is dead.
(Not specifically for the OP, just a general statement to anyone who asks my healers this)
06-04-2010, 03:20 PM
Really, OP?
06-04-2010, 03:23 PM
Gotta love watching a kid jab a stick into an ant hole and then watch the ensuing chaos.
Well done OP.
06-04-2010, 04:06 PM
invest in healing amp enhancements, healing amp raid items or crafted ones.
That will make healing easier for everyone and you can self heal very well, even in mild to medium combat situations.
Heal yourself between battles.
With proper healing amp, especially after healing, a cure light wounds should be getting 100s of hit points back on you.
Use better weapons (like body feeder), get some DR, get UMD to self buff things like blur and displace... get your saves up.
Lastly, just about any character in the game can get around 73 AC raid buffed with very few items (okay, one hard to find item) and no feat expenditures.
This is more than enough if you are not a melee for ranged combatants.
Trip casters, trip opponents.
Do you see the trend here? You have the option of taking lots of damage or trying to mitigate taking any. Strategy helps.
Inbetween battles almost all classes are able to self heal very easily. Many classes like paladins, rangers, and bards can carry wands, scrolls, or both. Are they healing between battles in your groups?
06-05-2010, 02:12 AM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Um, my clerics usually have a whole bag (20 slots) full of healing wands and scrolls. But then I guess you aren't complaining about me...
Fighters spend money on swords. Rangers spend money on bows. Rogues spend money on thieves' tools. Clerics should spend money on healing. Makes sense to me.
06-05-2010, 02:52 AM
Um, my clerics usually have a whole bag (20 slots) full of healing wands and scrolls. But then I guess you aren't complaining about me...
Fighters spend money on swords. Rangers spend money on bows. Rogues spend money on thieves' tools. Clerics should spend money on healing. Makes sense to me.
True, seeing as your new, tell me something. How much does it **** you off when you see a devotion item, spell penetration item, or a potency item you have been looking for at a cheap price and you can't afford it because you bought wands? Or worse, that fighter/barb/whatever pulls it in the chest and never bothers to ask if you want it or keeps it because "I need plat to repair my gear, I died too much"?
All toons need to buy armor, weapons, helms, rings, boots, etc. Don't let them fool you.
06-05-2010, 03:20 AM
Gotta love watching a kid jab a stick into an ant hole and then watch the ensuing chaos.
Well done OP.
QFT. This made me giggle.
That being said. I'm rerolling my old cleric since it was my first toon. Got it to lv 10 before I decided it needed h reroll. Ah...great to be getting back into the fray.
06-05-2010, 04:56 AM
My first character in this game was a Cleric. I stopped playing it at level 7 when I was fed up with never having money because I'd buy wands and potions constantly (not just healing, but various poison, disease, curse, blindness, etc). I was a new player who wound up grouping with a lot of really bad PuGs that were under prepared and lacked game skill.
Rolled a healing Bard after that with the hopes of buying things cheaply. This time I joined a guild and learned that decent players actually carry their own potions for healing and resists and use them as needed, and they are also happy to pass the healer whatever wands and mana potions they get as loot in the dungeon. I've even had awesome players go and buy me wands after a dungeon to replace what I used up. Anyone who does that will always have me happy to heal for them in the future. :)
I will probably return to playing my Cleric at some point later on, but for the OP: I'm sure most Clerics would be happy to carry wands and use them, but a lot of the newer players simply cannot afford to constantly buy them. I know that was my situation.
06-05-2010, 05:09 AM
Hey guy`s and OP as Everybody already told u Why i will say something different. I think i never played whit th OP but as Cleric i tell u about his Play Style:
He is the last one to join the party, he is not in the right LVL Range or the Class the Party did need but he Baggt the Leader so he is in.
When in Party he dont say Hello hi or Thankx he say : " SHARE "
Then he enters dungeon ofc his Helth bar just half filled. And he say Oh this i know i can Solo it, lets do Leet.
As the Clerics and Casters doing mass Buffs he has Found the first Trap ( he is not the Trap Monky ) When u cast Haste or a Mass heal he is always out of range. When he meet a Mob his Red Bar goe down half in 1 sec bc he has no Fort Item.
U rech the shrine, Casters and clerics spend rest mana ( if he left them some ) to buff, when all buffed up and rested and the haste ist running he sit down to rest to reset his Greese Clicky.
The Caster DC`S and OP opens a chest ofc. At boss fight Door all wait the 2 Vets to tell how it goes and the Caster runs back to shrine up. OP opens the door starts screem HEAL HEAL HEAL and dies.
The survivers make it and raise OP he Loots a Pot in end chest and say uh great can sell it at ah....
Sorry for the lousy english
06-05-2010, 05:13 AM
True, seeing as your new, tell me something. How much does it **** you off when you see a devotion item, spell penetration item, or a potency item you have been looking for at a cheap price and you can't afford it because you bought wands? Or worse, that fighter/barb/whatever pulls it in the chest and never bothers to ask if you want it or keeps it because "I need plat to repair my gear, I died too much"?
All toons need to buy armor, weapons, helms, rings, boots, etc. Don't let them fool you.
Same amount it ****es me off when a fighter loots a ring of the archmagi and doesn't bother asking if my wizard needs it or if a sorcerer finds a vorpal sword and doesn't bother asking if my ranger needs it. There is good gear for all classes and it doesn't necessarily always drop for those classes. Ask politely and the other player will often just hand it to you. More flies with honey and all that.
And it's not like wands are THAT expensive. Like I said, I always have more than enough. Heck, I have so many wands, I actually prefer to use them for healing whenever possible and save my mana for more important things. But maybe that's because I earn respect from my fellow players for playing my toons well.
And I'm not as new as you think. Don't assume things based on someone's join date. There are those of us who played this game a while back for plenty of time and came back when it became free.
06-05-2010, 05:15 AM
Toss a Mnemonic elixir their way, or a couple plat pieces. I'll bet your healer will be much happier with you when you die again and again because you thought it was too expensive to buy some pots.
06-05-2010, 03:09 PM
Do you see the trend here? You have the option of taking lots of damage or trying to mitigate taking any. Strategy helps.
That's one of the biggest problems. It seems when there's a cleric in the group, the melee feel it's a license to be reckless in their combat. They just charge in thinking it doesn't matter how much damage they take, there's a cleric right there after all, so they have infinite HP right? Unfortunately, damage mitigation is a foreign concept to some melee, and they end up being nothing but mana sinks for clerics.
As for the OP, some clerics don't carry wands because they feel they don't need to. Of course this isn't always the case, like in difficult runs or raids. But some clerics have said that if they have to use all their mana healing well before the next shrine, something's wrong. Using wands and scrolls to keep healing at that point is like putting a band-aid over a bullet hole.
OP, I sense a lack of faith . . .
But really, characters should ALWAYS BYOH. You can often depend on the party healer to keep you up through the fight. But between fights, heal-thy-self.
Also, I have found proper buffs do much to mitigate damage. Wait for them or request them.
Reward a good healer with plat, wands and/ or enhancers. You leave tips for good service; tip your healer.
Healers - it is a good idea to have 5 or so wands in reserve. Also understand that you "cannot heal stupid". If a person is reckless in their play style, leave 'em in the lava pit. Expending 2 wands means the party is probably under-powered and should start over on casual.
Oh, and I've have played primary 'wand-whipping' healer at a ranger, paladin and UMD rogue; and had a blast!
06-08-2010, 11:48 AM
I don't carry wands cause I wanna see you die for not bringing pots. Me? I carry my own pots.
06-08-2010, 11:54 AM
My Clerics carry 200 heal scrolls and 8 cure serios wands into each quest/raid as well as 100 ressurection scrolls. NO specific amount of pots, just what I happen to have, unless running a raid. It's rare that I run out. I was in a Pug SOS the other day, and two people disconnected (the whole Lich fight) and myself, a bard, a FvS and a Exploiter build tried to finish it. Myself and the bard eventually just ran out of stuff....not to mention I burned 8 Major Pots. The FvS appearently didnt have any wands or scrolls or pots. I do NOT EVER intend to fail any quest and will burn every rescource I have to ensure completion..... Whats really funny, is that I kept telling the Exploiter build to forget about the Lich and go kill the mephits and he stayed on the Lich the whole time. We should've bailed and I honestly think myself and the bard would have been better alone...... but back to the point. Before F2P, on almost every raid, people either tipped or gave the clerics and casters pots, wands or scrolls. Since F2P, I have only had one person give my clerics some pots. I don't care, because I have enough toons and resources that I can survive. But it cost me 110k Plat to restock my cleric after that, and I got nothing in return. No one offered anything.... Again, I can Survive the hit, but Most people who play the game can't survive that kind of restocking fee very many times. You want to complain about how a cleric runs in a quest, try giving one a Pot or a wand or 25 heal scrolls before the quest starts, and see how much more often you get some special treatment.....
....I know even then sometimes you still run into some Boneheads....But you'll find in most situations, it'll be much better.
Their cash isnt your hit points
06-08-2010, 12:03 PM
Hey guy`s and OP as Everybody already told u Why i will say something different. I think i never played whit th OP but as Cleric i tell u about his Play Style:
He is the last one to join the party, he is not in the right LVL Range or the Class the Party did need but he Baggt the Leader so he is in.
When in Party he dont say Hello hi or Thankx he say : " SHARE "
Then he enters dungeon ofc his Helth bar just half filled. And he say Oh this i know i can Solo it, lets do Leet.
As the Clerics and Casters doing mass Buffs he has Found the first Trap ( he is not the Trap Monky ) When u cast Haste or a Mass heal he is always out of range. When he meet a Mob his Red Bar goe down half in 1 sec bc he has no Fort Item.
U rech the shrine, Casters and clerics spend rest mana ( if he left them some ) to buff, when all buffed up and rested and the haste ist running he sit down to rest to reset his Greese Clicky.
The Caster DC`S and OP opens a chest ofc. At boss fight Door all wait the 2 Vets to tell how it goes and the Caster runs back to shrine up. OP opens the door starts screem HEAL HEAL HEAL and dies.
The survivers make it and raise OP he Loots a Pot in end chest and say uh great can sell it at ah....
Sorry for the lousy english
This post has made my day lol.
06-08-2010, 12:09 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Roll up a cleric and answer your own question. Til then, either contribute to the most expensive class in the game to play or keep yourself healed with pots. A cure serious wand whip does about the same as a pot....go buy some.
Why doesn't melee kill stuff faster so the cleric doesn't have to heal them?
And have you considered that all clerics aren't there to babysit your useless, cheap, lazy butt? Some of them actually melee or cast offensive spells.
06-08-2010, 12:09 PM
I played a Cleric with a splash of Rogue in it. I could handle Norm and Hard traps in every quest I entered and only really had trouble with Elite traps if they were the type I had to go through to get to the Trap-box.
I had a very simple rule. You take damage from a trap, you heal it yourself.
Otherwise the reason someone is not getting wanded(I've never heard of a Cleric without at least one wand/scroll in their inventory) is because someone is unwilling to waste the money on them. Now think about what that means. Doesn't mean I'm a jerk for not healing you, it means I've rationally decided the investment in you is not worth the return. Can you receive a bigger insult in this game? :)
06-08-2010, 12:16 PM
I do remember once on a Reaver Run, the leader asked the cleric if he was comfortable with being a solo healer (mind you, people run The reaver on Elite with no cleric and succeed) and the cleric typed "no problem" in chat. Once we got in there and somewhere around the third skull spinning, people started to die and we ended up in a "wipe". ..It was embarrassing. People started complaining to the cleric that he didn't bother healing them...not even once. He typed that he "had run out of mana". A couple people asked why he didn't use wands or scrolls. (mind you the Cleric was Level 20, so we assumed he must be pretty decent and must KNOW what he's doing). ......a little voice came over ingame chat and said "my dad doesn't allow me to use his stuff, because I don't play well. I'm still learning" ....Silence.... No one said a word after that..... they just all recalled out..and left party..... I was rolling... I was on a no UMD tank and drank (uselessly) a whole lot of serious pots).... It's so funny now that I think about it...
06-08-2010, 12:21 PM
The OP's soul stone is currently sitting in deep lava 12 seconds from a rest shrine. He/she will be delayed in responding to your helpful and informative posts .....:D
06-08-2010, 12:25 PM
I heard he was standing next to a rez shrine and complaining about how the cleric wouldn't rez him. It was their fault that he died when he charged into the first mob, because they wouldn't stop buffing the rest of the party to heal him.
06-08-2010, 12:53 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Clerics do carry wands and scrolls and mana pots... I do... For example yesterday running Offering of Blood Epic I used 10 major mana pots, like 20-30 heal scrolls and such...
(my group was gentle enough to recognize the investment and helped me to some mana pots)
BTW Paladins should also carry wands and if they have UMD (rogue splash) should carry heal scrolls...
If they dont carry this kind of things somebody should point it out for them that they could be making a bigger contribution to the group by using them.
06-08-2010, 01:20 PM
Fighters spend money on swords. Rangers spend money on bows. Rogues spend money on thieves' tools. Clerics should spend money on healing. Makes sense to me.
Not the same. Cleric spend money on weapons and gear as well. Then we are expected to spend more on consumables to heal. If a fighter's sword broke after 50 hits every time, then he can complain.
06-08-2010, 01:28 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Stupid question.... period, so..u dear op, deserve this:
06-08-2010, 01:39 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Ah, the endless debate. Let me break it down for you again...
Because wands cost money.
If my healer runs out of mana because you are taking too much damage, feel free to hand me a mana pot and I will continue to heal.
I have plenty of SP to do the job in most cases. If a quest legitimately requires more, people will give the healer pots to replenish their SP. When this is the case (which, like I said, is rare) the healer will use pots given to them as well as some of their own to keep things going.
There is no way people should expect healers to spend tons of money to make the quest succeed while everyone else gets to go through free.
06-08-2010, 01:51 PM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Why don't you carry potions and wands of all kinds either use the potions yourself, or give the wands to the cleric?
Rangers can use Cure Wands.
Paladins can use Cure Wands
Bards can use Cure Wands.
All at level 1 too!
06-08-2010, 02:06 PM
True, seeing as your new, tell me something. How much does it **** you off when you see a devotion item, spell penetration item, or a potency item you have been looking for at a cheap price and you can't afford it because you bought wands? Or worse, that fighter/barb/whatever pulls it in the chest and never bothers to ask if you want it or keeps it because "I need plat to repair my gear, I died too much"?
All toons need to buy armor, weapons, helms, rings, boots, etc. Don't let them fool you.
If you needed that item in the chest, you should have asked. If you ask me after I pull it, I'll still give it to you, unless I need it, or it's bound.
06-09-2010, 12:53 AM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day? Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
The last quest I ran that I had a decent amount of wands in my backpack... well, I ended up outta mana and used all of my wands. I have not bought a wand since then and tell all that I group with that if I can't see you, I can't heal. If you can't help me keep you healed, then I can't help myself from not healing you.
I've had nice toons give plat, mana pots, and wands to me and believe it or not, that is greatly appreciated. Especially when I have a mid level character stop me before the end fight, open trade and hand over 10000pp. He said because he would be harder to heal during the last fight and that I had been spamming mana on him since the beginning.
Made my cleric's day. I stocked up on wands and added that guy to my friend's list.
06-09-2010, 05:17 AM
Why is it when a cleric runs out of sp their job is done for the day?
Maybe it depends on what kind of spells the cleric in question had casted. all on healing....a bit frustrating no?
Why can't they carry wands and keep on healing?
Maybe the cleric in question was waiting that someone of the party memeber can give one to him. or maybe the cleric in question was just so ingenuouse on thinking the party memebers have some healing pots, you know the kind of easily buying equipments that a so called adventurer have to keep when going into a quest.
Or maybe the cleric in question had previously meet some similar "Adventurers" that had good use of all his wands during a quest and now that cleric have no money to buy a new stock of wands.
I presume there are a lot of reasons in answer of your question young adventurer, almost 4 years agò a wise adventurer told me to keep faith in party members but also to be able to face every challenge, so pots, wands and clikyes are all there to be taken advantage of them.
06-10-2010, 03:06 PM
Because you didn't give them one, ya cheapskate. ;)
I play pally. I traded the cleric 2 mod wands in the middle of the quest because I was tired of being the main healer. She took my wands, did not give them back, and informed me, "lol, I don't use these!" It was one of those dungeons with only 1 shrine and I was only tank. I just wanted her to heal while I was fighting (the others I wasn't taking damage).
If as a cleric you find the cost of healing is to much for you then do something else. I also play cleric and my money and responcibility as a healer is keeping my team alive.
Most of you make me sad but I'm happy for the few who give all to thier duty.
06-10-2010, 06:44 PM
Darn you People!! I'm never healing myself again!!!!
06-10-2010, 06:54 PM
Why don't you carry potions and wands of all kinds either use the potions yourself, or give the wands to the cleric?
Rangers can use Cure Wands.
Paladins can use Cure Wands
Bards can use Cure Wands.
All at level 1 too!
yes and There are bad meelee and also bad a support class sometimes you have to over come both
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