View Full Version : Bunny Hat hidden effect: +3 UMD
06-02-2010, 12:26 PM
I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere on the forums, but is cool enough to mention again-
While wearing a Bunny Hat (DDO store cosmetic gear) and holding a scroll/wand, you get a +3 competence bonus to both UMD and Bluff. An icon will show up in your buff bar and will give you the buff/bonus, which is called "Nothing up my Sleeve".
Of course, found this after I ground for my Cartouche, but hey! It's still nifty.
06-02-2010, 01:35 PM
True, it is pretty nifty.
However, I've noticed that because of the way weapon sets work (selecting a weapon set causes your existing weapons to unequip followed by the equipping of the set), if that +3 puts you over the UMD to bypass the restrictions on a weapon, you'll need to equip it from inventory for it to work.
There's also a hidden effect on the fiendish rabbit helm... I believe it's greater animal bane when wielding a greatclub... not quite as nifty but interesting.
06-02-2010, 01:40 PM
This is a big time slot saver on a UMD character. Since most weapons and equipment is low to mid-twenties, the three points is usually necessary for using scrolls. It doesn't really count as a slot, as you still get the effects of the helm you are otherwise wearing. Unfortunately, I only bought one when they were 5 TPs ...
06-02-2010, 01:45 PM
saved me due to the Tower of despair ring/necklace set. Whenever I took off that necklace to put on the cartouche I lost 2 action boosts. In a bad battle all boosts are gone quickly.
Now I do not have to switch it out except for beholder optics and I actually have action boosts now... In about 3 years when they fix that bug I will use the cartouch again, but til then it is bunny hat.
06-02-2010, 01:48 PM
True, it is pretty nifty.
However, I've noticed that because of the way weapon sets work (selecting a weapon set causes your existing weapons to unequip followed by the equipping of the set), if that +3 puts you over the UMD to bypass the restrictions on a weapon, you'll need to equip it from inventory for it to work.
There's also a hidden effect on the fiendish rabbit helm... I believe it's greater animal bane when wielding a greatclub... not quite as nifty but interesting.
the +3 only applies when you are wielding a scroll or wand
06-02-2010, 01:48 PM
This is very nice. Thanks for the tip! :)
By the way, does this stack with cartouche?
06-02-2010, 01:50 PM
the +3 only applies when you are wielding a scroll or wand
I was wondering if anyone was going to give them the information they weren't posting about this buff.
And this is the cute bunny. The nightmare bunny gives some form of buff with greatclubs as I recall.
06-02-2010, 01:52 PM
And this is the cute bunny. The nightmare bunny gives some form of buff with greatclubs as I recall.It's called Bunny Slayer - and when using both the Fiendish Bunny Hat and a Great Club, it grants either Greater Animal Bane, or regular Animal Bane. Nice for low level characters who find themselves tripped by wolves a lot in the TR slayer area.
06-02-2010, 01:59 PM
This is very nice. Thanks for the tip! :)
By the way, does this stack with cartouche?
06-02-2010, 02:04 PM
By the way, does this stack with cartouche?
No; they don't stack: both provide +3 competence bonus to UMD; however, hidden effect of "bunny hat" only affects scrolls and wands.
06-02-2010, 02:07 PM
No; they don't stack: both provide +3 competence bonus to UMD; however, hidden effect of "bunny hat" only affects scrolls and wands.
Note that per the description of the effect, it's only supposed to affect wands.
Bunny Slayer also grants an Intimidate buff.
06-02-2010, 02:12 PM
Note that per the description of the effect, it's only supposed to affect wands.
Bunny Slayer also grants an Intimidate buff.
Please do not alter it yet....please. Not until they fix the amrath set bugs.
Taking off that necklace to use the cartouche for scrolls takes all my action boosts out very quickly, even my human versa boosts.
Go from 7 boosts to 3 just at the door (usually take it off twice cause I forgot something or I did not shrine with it on starting me at 5 instead of 7)
That gives me 3, maybe 1, action boost to start an adventure across all my boosts.
If I take it off one more time to throw a heal or raise...and have used a boost like SDefender I have ZERO action boosts left after just one battle.
this hat has been a life saver....please do not fix this yet.
06-02-2010, 02:19 PM
Note that per the description of the effect, it's only supposed to affect wands.
Bunny Slayer also grants an Intimidate buff.
Other things need nerfing the KotC effecting undead.
06-02-2010, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the Info. Cause I'm at work (ready supposed to be working), I can't log in. So... What's the ML on that hat?
06-02-2010, 02:35 PM
Yes, bunny hats aside... please fix items that grant action boosts to only monitor the boosts they add. My most recent favorite example of this is:
Epic ADQ:
Wearing an action boost necklace: boosts = 10.
Get hit with 5 MDJ balls while using 0 boosts - Ending boosts = 0
Not wearing an action boost necklace: boosts = 8
Get hit by any number of MDJ balls while using 0 boosts - Ending boosts = 8
You'll note in one of these cases, your item implementation causes me to lose all my boosts....
06-02-2010, 02:49 PM
Note that per the description of the effect, it's only supposed to affect wands.
Bunny Slayer also grants an Intimidate buff.
eladrin, thet descriptions said competence bonus to intimidate skill. I bought the hat as 'competence bonus' usually means a stacking ability.
in use and on character sheet, this hat did nothing for my intim over my items...not one competence bonus point..
what gives?
06-02-2010, 03:00 PM
did you have a greatclub in your hands at the time?
06-02-2010, 03:02 PM
eladrin, thet descriptions said competence bonus to intimidate skill. I bought the hat as 'competence bonus' usually means a stacking ability.
Most skill boosting items grant a competence bonus.
06-02-2010, 03:06 PM
eladrin, thet descriptions said competence bonus to intimidate skill. I bought the hat as 'competence bonus' usually means a stacking ability.
in use and on character sheet, this hat did nothing for my intim over my items...not one competence bonus point..
what gives?
check you intimidate items they all say competence, so no they would not stack
06-02-2010, 03:08 PM
the +3 only applies when you are wielding a scroll or wand
Yes, that is correct. However, if you are using the bunny hat and a wand (or scroll until they "fix" it) to get the UMD to switch to a weapon, it will work if you equip the weapon directly from inventory but not by using a weapon set. That was my point.
06-02-2010, 03:15 PM
This is a big time slot saver on a UMD character. Since most weapons and equipment is low to mid-twenties, the three points is usually necessary for using scrolls. It doesn't really count as a slot, as you still get the effects of the helm you are otherwise wearing. Unfortunately, I only bought one when they were 5 TPs ...
You only need 1 as long as you have the shared bank.
06-02-2010, 04:12 PM
Note that per the description of the effect, it's only supposed to affect wands.
Your not gonna nerf it to only wands are you?
06-02-2010, 06:29 PM
Thanks for the Info. Cause I'm at work (ready supposed to be working), I can't log in. So... What's the ML on that hat?
There is no minimum level, i.e. any character can use the cute bunny hat. I only purchased one when it was 5 TP. I could have bought one for each of my characters if I knew! (i.e. 8)
06-02-2010, 08:05 PM
lammania testing confirmed in the forums, they took away scroll use...worthless now.
waste of turbine points..very upset. Whole reason I bought the dang thing.
06-02-2010, 08:26 PM
lammania testing confirmed in the forums, they took away scroll use...worthless now.
waste of turbine points..very upset. Whole reason I bought the dang thing.
Yea *** turbine? First, you put on a cool hat, that gives +3 umd when wanding/scrolling to boot. Then, after it's out for a short while, you drop the price from 250 to 5 tp, and rip off anyone who bought it previously. Now you're going to nerf it?
If I didn't want my turbine points back after your last screw over with the 5 point ordeal, I definitely want them back now. Come on turbine, seriously?
At this rate, it seems your only objective is to anger/annoy your entire player base.
06-03-2010, 04:15 PM
So, they are changing it to only work with wands after who knows how many people bought it based on the fact that it worked on scrolls.
Their justification: The description indicates it should only work with wands.
The problem: No one could read the description without first BUYING the item.
So, despite having months to address the issue in the store, such as issuing a warning before buying or something else to let people know BEFORE they bought it, they instead decide to announce it right before they put the update into effect. In effect, they are removing a feature many people paid money for(A trivial amount, but still valid) on the basis that you should have known about it based on something you could only read AFTER you bought the item.
I bought a bunny hat that gave me a +3 UMD when using wands. Nothing I saw indicated this was a bug, and my own testing in game worked flawlessly. Based on that, I bought a second one.(Fortunately, I hadn't grabbed one for a third character that also has UMD) At no time during these transactions was I ever presented with a description that told me that the scroll use was a bug. At no time did a Turbine employee post any information relating to that, nor list it in the Known Issues thread. Despite having months in which they were aware of the problem(Otherwise the fix wouldn't be in this update), they choose to remain silent, despite it being obvious that such a feature would boost sales of the helms.
Now Turbine is telling me "Oops, sorry you spent money on item A, but we meant for it to be Item B, so tough luck." When this change goes in, I'll open a ticket with a GM for a refund. When that doesn't work, I'll call customer service. I doubt either path will work, but at least it will cost Turbine more money to deal with me and give me a little satisfaction. I urge others to do the same. They sold you an item fully aware that they intended on changing it so that it was no longer the item you purchased. Entering into a contract in bad faith is exactly what Turbine sued Atari over, isn't it?
Turbine: Spend money and hope we haven't already decided to change it!
06-03-2010, 07:48 PM
DoD gives a hidden effect of DR20, that is not listed on the item description.
So when these hats came out, and they gave +3 UMD when holding a wand or scroll, I naturally assumed it was WIA. I will be demanding a refund of the 3 hats I bought.
06-04-2010, 11:15 AM
Note that per the description of the effect, it's only supposed to affect wands.
So, rather then mention that "it's only supposed to affect wands." when the bunny hats were FIRST RELEASED, the bunny hats were promoted and offered a lower price to highlight the WB buy out.
Now after players have purchased the bunny hats it sound like there might be a "fix" in the works. These items should have been pulled from the store if they were NOT working as intended - not promoted (or at least put a disclaimer on it).
It is one of the few items from the store that is useful to higher level characters. Yes, my bard (and other characters) uses the bunny hats and it isn't for wands.
It is a bad move if you are planning to nerf items you release from the store when they have been working in-game this long.
06-04-2010, 11:16 AM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
06-04-2010, 11:21 AM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Thank you.
Let this be a lesson.. you don't nerf The Rabbit...
I mean store bought loot.
06-04-2010, 11:23 AM
Does anyone else have a bunny hat they cannot wear? I can click it to change the appearance of what I wear, but it will not be equipped. I have tried it on all my characters to verify it just isn't a single character problem. It acts just like a Tri-Corner hat: a clickie only.
06-04-2010, 11:23 AM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Very smart move.
06-04-2010, 11:24 AM
Does anyone else have a bunny hat they cannot wear? I can click it to change the appearance of what I wear, but it will not be equipped. I have tried it on all my characters to verify it just isn't a single character problem. It acts just like a Tri-Corner hat: a clickie only.
its only a clicky, yes
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Why does Tarrant always get to share the good news?
06-04-2010, 11:28 AM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Awesome. Viva la Bunny hat!
06-04-2010, 11:30 AM
Thank you.
Let this be a lesson.. you don't nerf The Rabbit...
I mean store bought loot.
What do you get when you hit a rabbit with a nerf bat?
Couldn't resist!
06-04-2010, 11:30 AM
Why does Tarrant always get to share the good news?
Good Dev...Bad Dev syndrome....
One tries to SQUASH the bunnies....
the other one valiantly saves the bunnies!!
Need to have some sort of Bunny Hat parade in one of the theatres in House P...:eek:
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Okay, make sure that they change the text to match this also so we don't face this same thing next update.
06-04-2010, 11:35 AM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Good call! Thanks for making this change and letting us know.
Guess the WB buyout is helping, they saved the bunny ears!
/sad - although this does mean my rogue will continue to walk around looking stupid. Too bad /showhelmet off doesn't work with this.
06-04-2010, 12:35 PM
/sad - although this does mean my rogue will continue to walk around looking stupid.
And your cleric, and your fighter, and your..
Hey, I'm starting to sense a pattern here, and I don't think it's a helmet! :D
06-04-2010, 12:38 PM
And your cleric, and your fighter, and your..
Hey, I'm starting to sense a pattern here, and I don't think it's a helmet! :D
Shhhh, I was hoping no one would notice.
06-04-2010, 12:39 PM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Time to save up TP for another bunny hat ^^
06-04-2010, 02:14 PM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Good move. Changing things AFTER people bought them is a very bad idea.
06-04-2010, 02:25 PM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
OMG, Tarrant! No Bauble nerf, +3 UMD in what's basically an augment slot to my minos AND a new Cleric PrE?!!?!?!
You *do* love me!
06-04-2010, 02:29 PM
And your cleric, and your fighter, and your..
Hey, I'm starting to sense a pattern here, and I don't think it's a helmet! :D
Well see... we complained about everyone over Level 11 on the server having the same looking hat (Minos Legens) and now we're running around with bunnies on our heads.
Keep complaining about the Dragontouched armour uniformity, peeps! Then they'll make an armour skin with some cool hidden bonus, but it will all look like the Elocator's Habiliment. :p
06-04-2010, 02:33 PM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
Can't believe you caved...
Was the "hat" ever actually intended to work like this?
06-04-2010, 02:45 PM
OMG, Tarrant! No Bauble nerf, +3 UMD in what's basically an augment slot to my minos AND a new buggy Cleric PrE?!!?!?!
You *do* love me!
fixed for ya
06-04-2010, 03:14 PM
Does anyone else have a bunny hat they cannot wear? I can click it to change the appearance of what I wear, but it will not be equipped. I have tried it on all my characters to verify it just isn't a single character problem. It acts just like a Tri-Corner hat: a clickie only.
It is primarily a clicky, but gives you full benefits of it in cliky form.
Have you tried dragging it to your helmet spot in your inventory, if you really want it to take that slot?
06-04-2010, 08:15 PM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
was getting ready to just rhow away the stalwart necklace and the hat!!!!!
06-05-2010, 11:16 AM
We're reverting this change, bunny hats +3 UMD will still work with scrolls.
When will this go into effect? I just read this, so I bought one since the UMD was confirmed, but it doesn't give any UMD...
My mistake - it works on scrolls.
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