View Full Version : Ranger 12 / Rogue 7 / Monk 1 (for Update 5)?

06-01-2010, 07:39 AM
I've been tracking the Update 5 thread and a thought came to mind. Prior to U5, Tempest 2 wasnt all that useful - it was either Tempest 1 or Tempest 3. However, if they go with what seems to be the latest proposed setup - Tempest 2 gets you to 100% offhand attack probability, and all Tempest 3 gets you is the 5% for that double strike.

That got me thinking - does this make tempest 2 a viable option now and if so, would a Ranger 12 build become a viable option..

With that in mind, could doing some LR on my exploiter to Ranger 12 / Rogue 7 / Monk 1 make sense at that point?

Seems to me you keep most of the AC (lose 1, and 1 with FE), but, when sneak attacking, add significant damage (that seems it would be more than the 5% double strike chance). Add the fact that you get tons of extra skill points..

Anyway - assuming that's what they go with.. is this a strong build that may perhaps surpass the basic exploiter come update 5, or am I off track?

Can someone help me with the math of this scenario given the current set of proposed %'s for U2 TWF and definition of the double strike? Compare the two - against a FE or not (would also lose a level of FE and the last level of FE damage enhancement)?


06-01-2010, 07:46 AM
i'm not sure yet how things will play out, but planning a build now is pretty premature, i'd wait until update 5 is on lam at the least.

06-01-2010, 08:41 AM
Lol. I have this awful habit of always thinking far ahead and planning all contingencies. Helps me at work though (project management).

06-01-2010, 09:09 AM
I don't know how it stacks up on the DPS front, but I already have a post-U5 ranger 12 / monk 7 / rogue 1 build (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2982302&postcount=5) I'd like to try out. I was going for ranger 12 mostly for the +2 AC from max Barkskin and Tempest II: not great, but a bit more useful than either rogue 2 or monk 8 to this build. But if they actually improve Tempest II, that's just extra icing on the cake. :)