05-30-2010, 09:28 AM
After reading or trying to read the main thread and giving up my search of it to get my answer. I've come here in hopes to an answer...
With the proposed change to TWF I am concerned and interested to know how this will effect a Monk that has 2 Tower of Despair crafted rings equip'd (ie: holyburst and shockingburst).
Will the "off-hand" ring be effected the same way as an off-hand sword and not* proc it's effect anymore *assuming I understand correctly what I read*
And I am concerned how greatly this will effect a Monks DPS over all.
I am, Rameses!
With the proposed change to TWF I am concerned and interested to know how this will effect a Monk that has 2 Tower of Despair crafted rings equip'd (ie: holyburst and shockingburst).
Will the "off-hand" ring be effected the same way as an off-hand sword and not* proc it's effect anymore *assuming I understand correctly what I read*
And I am concerned how greatly this will effect a Monks DPS over all.
I am, Rameses!