View Full Version : In need of a guild

05-28-2010, 04:12 PM
I'm a casual gamer as family and work takes up most of my time. I've been playing MMOs for a long time. I played DDO in beta and the first month of release then moved on to other things. I'm looking for a mature group to run around with. I enjoy grouping as much as I enjoy soloing. I'm slowly learning the ends an outs and messing with different classes. I'm not looking to go to a website and fill out an application in hopes of getting accepted. If you want to chat in game to make sure I'm competent please send me a tell. I'm just looking to make the most of what time I have to play and a good guild can do that.

Asperun - lvl2 Ranger ( Arcane Archer Path )
Elossa - lvl1 Wizard ( Necro Path )

06-02-2010, 01:36 PM
Silver Phoenix-Legacy is recruiting. you can add Ghostwidow or Youthanasia or Rayvon to your list and we will look for you in game. I know you dont want to fill out an app for a guild, but check us out here


to see if your interested in our guild and see what we are about.