View Full Version : Some Reincarnation Questions

05-28-2010, 01:32 PM
Hey guys, I have a few questions regarding reincarnations if you don't mind :).

1) I noticed in the DDO store, the new +5 hearts of wood say you can use them at level 11+. For some reason, I always thought you could only reincarnate at level 20. What's the deal with the level restrictions for reincarnations?

2) What's the difference between a lesser, greater and true reincarnation? I did some forum searching and such, and the only thing I'm getting is one can upgrade you to a 34 or 36 point build? Obviously that can't just be the difference, so I'm asking here :). Also, what determines the 34 or 36 point upgrade, just a double reincarnation or something like that?

3) My friend and I have 3 characters each, all 28 point builds. Our characters are level 15, 12 and 10 each. Is there any reason to reincarnate now if we were planning on reincarnating them all along once we hit the level cap in order to upgrade their 28 point builds to a higher point build? All of them are pure classes and all of them are on the right track (no feats or skills or anything to re-do really).

4) My friend bought a different hairstyle from the DDO store for one of her characters. If she reincarnates it, will the hairstyle be lost and will she have to re-buy it? I think it was only like 30-80 points or something, but she was pretty happy about finding that hairstyle, so I figured I should ask about it then warn her if she loses it in a reincarnation.

Even though we don't have any characters that have hit the level cap yet and even though we're casual-ish players, we'd much prefer not to waste any time leveling. Meaning, since we were going to reincarnate at the level cap anyway to upgrade to 34/36pt builds, if we can just do it now instead of level another 5, 8 and 10 levels, that'd save a lot of time and energy.

Thanks in advance :).

05-28-2010, 09:43 PM
Answering your questions in the order your posted

1) You can only True Reincarnate at level 20. Meaning, you start at level 1, you get 34 point build for THAT character, and it takes more exp to level

2) The first time you True Reincarnate the toon you TR'd (True Reincarnated for short) will become a 34 point. If you reach level 20 on that toon again and you TR AGAIN then you become a 36 point build.

3) No need I would save up your money/ Turbine points and wait till you hit 20 and TR become a 34 point build

4) NO, how ever any tomes used will be deleted.

- No you cant do a TR at any level but 20 and no heart of wood can turn you into a 34 point build only TR'ing can

06-07-2010, 07:31 AM
A couple more questions:

When you TR do you get to keep all your equipment or just whats in the bank?

What happens to favor gained stuff like extra bank space and that collapsed portable hole you used? What happens to your favor for that matter?

How much mre XP do you need? Is it like twice?

Do you have to reflag for raids?

Could someone point me to a good guide to past life feets/effects? (I thought I saw a monk cast spells because he was a past life sorcerrer.)

Thanks for the help.

06-07-2010, 08:45 AM
When you TR do you get to keep all your equipment or just whats in the bank?
You get naked and all your stuff goes into a "reincarnation cache" (which looks like a shared bank, but with a LOT of capacity) from which you can take stuff but not put anything back.

What happens to favor gained stuff like extra bank space and that collapsed portable hole you used?
You go back to the one bank slot and 3 bags of the Newbie ^^
If you purchased a additional bank slot in the DDO store, you keep it though.

What happens to your favor for that matter?
You have to re-gain it.

How much mre XP do you need? Is it like twice?
I don't remember, but search this forum, it has been asked and answered not so long ago.

Do you have to reflag for raids?

Could someone point me to a good guide to past life feets/effects? (I thought I saw a monk cast spells because he was a past life sorcerrer.)
Again, I'll be lazy and tell you to search :p
I remember having answered this question, so it IS somewhere in the forum ;)