View Full Version : just wondering?

05-27-2010, 08:44 AM
hello i resently said i wanted to do a monk/ranger/rogue but now i am wondering is it better to skip the ranger class? and how do i get good with just one lv of rogue that people say they are? i mean do you have to do something special to get a good lv 1 rogue as if you where lv 10? (when im lv 9monk/1 rogue)

05-27-2010, 09:01 AM

05-27-2010, 09:11 AM
I apologize on behalf of the entire forums for not responding to you ill written rambling query in under 15 minutes. After posting this I will commit ritual suicide as I cannot live with the embarrassment. To answer you question...

Read the Forums. There are dozens of mixed builds. You want the TWF Tempest enhancements go Ranger 6/12/18 if not don't. You want a Monk with traps skills do that. A rogue with monk bonuses do that.

Roll a character and play. if you screw it up, which we all have you have options to fix it. Used to have only one...reroll. Go forth and learn for yourself...

05-27-2010, 09:16 AM
hello i resently said i wanted to do a monk/ranger/rogue but now i am wondering is it better to skip the ranger class? and how do i get good with just one lv of rogue that people say they are? i mean do you have to do something special to get a good lv 1 rogue as if you where lv 10? (when im lv 9monk/1 rogue)

1 lvl of rogue is all you need to unlock the use of disable device and open lock. Then every level you pump 2 skill points into each one. Rangers get decent enough skill points to do this, fighters get toffee skill points per levelup. And patience is a virtue ;) If you looking for build advice I would not suggest posting on the forums while sitting at a levelup or character creation screen ;)

05-27-2010, 09:18 AM
As for the skill side....

If you are going to just take 1 level of rogue and you want to take it at 1st level. Max out your rogue skills; Disable, Search for sure, Spot if you don't know where all the traps are and Open Lock if you have enough points.

Then each level you will want to spend your skill points in those same skills. As a Monk you will get 4 + Int Mod (+1 if Human), so to keep all these skills maxed out you would need:

Disable = Cross class, 2 points
Seach = Cross class, 2 points
Spot = Class Skill, 1 point
Open Lock = Cross Class, 2 points

You can kind of skimp on OL as the DC to most of them are lower, even more so if you are a dex based character.

So you are looking at ~7 skill points per level you need to spend on just your rogue skills, this is not counting UMD, Balance, Jump and so on that you may want to put ranks in depending on how you want to play him.

05-27-2010, 09:36 AM
you will get 4 + Int Mod (+1 if Human),

Ok. But if i want to calcute it. How do you calculate the int mod? I mean is it etc if i have +5 is it like 5*2? Or is it some other math
Calculation that is in work?

05-27-2010, 09:41 AM
Int Mod like all others is +1 for every 2 points over 10

12 is + 1
14 is + 2

So a non human monk with a 16 in would get 4 + 3 for 7 Skill Point a level. A human 4 + 3 + 1 for 8 with the Human bonus point.

05-27-2010, 05:07 PM
First off, try to decide what you want your character to be good at. It's a lot easier to guide you down the Path of Build-fu if you can tell people what your goals are. [Hint: if you say "EVERYTHING!!" you may be playing the wrong game. ;)]

Second, if your question is "How do you stay good at rogue skills without a lot of rogue levels?" then the answer is "By spending lots of skill points on them." How many skill points you get per level depends on your class(es), INT, and race (humans get 4 extra points at lvl 1 and 1 more each level). How many skill points you need per level depends on how many skills you want to keep maximized and whether they are class or cross-class skills (the latter take 2x as many skill points to raise).

If you want to deal with traps, you need Search & Disable. Spot is helpful too, especially when you're new to DDO, as it acts as an early-warning detector, but it's not essential. I'm pretty sure you can guess what Open Lock does. :) Finally there's Use Magic Device (UMD), which lets you use wands, scrolls, and other items you otherwise couldn't (due to race, class, or alignment restrictions) and is arguably the most useful skill in the game.

Rangers have an easier time of maintaining rogue skills than other classes because they get 6 skill points per level (plus INT bonus) and two of the trap-related skills (Spot & Search) are class skills for them. So a human ranger with INT 12 (INT 14 on other races) would have enough skill points to raise Search (1 pt), Spot (1), Disable (2), Open (2), and UMD (2) every level. If you choose any other class, you will have to prioritize your skills, because you won't have enough skill pts to max them all.