View Full Version : rate my build(or laugh at my build)

05-27-2010, 01:24 AM
11/6/3 ranger/fighter/rogue

Race: Elf

Ranger Enhancements
arenal elf damage 1&2
arenal elf attack 1&2


not sure about the fighter feats.
scimitar focus(and go for valner elf)
Exotic(are there any exotic rapiers/longswords/scimitars?
Weapon Finesse
maybe(Fighter critical 1&2(enhancments) improved critical(8 BAB? maybe with out rogue?)

other possible feats
weapon specialization pierce
weapon focus pierce

are there any exotics worth taking if i have OTWF. so, main hand exotics?

any help what so ever would help. also, i want/need elf so i can get the enhancements

05-27-2010, 01:34 AM
I like scimis on Regular Elfs (as in not drow).

I would consider going 12RNG/6FTR/2ROG though. The 3rd level ROG does not really give ya much.

And if willing, maybe swap the FTR and RNG to a 12FTR/6RNG/2ROG for a typical "Monster" build. But if you want to trap-monkey, the 12RNG/6FTR/2ROG or 11RNG/6FTR/3ROG would be easier to keep skills up.

Also be sure to take ROG at level one for the bonus Skill Points. Also UMD is extremely valuable...keep it capped.

Seems pretty solid to me (the build).

05-27-2010, 01:41 AM
Taking Ranger 11 for whatever you're taking it for (GTWF, ranger spells, whatever) is really not worth it, in that if you're not going to 18, which IS, for temp III alone, but also the other ranger stuff, more favored enemies, etc, you're better off stopping at 6 and putting those levels to better use elsewhere. Fighter 12 (kensai II)

/Ranger 6/rog2 would be much better, or fighter 3 rog 11 ranger 6, etc.

You have enough dex that with a +1 tome you could meet all the prereqs for the twf line on your own, and the fighter levels provide plenty of extra feats, or the rog levels extra sneak attack damage.

As far as choice of weapons, while scimitars aren't the worst thing, if you're doing it for top notch damage, they're really not going to compete with the almighty khopesh or even a dwarven axe (assuming a dorf uses it and takes enhancements, of course;)

As for weap focus, i think the consensus is that you're better off putting the feat elsewhere, since even as a full fighter you're prolly going to have something better to do with it. Kensai of course needs weapon spec.

I love OTWF, and recommend it as soon as you can fit it in, since while you can get +5 weaps, there's always those X-burst of Foo, with a lower +, and also power attack at some point, all of which sap to-hit. Other people may disagree.

But of course, you haven't told us your goal, so perhaps you just really like scimmies, which aren't too too terrible, and just want to have fun.:)

05-27-2010, 01:45 AM
Ranger level 11 is good if you want the ranged attacks as well as melee since you get improved precise shot, which takes a stack of feats to get without ranger 11.

05-27-2010, 01:55 AM
thanks. yes, i enjoy lvl 1 as rogue also for the bonus in XP you get in heytons crypt for that trap.

i was also wondering something.

at what lvls "in general" do you get extra feats? and does lvl 1 fighter feat count as the bonus feat? i know you get a bonus feat every 2 lvls but do you get 2 bonus feats at lvl 1 fighter or just one?

should i choose weapon focus at lvl 1? and if i weapon focus slashing do i get it for all slashing weapons? this is what i was thinking

fighter lvl feats
1 weapon focus
4 Weapon Specialization
6 TWD?

also, what favored enemy do you recomend? do saugohan count as lizards? what all counts as a lizard.?

05-27-2010, 02:07 AM
oh, so my whole point of this build is to be good with TWF and a splash of rogue for traps and sneak attacks

hmmmm, contemplating weapon focus...although weapon focus scimitar for all of the scimitar bonus i get with elf....not sure if it is worth the points. so if i went with longsword/rapier weapon focus Slash/Pierce i would need both of them....or both arenal and valner...

hmmmm, i just want too get the best out of my weapons. i dont know why but i dont want to go temptress. concentrating on TWF sneaking around getting sneak attacks/flanking/critical hits or what ever there called

05-27-2010, 10:26 AM
Ranger level 11 is good if you want the ranged attacks as well as melee since you get improved precise shot, which takes a stack of feats to get without ranger 11.

Oh, not denying that, but in that case, IMHO, you're better off continuing ranger to 18 and get the high level goodies, rather than putting those levels into a tier I pres, since tempest is really the only one of those that's worth splashing 6 levels.

But, I've never actually PLAYED a Ranger 11/fighter 6/etc, so perhaps someone would really really like it.


oh, so my whole point of this build is to be good with TWF and a splash of rogue for traps and sneak attacks

hmmmm, contemplating weapon focus...although weapon focus scimitar for all of the scimitar bonus i get with elf....not sure if it is worth the points. so if i went with longsword/rapier weapon focus Slash/Pierce i would need both of them....or both arenal and valner...

hmmmm, i just want too get the best out of my weapons. i dont know why but i dont want to go temptress. concentrating on TWF sneaking around getting sneak attacks/flanking/critical hits or what ever there called

If you'd just said you wanted to be really really good with twf, i'd recommend pure fighter, but as you mention rogue, you could either stay mostly fighter (18 fighter/2 rog for evasion) or go ranger 6/fighter 12/rog 2, or rog1/barb, etc, or ranger 18/2 rog, or of course the exploiter, ranger 18/rog1/mnk 1. The exploiter requires some serious raid gear to really hit all the marks, which is why i'm holding off on one.

you could also follow some kind of barbarian path, lots of options, you'll find.

The difference is that while the fighter will have more damage with the signature weapon, i.e. just scimitar or whatever, a ranger can use a wider variety of weapons with less penalty, and still retain class bonuses (favored enemy damage). Barbarians have similar weapon versatility, being more rage-dependent for damage. Rogue-heavy builds are more about sneak attack damage, which is 1d6 more for every odd level.

I don't think you can take both the scmitar line and the rapier line of enhancements. Rapiers and scimmies aren't bad at all, if you're looking at higher level crit-effect stuff, but the conventional min/max high damage wisdom will say khopeshes. khopeshes are absolutely better damage against anything without 75% or better fort, but it's not game breakingly huge, if you really really like a scimmie/rapier wielding elfie; i myself have a dwarven axe tempest:)

Weapon focus, for just +1 to hit with a specific weapon class, doesn't really seem worth the feat slot, and i've never heard anyone give it the sliced bread seal of approval, since i hear people advising feat starved builds to skip even OTWF, which gets rid of the +2 off hand penalty for any one-hander you put in there.

As for feats, you get fighter bonus feats based on fighter levels, and normal feats based on total character levels, so the first level of ftr will give you a bonus feat, and if it falls on a character level that gets a feat anyway, you'll get 2, or 3 if you're human taking fighter at first level.

If you like sneak attack, tho and don't like tempest(no temptress prestige yet, but it sounds interesting;)), there's not a lot of reason for a melee to take ranger levels. (But why don't you like an always-on 10% boost in attack speed and slight shield ac bump?) You should go mostly rogue, then:) Splashing at random is really really not a good idea, make sure you're doing it to get something you can't any other way. Taking ranger to get free twf is not a good reason, if you're not going whole hog with it, since there are other ways to get those feats. You DID say you wanted to be good, which i'm going to assume means hitting things and doing lots of damage:) Good luck.

05-27-2010, 11:10 AM
If you are going as high as ranger 11 I'd go ahead and make it 12 for Tempest II

05-27-2010, 11:22 AM
1) Look at the explotier (and derivations) build if you have not.
2) Never stop at 11 on a Multiclass you are robbing yourself of the second tier PrE (6/12/18) remember those numbers.

05-27-2010, 11:59 AM
I think ranger 6 / ftr 12 is better from a melee DPS perspective than ranger 12 / ftr 6. However the latter gets you way more skill points (important if you're trying to be a trapmonkey); GTWF, Prec Shot, and Imp Prec Shot free (also getting you out of the DEX pre-req for all of them); lvl 3 ranger spells; max Barkskin bonus of +5 (although if you're shooting for high AC, you're probably better off with monk than ftr); +1 AC from Tempest II (I know, big whoop).

That said, I can't decide if ranger 12 / ftr 6 or ranger 18 is the better choice: does Kensai I beat Tempest III?

BTW, OP, part of why you see rogue 2 / ranger 6 combos is rogue 2 provides Evasion while rangers don't get Evasion until lvl 9; however if you're going for ranger 11+ it's redundant. So unless you need the skill points or want Evasion early in your career, you might be better off with just rogue 1.

05-27-2010, 12:09 PM
i was thinking rogue 3 for the sneak attack bonus....but was also thinking just 1 lvl also

05-27-2010, 01:58 PM
The extra sneak attack for one more level of rogue doesn't add up to what it looks like on paper.

Use one these builds...you won't be unhappy. If you don't have Monk you can replace with fighter...lower saves and ac vs higher BAB. Play around with things to add flavor but basing off a solid build like this one will make things easier if you aren't an experienced builder. Most of us who like making builds have screwed up and rerolled dozens of times finding what works. If you willing to put in the time it can be fun just experimenting.

Now for the builds...

Ever Popular Exploiter


This is another good one that shoots for Kensei II/Tempest I..


Or Tempest Rogue...


as for weapons Scimmy's work nice for elf builds and are cheaper than rapiers and khopesh's. not by much though.

05-27-2010, 02:45 PM
Another build option: tihocan's Tempest (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2800940&postcount=16) (rogue 1 / ranger 18 / ftr 1), which is easier to pull off than the Exploiter if you're new to the game and running a 28-pt build. Need higher INT than 8 if you want it to be a full-fledged trapmonkey, though.

If you want something a little different, you could also do rogue 2 / ranger 6 / barbarian 12. The advantage to barb over fighter (or paladin) is they get more skill points per level (4 + INT bonus), making it a bit easier to keep up your trap skills (depending on your INT, of course). You also get beaucoup HPs from barb, which is one of the weaknesses of rogue / rangers; a nice big boost to STR & CON while Raged (+10 max if I'm adding right); free DR (4 at barb 11); and a 10% run speed boost. Your AC becomes a bad joke while Raged, though, so make sure you have some means of dealing with all the extra hits you'll soak up.

05-27-2010, 02:48 PM
I think ranger 6 / ftr 12 is better from a melee DPS perspective than ranger 12 / ftr 6. However the latter gets you way more skill points (important if you're trying to be a trapmonkey); GTWF, Prec Shot, and Imp Prec Shot free (also getting you out of the DEX pre-req for all of them); lvl 3 ranger spells; max Barkskin bonus of +5 (although if you're shooting for high AC, you're probably better off with monk than ftr); +1 AC from Tempest II (I know, big whoop).

That said, I can't decide if ranger 12 / ftr 6 or ranger 18 is the better choice: does Kensai I beat Tempest III?

BTW, OP, part of why you see rogue 2 / ranger 6 combos is rogue 2 provides Evasion while rangers don't get Evasion until lvl 9; however if you're going for ranger 11+ it's redundant. So unless you need the skill points or want Evasion early in your career, you might be better off with just rogue 1.

Kensai I really doesn't beat temp III, imho. Kensai II is the threshold for a bigger splash than 1-2 levels of fighter:


If damage is your concern, fighter 12, if you want more versatility, you could go fighter 1 rogue 1 ranger 18, or even mostly rogue. And that barb idea is interesting;)