View Full Version : DDO Cocktail Hour, Episode 15, Ninja Surprise!

05-26-2010, 09:24 AM
Warning: No Really… this is a serious warning! This show is very very funny! You might fall over in fits of laughter! You should not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this podcast!

Very little educational content is contained within this show! If you are looking for hard-hitting news, please refer our parent show: The DDO Cast. (http://www.ddocast.com/) Otherwise sit back, relax, grab your favorite cocktail whatever that might be, and enjoy as we explore the lighter side of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited!

This week, Lessah has a very special surprise for Samius in the way of Ninja Guest Anne Trent! (Who turns out to be the best guest evah!!!) Listen as Samius falls all over himself trying to look cool and uses more innuendo than should be allowed in any Podcast Ever! The team talks about quest story lines, Epic content, DDO Europe, the team plays a cool game, and MORE! You can listen to the clean version of the show on itunes or cyberears, but the "director’s cut" of the show is about 15 minutes longer and not appropriate for young listeners! It can be downloaded only in this week’s website bonus material. As always, thanks so much for listening!

Click HERE (http://www.cyberears.com/index.php/Browse/playaudio/9494) to listen from our home on Cyberears!

Click HERE (http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ddococktailhour-com/id360362559) to listen to us in Itunes!

Click HERE (http://ddococktailhour.com/) to listen or download from our website!

Intro: Chinese Flute!
NINJA SURPRISE!!!!! (http://my.ddo.com/theris/)
What are you drinking?
What are you up to?
Lessah: Reaver FTW!!!
Samius: Javabot & Butterball
Ninja Guest: Raid Raid Raid!
Twitter Samius: Epic content? Do you do it?
Twitter Lessah: What DDO Storyline is your favorite? Do you even read NPC text?
All about Ninjas!
Forums: Samius Googles & Lessah talks DDO Europe (http://community.codemasters.com/forum/dungeons-dragons-online-general-discussion-296/415265-ddocast-episode-168-5-22-10-a.html)
GAME!!! /Squelch /shadowhump or /Guildinvite
EMAILS! Bruce is hawt, Jeff bridges is not.
Outro& Toast

Follow Us on Twitter!
@Lessah (http://twitter.com/Lessah)
@SamiusGurobo (http://twitter.com/SamiusGurobo)


05-26-2010, 04:57 PM
Just finished listening to the "directors cut" (I went straight for it!) and I have to say... IT WAS HILARIOUS! I have never almost gotten in trouble for laughing so hard here at work!

Keep up the awesome work, and looking forward to the next one!

05-26-2010, 08:50 PM
Lessah was not recording when the interactive KiltFlexer went up on the site. Them ladies squealed like schoolgirls. Samius was afraid to touch Clanky's Rod of Lordly Might.

05-26-2010, 08:54 PM
Clankenbeard, if I could get you to draw a picture of yourself holding an ale, I would really appreciate it.

05-26-2010, 09:04 PM
Hey all. I'm a new player and found out about your podcast by searching for twitters to follow for DDO. Ive been listening to the back episodes and enjoyed it very much, but #15 was epic! All the gigglies had me chuckling and I have to say u handled yourself with dignity, Samius.

I have to say, you're the best Clankenbeard! You crack me up endlessly! I feel like you're already my drinking buddy!

Much love to all of you on the show. Thanks for the laughs!

05-27-2010, 12:39 AM
Um. Phalanx, buddy. I don't know how to break this to you, but I wasn't on the show this week. You might have heard me say "Kami-Kos1mo" from a room away. But that's it. What the heck, though--we can still go drinking! If you want to get the flavor for all things Clankenbeard go listen to my completely true and thorough and not at all made up Clerical Errors!

You can find them on Jerry's REAL podcast at www.DDocast.com or just play them off of www.Lessah.com! (I know it's a real podcast over there because there's seldom drinking, no giggling, and few innuenDDOs.) ****. I'm like Clankenpimp, all trying to hook peeps on my free product. Soon, I'll jack up the prices 400%! Yeah. That sounds good. I'll make a killing.

Clankenbeard, if I could get you to draw a picture of yourself holding an ale, I would really appreciate it.Okay. I drew it. Now start appreciating. No offense, but just exactly how are you going to do this without having seen the picture?

05-27-2010, 01:26 AM
Oh, sorry I wasnt specific in my earlier post. Actually, when I was referring to you being my favorite, I was referring to an older show when you were a guest. #12 I think. The one where you and Samius take Lessah's pop quiz on acronyms. You had me in stitches. :)

See, i crammed them all in this week to play catch up as a new listener. So my references might be a little off.

I'll be checking out Clerical Errors, for sure!

05-29-2010, 09:35 AM
Best show EVAR! Never have I been happier about working alone.