View Full Version : Skill Monkey/Versatile Monkey

05-25-2010, 06:27 PM
So i've been playing tanks and feel the need to play the other side of raiding parties; the support.
Bards scream support with their versatility and crowd control abilities, but master mechanic rogues have all the desirable skills.

I'm thinking that classes that i would want to play are rogue/bard multiclass, but i'm sure there are things other classes have to offer. Like, Bards have no spell failure with light armors. This can be put into a sorc/wiz level or two.

i'm thinking that this build would focus on DEX, INT and CHA. Unfortunately though, i have no Drow class.

If i take one or two levels in rogue, and probably one of each for wiz and sor(one level for the extra sp, the other for the amount of spells known),the rest being bard levels,
will i retain the class skills of the rogue as i level into the other classes?
I figured i would take the weapon finesse feat or something, or just use a crossbow.

is this viable with 28 points?
Its really just a fun build trying to be the best versatile supporter.

05-25-2010, 06:32 PM
Bards have no spell failure with light armors. This can be put into a sorc/wiz level or two.

This is a bug. Confirmed by the devs as something that will be fixed in the future and players are advised not to rely on this bug in building a character. No spell failure should only apply to the bard spells.

On a broader note, trying to spread yourself too thin usually works very well for a couple levels, and makes you near useless in the upper half of the game.

05-25-2010, 06:35 PM
If i take one or two levels in rogue, and probably one of each for wiz and sor(one level for the extra sp, the other for the amount of spells known),the rest being bard levels,

Rogue + wizard + sorcerer + bard = 4 classes; DDO allows characters to take levels in 3 classes.

There are some effective bard/rogue builds.

Anyway, mixing wizard and sorcerer is often a very bad idea .....

05-25-2010, 07:01 PM
so then in the bard/rogue builds how many levels do they take in each?

05-26-2010, 06:02 AM
18 bard - 2 rogue: mainly bard, but evasion and full trap skills (search, disable and open lock).

16 bard - 2 rogue - 2 fighter (or barbarian): same as above, but more tank-ish.

In the future, 18 bard levels will allow Tier III of bard PrEs (not released so far).

However, I suggest you browse bard forums.

05-26-2010, 07:03 AM
18 bard - 2 rogue: mainly bard, but evasion and full trap skills (search, disable and open lock).

16 bard - 2 rogue - 2 fighter (or barbarian): same as above, but more tank-ish.

In the future, 18 bard levels will allow Tier III of bard PrEs (not released so far).

However, I suggest you browse bard forums.

hey thanks.
for skills like search disable and open lock, don't you only need a certain amount of ranks in there?
and does perform make your songs that much more higher dc fir each rank you have in it?

05-26-2010, 09:35 AM
The Axesinger (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=195289) is a pretty popular rogue / bard. Note that as presented it's not a trapmonkey, so if you want trap skills you need to rejigger it a bit. The biggest challenge for rogue / bards who want to be trapmonkeys is all of the trap skills are cross-class skills for bards, so it takes a lot of skill points - or extra rogue levels - to keep them up. [Whereas rogue / ranger trapmonkeys are a bit easier to pull off because Spot & Search are ranger skills.]

Here's a human rogue 3 / bard 16 / fighter 1 Warchanter build (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2980990&postcount=3) I came up with recently. It's designed for bludgeoning weapons - the idea being to dual-wield weighted warhammers to stun foes - but it can be switched to slashing or piercing.