View Full Version : AFK Messages?

05-24-2010, 11:07 AM
How do I set custom AFK messages? And is there any way to activate them besides the auto-AFK after 15 minutes?

05-24-2010, 11:09 AM
How do I set custom AFK messages? And is there any way to activate them besides the auto-AFK after 15 minutes?

Type in: /afk <message> to mark yourself afk with a custom message.

05-24-2010, 11:10 AM
yes i beleave u can and it /afk <message> and /afk switches it on / off i beleave

05-24-2010, 11:10 AM
How do I set custom AFK messages? And is there any way to activate them besides the auto-AFK after 15 minutes?

I just type /afk in the general window.

11-10-2018, 12:40 PM
Is there a way to change it so I don't go afk for an hour instead of 15 mins ?

11-10-2018, 01:41 PM
Is there a way to change it so I don't go afk for an hour instead of 15 mins ?
Come back sooner? Don't get sucked in to television while fixing a sandwich? Bran muffins?

Not sure what you mean. The message will be there until you change it. Your account will get logged off automatically once the inactive period expires (which varies depending whether you are F2P, Premium, or VIP).

11-12-2018, 09:18 AM
Come back sooner? Don't get sucked in to television while fixing a sandwich? Bran muffins?

Not sure what you mean. The message will be there until you change it. Your account will get logged off automatically once the inactive period expires (which varies depending whether you are F2P, Premium, or VIP).

No you won't get logged if you know how to

11-14-2018, 01:37 AM
No you won't get logged if you know how to

Since when is it acceptable to encourage exploits?

11-14-2018, 12:49 PM
The term "exploit" seems a bit melodramatic re not getting logged out when afk.

11-15-2018, 03:17 AM
The term "exploit" seems a bit melodramatic re not getting logged out when afk.
If you condone bypassing a feature that logs off inactive players, you are part of the problem.

11-15-2018, 09:22 AM
Is there a way to change it so I don't go afk for an hour instead of 15 mins ?

I worded this poorly. What I meant was that I didn't want to get logged off for an hour. Afk is different, and I'm ok with afk after 10-15 mins. I just realized I Can stay logged on for an hour without being logged off, so that's good. Sometimes I need to take a break (after 6-8 hrs of playing) and I don't want to log off n lose my chat for some reason.

I do agree that characters who are afk for an hour Should be logged off. Helps with lag and other issues. But there's obviously a way some people are getting away with it.

One time my husband was trying to use the harbor bank, and a player was logged on with 3 characters and their iron defenders (all had abt the same name n the pets had the exact same name). All of them were surrounding the banker in a way that it was impossible to click on him. Somehow they remained there without moving for over 10 hrs. We know, because we kept checking to see if they were gone. My husband even tried messaging the players, but got no reply.

The other problem is the gold spam bots that have been showing up multiple times a day in the marketplace and harbor. They never go afk or get logged out because every 5 sec they post a message in 'trade chat'. It sometimes takes 5-6 hrs for them to be removed after we report them (yes, we squelch them as well). They are bypassing the afk simply by saying something. Maybe characters should have to move once every hour or be logged off, instead of just not speaking for an hour before being logged off ?

11-15-2018, 09:52 AM
One time my husband was trying to use the harbor bank, and a player was logged on with 3 characters and their iron defenders (all had abt the same name n the pets had the exact same name). All of them were surrounding the banker in a way that it was impossible to click on him. Somehow they remained there without moving for over 10 hrs. We know, because we kept checking to see if they were gone. My husband even tried messaging the players, but got no reply.

The other problem is the gold spam bots that have been showing up multiple times a day in the marketplace and harbor. They never go afk or get logged out because every 5 sec they post a message in 'trade chat'. It sometimes takes 5-6 hrs for them to be removed after we report them (yes, we squelch them as well). They are bypassing the afk simply by saying something. Maybe characters should have to move once every hour or be logged off, instead of just not speaking for an hour before being logged off ?

You can select and toggle through interactive things with the Q key, and select or use them with the E key by default, I think. Helps with crowds, so you don't have to click. Same with combat, I believe TAB will cycle through targets. Also, using CTRL-G will toggle auto targeting off/on. Which helps keep your target locked, if I recall correctly.

I think but am not sure, but if you report someone, I think it automatically puts them on your squelch list? Also, you can right click on the chat tabs and change the incoming/outgoing message types, for example, if you did not want to see trade chat. If you get stuck in the window, just click rename then hit enter, to get your mouse cursor back.

11-15-2018, 10:21 PM
I worded this poorly. What I meant was that I didn't want to get logged off for an hour. Afk is different, and I'm ok with afk after 10-15 mins. I just realized I Can stay logged on for an hour without being logged off, so that's good. Sometimes I need to take a break (after 6-8 hrs of playing) and I don't want to log off n lose my chat for some reason.

I do agree that characters who are afk for an hour Should be logged off. Helps with lag and other issues. But there's obviously a way some people are getting away with it.

One time my husband was trying to use the harbor bank, and a player was logged on with 3 characters and their iron defenders (all had abt the same name n the pets had the exact same name). All of them were surrounding the banker in a way that it was impossible to click on him. Somehow they remained there without moving for over 10 hrs. We know, because we kept checking to see if they were gone. My husband even tried messaging the players, but got no reply.

The other problem is the gold spam bots that have been showing up multiple times a day in the marketplace and harbor. They never go afk or get logged out because every 5 sec they post a message in 'trade chat'. It sometimes takes 5-6 hrs for them to be removed after we report them (yes, we squelch them as well). They are bypassing the afk simply by saying something. Maybe characters should have to move once every hour or be logged off, instead of just not speaking for an hour before being logged off ?

I'm not sure the afk kick is timed to submitted chat - rather to keyboard input. I never use the chat when playing, so when I get a drink or take a short walk and the afk message comes up, I just press A or D to turn the character's view and it disappears. I believe the same would happen if a gold spammer pressed ENTER to start chatting - afk counter is cleared. As for the clown hogging the bank and degrading your game experience, not cool!