05-23-2010, 10:53 PM
DeathBanne ran a 5 barb, 1 pal, 1 ftr/barb, 2 fvs, 2 rgr, 1 bard. (no arcane)
Was very fun, thanks!
Part 1 - went well.. had a few aggro problems to start but settled down after awhile
Part 2 - Rouge shadow almost killed party, but pally raised all and 1 fvs just remained healing.
Part 3 - Aggro problems again, pally tank sully, went realitivly well.... and skunk on both chests.. not a single thing.
Was very fun, thanks!
Part 1 - went well.. had a few aggro problems to start but settled down after awhile
Part 2 - Rouge shadow almost killed party, but pally raised all and 1 fvs just remained healing.
Part 3 - Aggro problems again, pally tank sully, went realitivly well.... and skunk on both chests.. not a single thing.