View Full Version : Paralyze effect

05-20-2010, 02:29 PM
make mobs under paralyze, hold person,hold monster and domination unable to heal themselves

05-20-2010, 02:36 PM
They cant. If they were casting prior to being otherwise inhibited....the spell will still go off. Other caster mobs are also free to heal the paralyzed mob.

If your issue is with creatures that can passively regenerate health.....I'd have to say no...it would make no sense for a creature who cannot move its limbs to be unable to benefit from its own natural regeneration.

05-20-2010, 02:45 PM
There is a current bug, verified or not, that allows mobs to still run all over the place and take other actions with 2 or more crowd control or other effects on them in specific combinations. This is seen mostly when you blind and flesh to stone a mob, and its statue slides all over the place.