View Full Version : Help Out Poor Rheebus with his next TR

05-20-2010, 07:54 AM
I am bad at designing and picking builds. My best toons have come from guild member ideas. Those ideas have been few and far between lately, so I am turning to you, the DDO Forums.

I have lots of characters, all at or very near lvl20 (Ghallanda). Each has GS and other raid/high level gear appropriate for their current class.

Current List
Vulcano - SOR (Tukaw Clone)
eq:torc, conc opp, triple acid guard earthgrab bracers, min II GAxe, SP+CHA skills goggles,
Gloves of the Glacier, Docent of Defiance, Disintegrate Guard+Magma Surge Guard
Dragontouched Docent, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces Boots, Spectral Gloves

Pantol - FTR (TWF - Kensai III)
eq:Deathnip, GS acid and good H picks, Elocutor's Habiliment

Ufgar - CLE (Healbot/BB+Impl Fanatic)
eq:GS SP goggles

Rheebuus - RNG (Exploiter)
eq:WoP longbow, Ethereal Bracers, no GS, no Raid gear

Rheebus - ROG (haven't played this one for years)
eq:essentially none

Alakaun - TRWIZ (SOR in previous life)
eq:GS SP+CHA skills goggles, GS Exc INT+3 Morningstar, Upgraded Quorforged Docent
of Battle, Ring of Spell Storing, Mysterious Bauble, Boots of the Innocent, Stormreaver's

Chungk - MNK (HW + harmonious balance)
eq: GS HP+earthgrab goggles, Spectral Gloves, Flaming burst+Icyburst+weighted 5% HW

I am looking to TR one of these into something new. My guildies are planning a mass TR across the guild, and I'd like to join them. Give me some ideas!

Effective in EPIC content
being able to contribute to DPS
being at least somewhat self-sufficient

Straight Casters w/no melee
trapsmiths (can't we just run through those traps?)

05-20-2010, 08:29 AM
Alakaun -> Alakaun v36. Warforged Wizard17/Rogue2/Fighter1.
Wizard with solid melee and utility. Can CC, chop stuff, nuke or just instakill. Has Evasion, max UMD, can do traps and locks.

05-20-2010, 08:31 AM
Try a 18pally/2 monk split. Should fit all of your likes and none of your dislikes. Extremely viable build with awesome saves, self healing, AC and good dps.

Check out Asseo's build to get some ideas( he has two variations) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=164284&highlight=assio

05-20-2010, 09:35 AM
I'm thinking Human Rogue 12 / Monk 8

The monk side is light monk using the healing ki for self and group healing. The Rogue side is all for sneak attack and UMD/Intimidate. The paladin side is for a save boost and weapon proficiency.

The combat plan is attack speed + sneak attack + decent str while generating healing, handwraps are default but use longswords as well for stat damage, or Q staff cause the animation is cool.
The defense plan is high Dex/AC/Saves

Buck the system and ditch your trap skills which lets you tank Int but still have lots of twitchy jump and tumble etc...

Could go human, could go elf...

I'd say TR Rhebus so you like playing him, and the sneak attack bonus would be handy for this build. The cleric could work as well or the monk of course.

If you like I can try to work it up in detail for you.

05-20-2010, 10:04 AM
Halfling TWF Pally Monk Fighter (12/6/2) Str 14 (12), Dex 18, Con 12 (14), Wis 12 (14), Cha 14. Munch tomes. Brackets are for optional stat setup then munch tome to qualify for PA. :D Can get a +2 Cha tome for Divine Might 3 making you a bit more uber.

I only suggest this as I was thinking about it and whether I should trade monk for rogue...you can be my guinea pig :p
Get weighted handwraps and wind stance for epics, extremely clickie/twitchy based, evasion, with the right weapons DPS is there, if you go monk with new PrE's even more so, or rogue assassin and then KotC II, very Self Sufficient, MC obviously and for good UMD go 6 rogue instead of monk [way less feats though :/ ]

Would work on any of your toons really. Fighter is good ;)

05-20-2010, 10:21 AM
Halfling TWF Pally Monk Fighter (12/6/2) Str 14 (12), Dex 18, Con 12 (14), Wis 12 (14), Cha 14. Munch tomes. Brackets are for optional stat setup then munch tome to qualify for PA. :D Can get a +2 Cha tome for Divine Might 3 making you a bit more uber.

Interesting. Why not 12 ftr 7 monk 1 rogue. would give you kensei II, Monk windstance II (or is it III? I forget), and unlock the UMD you want

or 12 pally/ 7 monk/1 rogue

Could always go with a elf variant of the Monster build. 12 ftr/ 6 ranger/2 monk . use longswords and still be able to stay centered. Would allow for tempest 10% and windstance 10%. that's a free 20% unhasted attack speed boost. Throw in some fighter attack speed boosts and watch em fly lol.

05-20-2010, 02:18 PM
Interesting. Why not 12 ftr 7 monk 1 rogue. would give you kensei II, Monk windstance II (or is it III? I forget), and unlock the UMD you want

or 12 pally/ 7 monk/1 rogue

Comparing kensai with Kotc are two different things ;) The 2 fighter levels are for the feats, bab and haste boost I. 12 Pally gets you KotC II, pally 11 allows for aura boosts on III. (the extra lvl 3 spell not worth it but there it is for lvl 12 :p ). Monk 6 gives you adept of wind and monk wis II plus evasion while monk 7 only gives wholeness of body (pallies LoH superior either way). The only mistake I made in my original post is you need pally lvl 15 for DM 3 so stuck with DM 2 but considering the new PrE's coming out a light monk/pally can double up on smites ;)

05-21-2010, 12:36 PM
Thanks for your responses. I appreciate the info! Do you have any other ideas about synergies between past life feats, current eq, and the builds you are suggesting? It seems to me the best use of TR is taking advantage of current eq and synergizing with past life feats. I will be buying a super +2 tome for the process. You can count on those in your build suggestions.

06-08-2010, 07:45 AM
Thanks for your responses. I appreciate the info! Do you have any other ideas about synergies between past life feats, current eq, and the builds you are suggesting? It seems to me the best use of TR is taking advantage of current eq and synergizing with past life feats. I will be buying a super +2 tome for the process. You can count on those in your build suggestions.

Mine would really work on your fighter the best but the equipment would change due to my build. The monk or rogue are your next best bet.

Considering Past life feats;

Granted: +1 Intimidate, +1 Attack
Selected: +2 Intimidate, +1 Max Dex, BaB increase clickie

Granted: +2 Saves vs trps, +1 SA Dmg
Selected: +1 SA DMG/2 lvls, +1 SA ATT /4 lvls, +1 Skills

Granted: +1 DMG
Selected: +2 Concentration, +1 DMG Dice on Unarmed Strikes,

Now considering you don't have to take the selected past life feat, and if you ok going unarmed or kama for my build, the monk becomes your next best choice over the fighter.

So I say go for Chungk on my build and plan on using monkey weapons.

If you do go rogue assassin I instead of the monk then you get better UMD and your character choice changes to Rheebus ;)

Let us know how it goes and what you chose

07-15-2010, 12:01 PM
Human 2/18 mnk/fvs.

Khopesh, twf x 3, toughness, imp. crtit., PA, extend, maximize, quicken. Will solo heal Shroud. Has wings. Has heal and mass heal. Top notch DPS. This build rules them all - perfect soloer, perfect party addition. Can go 2 ftr(no evasion, but my favorite for DPS reasons), can go 1ftr/1barb(loses one feat) instead of 2mnk.

One problem with this build. After you get it to 20 you will have absolutely no idea what to roll next. I'm there at the moment.

Alternatively straight up 20 Lord of blades fvs. 15 constant DR... yeah. 40 orthons at you, and you just laugh. Will put your Tukaw to shame in Sins of Attrition (BB rips s&^*& even if they save every time). One minus - no evasion. Who needs evasion with saves/resistances and 15 DR ;)