View Full Version : WF - Sacred Tempest

05-19-2010, 12:55 PM
I need your assistence before I dive into this build. I like the idea of a warforged barbarian, but don't like relying on casters and healers to repair me. I also like the 18/1/1 Ranger builds but looking for something different. Please give honest feed back since I haven't even started the research.

WF lawful good
12 Pal / 6 Rng / 2 Mnk

This build would take 6 straight levels of Ranger, getting the tempest benefits
7th level - Mnk
8-9th level - Pal
10th level - Mnk (evasion)
10-20 level - Pal

I envision him being a oversized two weapon wielding, Paladin buffed, Tempest self healer.

I've thought about using 12 levels of fighter, but I like to see Paladins (and Bards) which, are in my opinion, rarely played.

Comments? Thoughts?

Thanks guys. . . .

05-19-2010, 01:58 PM
Go pure paladin, you'll get Zeal which is 10% attack speed exactly the same as tempest haste.

You can get your UMD to 39 (no fail heal scrolls), and will have a lot of Lay on Hands, plus Cure Serious Wounds - so decent self sufficiency.

With the right weapons, you can Exhaulted Smite for 1,000-1,200 per hit, or a bit lower for TWF, but it will land with both weapons if timed right.

Personaly my next TR project is a pure human GTWF Pali weilding 2x Epic Chaos Blades.

05-19-2010, 02:29 PM
Another possibility is to go 14 pally(zeal) and 6 ranger(tempest). Both stack so you'll attack prettydamn fast, I got one at lvl twelve ATM and can't wait until 20 to get zeal(tempest first!!)

either way you will have a blast mate
