View Full Version : When to ditch Anger's Wrath?

05-17-2010, 10:12 AM
At what level would you ditch Anger's Wrath and what gear (any slot) would you recommend to replace it?

Currently still using it on a lvl12 TWF paladin.

05-17-2010, 10:13 AM
When you find something that gives you a better bonus that needs the same slots.

05-17-2010, 10:14 AM
on my TR i used it till lvl13 as then i could use lorricks necklace and madstone boots

while normal leveling (means without those items waiting in bank) it really depends if you find something more useful then +2 tohit

05-17-2010, 10:14 AM
Agreed with above. Hold on to it until you find something that is more useful for your build.

05-17-2010, 10:18 AM
Sorry to derail but...

Hey Visty you have a load of posts and a lot of rep for someone with a 2009 join date. I have seen the "need more arcane oozes" tagline for a couple years. So i was wondering if you forum join date is bugged as mine is.

Again sorry for derail.

05-17-2010, 10:25 AM
Sorry to derail but...

Hey Visty you have a load of posts and a lot of rep for someone with a 2009 join date. I have seen the "need more arcane oozes" tagline for a couple years. So i was wondering if you forum join date is bugged as mine is.

Again sorry for derail.

nope, nothing bugged
this account was indeed created sep09
also have another account which is from somewhere 08 but this was created befor ddo went f2p and i couldnt remember the details of my old back then. thus i use this now
(and i have to say i play in europe since feb07 but that has no impact on this account^^)

/end of derail

05-17-2010, 10:30 AM
nope, nothing bugged
this account was indeed created sep09
also have another account which is from somewhere 08 but this was created befor ddo went f2p and i couldnt remember the details of my old back then. thus i use this now
(and i have to say i play in europe since feb07 but that has no impact on this account^^)

/end of derail

But that does obviously impact the scope of your knowledge of the game. Someone who has been playing 3+ years has seen and learned many things about the game, while someone with only 6 months can only know what is now the game.

05-17-2010, 11:30 AM
But that does obviously impact the scope of your knowledge of the game. Someone who has been playing 3+ years has seen and learned many things about the game, while someone with only 6 months can only know what is now the game.

He has been playing .... a bit longer .....then the Join Date would suggest.

All DDO-Europe refugees have this "problem". For example i started playing DDO in the beta. The real beta. But as this was on the european DDO servers, which are now in their last death-throes, i dont have the +5 HP FounderĀ“s Hat, the pre-order +1 nat.armor Amulett and the oldtimer forum join date.

Luckily for me my guildleader convinced me to switch to the US-DDO when we saw the writing on the wall about the quality of service in every conceivable regard Codemasters was offering (think of the ******** hunchback with the melted face, chained in the basement, who can only communicate in grunts and gets fed with leftovers every 2 or 3 days, only to be let out every other month or so to get cleaned with the garden watering hose for 5 min ---> Yes, that popular is DDO to their Euro-Host) and the constantly dwindling numbers of players. Thats why i have an older joindate than most Euro-DDO refugees.

05-17-2010, 11:33 AM
I usually remove the set for Spectral Gloves...that's Level 13 I think. Goggles of Insight tend to stay around a little longer.