05-15-2010, 04:07 PM
My slow xping has atlast made my kzahad soon to be 20 as 36 pointer. He is a favored soul right now and that is what he shall be when im finished. I planned going for completionist but start think its not worth it.
My thoughts: done: 1 wiz 1 sorc soon fvs.
needed: bard barb cleric rog fighter pally ranger monk (8 lives)
I am a caster fvs, mostly killing wia cometfall/bladebarries and destruction (and full healage ofc)
if i instead of doing those 8 lives do 2 more wizard 2 more fvs 2 more sorc (and maybe also 3 clericss)
i gain 6 spell pene 2 dc on bladebarriers and some more, and that wo using a feat. So i start to think that i should skip comoletionist and max sorc wiz and fvs pastlifes to 3 each instead. Any thoughts?
(My biggest desire to this instead is the fun factor hehe i love running around mass kill everything with firewalls wails or bb:s instead of hitting mobs with a sword)
My thoughts: done: 1 wiz 1 sorc soon fvs.
needed: bard barb cleric rog fighter pally ranger monk (8 lives)
I am a caster fvs, mostly killing wia cometfall/bladebarries and destruction (and full healage ofc)
if i instead of doing those 8 lives do 2 more wizard 2 more fvs 2 more sorc (and maybe also 3 clericss)
i gain 6 spell pene 2 dc on bladebarriers and some more, and that wo using a feat. So i start to think that i should skip comoletionist and max sorc wiz and fvs pastlifes to 3 each instead. Any thoughts?
(My biggest desire to this instead is the fun factor hehe i love running around mass kill everything with firewalls wails or bb:s instead of hitting mobs with a sword)