View Full Version : Not sure on going for completionist

05-15-2010, 04:07 PM
My slow xping has atlast made my kzahad soon to be 20 as 36 pointer. He is a favored soul right now and that is what he shall be when im finished. I planned going for completionist but start think its not worth it.

My thoughts: done: 1 wiz 1 sorc soon fvs.
needed: bard barb cleric rog fighter pally ranger monk (8 lives)

I am a caster fvs, mostly killing wia cometfall/bladebarries and destruction (and full healage ofc)

if i instead of doing those 8 lives do 2 more wizard 2 more fvs 2 more sorc (and maybe also 3 clericss)
i gain 6 spell pene 2 dc on bladebarriers and some more, and that wo using a feat. So i start to think that i should skip comoletionist and max sorc wiz and fvs pastlifes to 3 each instead. Any thoughts?

(My biggest desire to this instead is the fun factor hehe i love running around mass kill everything with firewalls wails or bb:s instead of hitting mobs with a sword)

05-15-2010, 08:49 PM
Unless it changed with me knowing, you can only TR twice max. Completionist is impossable to obtain.

05-15-2010, 08:54 PM
Unless it changed with me knowing, you can only TR twice max. Completionist is impossable to obtain.

changed quite awhile back xp doesnt increase after the 2nd and no more stat points but you get all past life passive feats and can keep going to your hearts content.

05-16-2010, 01:31 AM
The effective cap is 37 reincarnations. 3 reincarnates of each class, and then a final one into the class you want to stay.

Then 4 more reincarnations if druids ever go live (3 druids to get 3 druid past lives, and a 4th to be your final class again).

By that time, your halfling should be about the size of a human, and a warforged will have trouble fitting through doors and make it impossible to run some quests.

05-16-2010, 01:42 AM
If you are having doubts already then I'd say stop now while you are reasonably happy. Being friends with Godmodee has convinced me that it is a painful grind.