05-15-2010, 10:01 AM
Hey guys I've been keeping track of Eladrin's (and a few other devs) leaks and teases about Update 5 for my guild ( so I figured I'd paste it over here for you guys...although it didn't turn out as good as the one on the guild site because it seems some code doesn't work on the DDO forums but nonetheless here it is.
I'll try to keep this updated but Eladrin seems to always post when i'm at work so it will be a little slow sometimes unless I can put it in on my cell.
Note: As always the below stuff is subject to change and may not actually be in the update (says turbines history) but it gives us a general idea.
New/Modified PrEs
Shintao Monk I
Prereqs: Level I: Monk Path of Harmonious Balance, Stunning Fist, Monk Concentration II, Monk Improved Recovery I
and any one of Cleave, Combat Expertise, DieHard, Discipline, Luck of Heroes, Precision, Resilience, or Self Sufficient
Benefit: You guide others on the path of enlightenment leading by example.
You gain the ability to expend ki to smite evil creatures and can create a protection from evil effect warding allies from domination and improving defenses against evil opponents. Your unarmed attacks now bypass Byshek damage reduction.
Shintao Monk Protection From Evil
Cost: 5 Ki
Benefit: At your touch a magical barrier is created that wards a target from attack by evil creatures granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus to saves against attacks from evil creatures. The target is also warded from magical mental control and compulsions. This ability counts as a light move.
Shintao Monk Smite Evil
Cost: 15 Ki
Benefit: To deal devestating blows in melee against evil creatures. You gain twice your wisdom modifier to your attack roll and a damage bonus based on your monk level. This ability counts as a light move.
Monk Ninja Spy I
Prereqs: Level six monk, Path of Inevitable Dominion, Dodge, Monk Jump II, Monk Tumble II, and any one of static charge, porous soul, all-consuming flame or winter stouch benefit
You are trained as a stealthy killer. You are considered proficinent in shortswords and treat them as Ki weapons. You gain two Balance, Hide, Move Silently and gain one d6 sneak attack as if you were a rogue. While sneaking, you move 10% faster and your passive ki generation when centred is increased by 1.
You can expend Ki to enter Shadow Form, becoming invisible and partially insubstantial.
Ninja Spy Shadow Fade
Cost 15 Ki
Benefit: You focus your Ki and draw shadows around you, becoming invisible and partially insubstantial. 25% miss chance due to incorporeality. Counts as a dark move.
Monk Void Strike
Now considered a “Void attack.” It was previously untyped. It has also been renamed “Void Strike I”, and has Disciple of Breezes, Disciple of Pebbles, Disciple of Candles, and Disciple of Puddles as prerequisites.
Cleric Radiant Servant I
Prereqs: Level 6 Cleric, Cleric Improved Turning I, Cleric Life Magic II, Cleric Help II, Empower Healing, and any one of: Cleric Divine Cleansing I, Cleric Divine Light I, Cleric Divine Healing I, Cleric Divine Vitality I, or Cleric Divine Might I.
Benefit: You are a beacon of Light against Evil. You count as 1 Level higher when channeling Divine Energy or Light based spells and gain the ability to expend a turn attempt to create an aura of Divine energy that Helps you and nearby Allies over time and damages nearby Undead. Any Undead that you successfully hunt with your turn ability are destroyed instead of frightened, and your turns regenerate over time (1 every 2 minutes).
Divine Energy Aura
Benefit: You may expend a use of turn to produce a Divine Energy Aura effect on yourself, which envelops the caster in an aura of Healing, Divine energy. Allies within the aura are healed 1 hit point per 3 caster Levels as long as they remain within it. Undead enemies are damaged for the same amount.
Cleric Radiant Servant II
Prereqs: Level 12 Cleric, Cleric Radiant Servant I, Cleric Circle of Life I, Cleric Circle of Incredible Life I, and any one of: Silver Flame Exorcism, Unyielding Sovereignty, Undying Call, Bladesworn Transformation, Vulkoor’s Avatar, or Cleric Charisma II.
Benefit: You are a beacon of Light against Evil. The Empowered Healing metamagic now grants you a 75% bonus to Healing spells instead of 50%. You count as an additional 1 Level higher when channeling Divine Energy or Light based spells, and gain the ability to expend a turn attempt to create a burst of Divine energy that heals you and nearby Allies, removes some negative Levels and ability damage, and damages nearby Undead.
Divine Energy Burst
Benefit: Divine energy expands from the caster, Healing 1 to 8 plus 1 per caster Level to all nearby Allies, as well as removing 1 to 4 negative Levels and 1 to 6 points of ability damage. Undead are instead damaged by the energy, taking 1 to 8 points of damage per caster Level. A successful Will save reduces the damage by a half.
Rogue Assassin I, II, III
- Each now grant +1d6 sneak attack dice instead of +2 to damage on critical hits (before multipliers).
- Non-Assassinate sneak attacks once again break stealth. The Assassinate ability will not break stealth.
Rogue Mechanic I
- Now grants proficiency with Repeating Light Crossbows.
- Doubles the chance of receiving scavenged components (for trapmaking) when disabling traps.
Rogue Mechanic II
- Now grants proficiency with Repeating Heavy Crossbows.
Rogue Acrobat I
- Now adds the character’s Dexterity bonus to Quarterstaff Sneak Attack damage.
Rogue Cheat Death
- Now also grants +2 Dexterity.
Pale Master
- Increased the effectiveness of the Pale Master pets.
- The Skeletal Archers excel at hitting high armor class foes.
- The Skeleton Knights now have significantly more hit points than before, do more damage, and apply various debuffs on Vorpal hits. They also have increased melee threat generation and no longer hop around before attacking.
- Frostmarrow Mages no longer know the Sleet Storm spell. Added Magic Missile (or Force Missiles) to the Mages.
- Every 30 seconds, all summoned creatures will check to see if their master is more than 30m away, and if they are, they'll teleport to the master's side.
- Pale Masters can now affect themselves with Mass Inflict spells.
- Incorporeality was incorrectly set as a form of "concealment" in the combat system. It is now a distinct roll from concealment effects. (Wraith Form incorporeality now partially stacks with displacement.)
- Necrotic Touch can once again be used to heal undead pets, but cannot target player characters. Necrotic Touch now costs 2hp to cast instead of 1hp, 1sp.
- Necrotic Bolt, an ability similar to Necrotic Touch, has been added to the second tier of Pale Master. It has the same damage but is a ranged attack and costs 5HP to use. It cannot, however, be used to heal undead allies.
- Several new arcane negative energy spells coming in update five, including an AOE that can be used to heal yourself in undead form, and the Skeleton Mage's aura of pain.
New Feats
Augment Summoning
Benefit: Your summoned creatures, charmed minions, and hirelings have +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification.
Special: This feat can be selected by Wizards as a bonus feat.
Brutal Throw
Prereqs: +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Strength
Benefit: You can use your Strength bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with thrown weapons if it is higher.
Special: This feat can be selected by fighters as a fighter bonus feat.
Prereqs: Trapfinding and any one of the following: Skill Focus: Disable Device, Nimble Fingers, or Least Dragonmark of Making
Benefit: You have learned enough about traps to be able to scavenge parts from them, and with the help of the Free Agents, can craft your own.
Special: Automatically granted to rogues at level 4.
Whirling Steel Strike
Prereqs: Weapon Focus: Slashing; Proficiency in Longswords, Monk Level 1
Benefit: You treat longswords as if they were monk weapons, remaining centered when you wield them.
Zen Archery
Prereqs: +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Wisdom
Benefit: You can use your Wisdom bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with ranged missile weapons (but not thrown weapons) if it is higher.
Special: This feat can be selected by fighters as a fighter bonus feat.
Moment of Clarity
Void: Light: Void Finisher
Activate this finisher to clear away all distractions from your allies, granting a +5 Insight bonus to attack rolls and a +5 Insight bonus to skill checks for a very short period of time.
Special: Automatically granted to monks at level 10.
Curse of the Void
Void: Dark: Void Finisher
You strike your opponent down with a terrible curse, confusing their mind and rendering them unable to recognize their friends. You can make an attack that charms your opponent for a short period of time. A successful Will save negates thiseffect. (DC10 + Monk Level + Wisdom mod) Each time the target takes damage there is a chance that they will break free of this effect.
Special: Automatically granted to monks at level 10.
Quest Changes
Sentinels Adventure pack
- Epic Quests from the Sentinels Pack will now drop Epic Token Fragments which can be combined in the Epic Alter to create an Epic Token.
Epic Token Changes
- Some Quests are getting re-evaluated to drop a different number of Epic Tokens or Epic Token Fragments based on Length and Difficulty. For Example: VoN5 drops 2 Tokens instead of some shorter less difficult quests that drop only 1.
Guild Stuff
Guild system
- Gain status by completing certain objectives in the game world to unlock cool rewards - coolest is guild airships, a form of housing
- Guild Ranks
- In addition to private meeting space that can be customized, airships will provide a travel function where you can go from different parts of the game world by default and can unlock access to further reaches of the world as well if you earn it, including the ability to get a navigator, an NPC to get additional travel options.
- The airships will be a custom mini-ward
- Guilds will access the airships through an airship tower to get to airship
- Earn and "slot the right npcs and amenities"
- Auction houses and such can be "slotted" into the airship, you can choose to place them in the airship based on your needs.
- Turbine is not ready to provide details on how exactly the unlocking system will work, but Fernando said that guilds can earn different levels of ships and slot different NPC's into ships.
- All functionality can be done totally with "in-game gold", but the DDO Store will offer some exclusives, and upgrades and options to buy with store points - but will always be able to get with in-game gold.
Bug Fixes
- Thrown Weapons can now be repaired
Other Stuff
Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes
- Are now two handed weapons for the purposes of Glancing Blows when they are the ONLY weapon wielded by a proficient user (This includes either with or without a shield)
- Feats or enhancements that affect Glancing Blows (such as the Two Handed Fighting chain, or Great Weapon Aptitude) will also modify these weapons.
- They are still treated as one handed weapons for all other purposes, such as strength bonus to damage.
DDO Store Changes
- The Store has been upgraded with performance enhancements.
- It is now possible to see items and offers in the Store that you do not yet qualify for, though you may not purchase them until you have met the requirements, such as being high enough level or the appropriate class type.
Turn Undead
- When turned enemies no longer flee but stay in where they are during the effect
Weapon Finesse
- Now requires a minimum of 13 Dex to take
Teased/Undecided Stuff
New Rogue Capstone (Deadly shadows)
Eladrin: Wait, sorry, that's a new enhancement, that's not supposed to go into this post.
New Adventure Pack : Fiendish Caravan (May not be in Update 5)
A fiendish caravan has come from beyond the gates and into House Phiarlan. What treasures or despair do they bring to the residents of the House. Adventures are called forth to assist Phiarlan against the caravan.
Pale Master
- A possible "get out of my form" option
- Some of the PM pets may become autogained when each tier PM is taken
- Ninja Spy Tier II
- Shintao Tier II
- Unknown Monk PrE Tier I (supposed to just be a general monk PrE not requiring drak or light path like the other two)
- New Spells
- New/Changed Enhancements
I'll try to keep this updated but Eladrin seems to always post when i'm at work so it will be a little slow sometimes unless I can put it in on my cell.
Note: As always the below stuff is subject to change and may not actually be in the update (says turbines history) but it gives us a general idea.
New/Modified PrEs
Shintao Monk I
Prereqs: Level I: Monk Path of Harmonious Balance, Stunning Fist, Monk Concentration II, Monk Improved Recovery I
and any one of Cleave, Combat Expertise, DieHard, Discipline, Luck of Heroes, Precision, Resilience, or Self Sufficient
Benefit: You guide others on the path of enlightenment leading by example.
You gain the ability to expend ki to smite evil creatures and can create a protection from evil effect warding allies from domination and improving defenses against evil opponents. Your unarmed attacks now bypass Byshek damage reduction.
Shintao Monk Protection From Evil
Cost: 5 Ki
Benefit: At your touch a magical barrier is created that wards a target from attack by evil creatures granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus to saves against attacks from evil creatures. The target is also warded from magical mental control and compulsions. This ability counts as a light move.
Shintao Monk Smite Evil
Cost: 15 Ki
Benefit: To deal devestating blows in melee against evil creatures. You gain twice your wisdom modifier to your attack roll and a damage bonus based on your monk level. This ability counts as a light move.
Monk Ninja Spy I
Prereqs: Level six monk, Path of Inevitable Dominion, Dodge, Monk Jump II, Monk Tumble II, and any one of static charge, porous soul, all-consuming flame or winter stouch benefit
You are trained as a stealthy killer. You are considered proficinent in shortswords and treat them as Ki weapons. You gain two Balance, Hide, Move Silently and gain one d6 sneak attack as if you were a rogue. While sneaking, you move 10% faster and your passive ki generation when centred is increased by 1.
You can expend Ki to enter Shadow Form, becoming invisible and partially insubstantial.
Ninja Spy Shadow Fade
Cost 15 Ki
Benefit: You focus your Ki and draw shadows around you, becoming invisible and partially insubstantial. 25% miss chance due to incorporeality. Counts as a dark move.
Monk Void Strike
Now considered a “Void attack.” It was previously untyped. It has also been renamed “Void Strike I”, and has Disciple of Breezes, Disciple of Pebbles, Disciple of Candles, and Disciple of Puddles as prerequisites.
Cleric Radiant Servant I
Prereqs: Level 6 Cleric, Cleric Improved Turning I, Cleric Life Magic II, Cleric Help II, Empower Healing, and any one of: Cleric Divine Cleansing I, Cleric Divine Light I, Cleric Divine Healing I, Cleric Divine Vitality I, or Cleric Divine Might I.
Benefit: You are a beacon of Light against Evil. You count as 1 Level higher when channeling Divine Energy or Light based spells and gain the ability to expend a turn attempt to create an aura of Divine energy that Helps you and nearby Allies over time and damages nearby Undead. Any Undead that you successfully hunt with your turn ability are destroyed instead of frightened, and your turns regenerate over time (1 every 2 minutes).
Divine Energy Aura
Benefit: You may expend a use of turn to produce a Divine Energy Aura effect on yourself, which envelops the caster in an aura of Healing, Divine energy. Allies within the aura are healed 1 hit point per 3 caster Levels as long as they remain within it. Undead enemies are damaged for the same amount.
Cleric Radiant Servant II
Prereqs: Level 12 Cleric, Cleric Radiant Servant I, Cleric Circle of Life I, Cleric Circle of Incredible Life I, and any one of: Silver Flame Exorcism, Unyielding Sovereignty, Undying Call, Bladesworn Transformation, Vulkoor’s Avatar, or Cleric Charisma II.
Benefit: You are a beacon of Light against Evil. The Empowered Healing metamagic now grants you a 75% bonus to Healing spells instead of 50%. You count as an additional 1 Level higher when channeling Divine Energy or Light based spells, and gain the ability to expend a turn attempt to create a burst of Divine energy that heals you and nearby Allies, removes some negative Levels and ability damage, and damages nearby Undead.
Divine Energy Burst
Benefit: Divine energy expands from the caster, Healing 1 to 8 plus 1 per caster Level to all nearby Allies, as well as removing 1 to 4 negative Levels and 1 to 6 points of ability damage. Undead are instead damaged by the energy, taking 1 to 8 points of damage per caster Level. A successful Will save reduces the damage by a half.
Rogue Assassin I, II, III
- Each now grant +1d6 sneak attack dice instead of +2 to damage on critical hits (before multipliers).
- Non-Assassinate sneak attacks once again break stealth. The Assassinate ability will not break stealth.
Rogue Mechanic I
- Now grants proficiency with Repeating Light Crossbows.
- Doubles the chance of receiving scavenged components (for trapmaking) when disabling traps.
Rogue Mechanic II
- Now grants proficiency with Repeating Heavy Crossbows.
Rogue Acrobat I
- Now adds the character’s Dexterity bonus to Quarterstaff Sneak Attack damage.
Rogue Cheat Death
- Now also grants +2 Dexterity.
Pale Master
- Increased the effectiveness of the Pale Master pets.
- The Skeletal Archers excel at hitting high armor class foes.
- The Skeleton Knights now have significantly more hit points than before, do more damage, and apply various debuffs on Vorpal hits. They also have increased melee threat generation and no longer hop around before attacking.
- Frostmarrow Mages no longer know the Sleet Storm spell. Added Magic Missile (or Force Missiles) to the Mages.
- Every 30 seconds, all summoned creatures will check to see if their master is more than 30m away, and if they are, they'll teleport to the master's side.
- Pale Masters can now affect themselves with Mass Inflict spells.
- Incorporeality was incorrectly set as a form of "concealment" in the combat system. It is now a distinct roll from concealment effects. (Wraith Form incorporeality now partially stacks with displacement.)
- Necrotic Touch can once again be used to heal undead pets, but cannot target player characters. Necrotic Touch now costs 2hp to cast instead of 1hp, 1sp.
- Necrotic Bolt, an ability similar to Necrotic Touch, has been added to the second tier of Pale Master. It has the same damage but is a ranged attack and costs 5HP to use. It cannot, however, be used to heal undead allies.
- Several new arcane negative energy spells coming in update five, including an AOE that can be used to heal yourself in undead form, and the Skeleton Mage's aura of pain.
New Feats
Augment Summoning
Benefit: Your summoned creatures, charmed minions, and hirelings have +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification.
Special: This feat can be selected by Wizards as a bonus feat.
Brutal Throw
Prereqs: +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Strength
Benefit: You can use your Strength bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with thrown weapons if it is higher.
Special: This feat can be selected by fighters as a fighter bonus feat.
Prereqs: Trapfinding and any one of the following: Skill Focus: Disable Device, Nimble Fingers, or Least Dragonmark of Making
Benefit: You have learned enough about traps to be able to scavenge parts from them, and with the help of the Free Agents, can craft your own.
Special: Automatically granted to rogues at level 4.
Whirling Steel Strike
Prereqs: Weapon Focus: Slashing; Proficiency in Longswords, Monk Level 1
Benefit: You treat longswords as if they were monk weapons, remaining centered when you wield them.
Zen Archery
Prereqs: +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Wisdom
Benefit: You can use your Wisdom bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with ranged missile weapons (but not thrown weapons) if it is higher.
Special: This feat can be selected by fighters as a fighter bonus feat.
Moment of Clarity
Void: Light: Void Finisher
Activate this finisher to clear away all distractions from your allies, granting a +5 Insight bonus to attack rolls and a +5 Insight bonus to skill checks for a very short period of time.
Special: Automatically granted to monks at level 10.
Curse of the Void
Void: Dark: Void Finisher
You strike your opponent down with a terrible curse, confusing their mind and rendering them unable to recognize their friends. You can make an attack that charms your opponent for a short period of time. A successful Will save negates thiseffect. (DC10 + Monk Level + Wisdom mod) Each time the target takes damage there is a chance that they will break free of this effect.
Special: Automatically granted to monks at level 10.
Quest Changes
Sentinels Adventure pack
- Epic Quests from the Sentinels Pack will now drop Epic Token Fragments which can be combined in the Epic Alter to create an Epic Token.
Epic Token Changes
- Some Quests are getting re-evaluated to drop a different number of Epic Tokens or Epic Token Fragments based on Length and Difficulty. For Example: VoN5 drops 2 Tokens instead of some shorter less difficult quests that drop only 1.
Guild Stuff
Guild system
- Gain status by completing certain objectives in the game world to unlock cool rewards - coolest is guild airships, a form of housing
- Guild Ranks
- In addition to private meeting space that can be customized, airships will provide a travel function where you can go from different parts of the game world by default and can unlock access to further reaches of the world as well if you earn it, including the ability to get a navigator, an NPC to get additional travel options.
- The airships will be a custom mini-ward
- Guilds will access the airships through an airship tower to get to airship
- Earn and "slot the right npcs and amenities"
- Auction houses and such can be "slotted" into the airship, you can choose to place them in the airship based on your needs.
- Turbine is not ready to provide details on how exactly the unlocking system will work, but Fernando said that guilds can earn different levels of ships and slot different NPC's into ships.
- All functionality can be done totally with "in-game gold", but the DDO Store will offer some exclusives, and upgrades and options to buy with store points - but will always be able to get with in-game gold.
Bug Fixes
- Thrown Weapons can now be repaired
Other Stuff
Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes
- Are now two handed weapons for the purposes of Glancing Blows when they are the ONLY weapon wielded by a proficient user (This includes either with or without a shield)
- Feats or enhancements that affect Glancing Blows (such as the Two Handed Fighting chain, or Great Weapon Aptitude) will also modify these weapons.
- They are still treated as one handed weapons for all other purposes, such as strength bonus to damage.
DDO Store Changes
- The Store has been upgraded with performance enhancements.
- It is now possible to see items and offers in the Store that you do not yet qualify for, though you may not purchase them until you have met the requirements, such as being high enough level or the appropriate class type.
Turn Undead
- When turned enemies no longer flee but stay in where they are during the effect
Weapon Finesse
- Now requires a minimum of 13 Dex to take
Teased/Undecided Stuff
New Rogue Capstone (Deadly shadows)
Eladrin: Wait, sorry, that's a new enhancement, that's not supposed to go into this post.
New Adventure Pack : Fiendish Caravan (May not be in Update 5)
A fiendish caravan has come from beyond the gates and into House Phiarlan. What treasures or despair do they bring to the residents of the House. Adventures are called forth to assist Phiarlan against the caravan.
Pale Master
- A possible "get out of my form" option
- Some of the PM pets may become autogained when each tier PM is taken
- Ninja Spy Tier II
- Shintao Tier II
- Unknown Monk PrE Tier I (supposed to just be a general monk PrE not requiring drak or light path like the other two)
- New Spells
- New/Changed Enhancements