View Full Version : The Auction house stole my money.

05-14-2010, 07:20 AM
I've been a lurker for some time now, but I felt I just had to post about this. I posted this in my searver forum (Khyber) but I'M posting it here as well.


I tried to buy some armor in the AH at about 04:30 CST yesterday. I know the searver gets a little buggy around this time everyday, but it had never posed a real problem before. I clicked on the buyout button and nothing happened. So I waited clicked it again same thing. I did this like three or four times and still nothing happen. Five minutes after I had left the AH a message pops up with "you don't have enough money to place that bid" I suddenly went from 400k plat to 10k (the armor was only 85k plat) and there is nothing in the mail.

What the F%#k! It tried to buy the single item from the AH multipal times, something you can't do, and didn't give me the item. I put in a ticket and the GM tells me this is a problem they have never seen before, and there is nothing they can do, please submit a bug report. This is $hit! I am a casual player and it took me a real long time to get that much money. When I Bi*^#ed about it in general chat people told me this had happened before and even after being reoprted nothing has been done to fix this.

I know there are bugs that have waited years to be fixed. Don't get me wrong, I hate getting stuck on ladders as much as anyone, but i spent a huge amount of time making that money.

I am aware that B^%#hing on the forum isn't going to get this resolved, but I had to vent somewhere. It's just been a long time sense I've been screwed that hard.


05-14-2010, 07:31 AM
I know the searver gets a little buggy around this time everyday,

You already know the solution to your problem. Don't screw with AH during those hours, and especially don't hit that same button multiple times rapid fire during those hours.

I'm sorry you feel like they stole it from you, but you already stated that you knew the server gets buggy around that time, and should therefore know not to engage in activities like that at those times.

Here's to hoping they do something for you, but don't count on it.

05-14-2010, 07:39 AM
By a little buggy I mean slow. That's my fault for not explaining it well. Sometimes you have to click on things more than once to buy them. I had never heard of anything like this happening before. The slowness is something that happens every night that badly needs to be fixed. I know lots of other things need to be fixed too, but I am just trying to bring this to peoples attention.

05-14-2010, 07:44 AM
I know exactly what you mean by "a little buggy" and I completely understand. Infinite loading screens, random player DCs, issues selling anything at vendors, etc etc etc.

This is your first clue that there's an issue. One which you recognize by your own admission. Like I said, I hope they fix the problem you had, but I wouldn't count on it.

05-14-2010, 02:30 PM
I'd like to know more about this, because I've seen it happen too.

My understanding is that at about 4:30 A.M. (not P.M.) the AH and vendors get really slow or non-responsive. I usually do not play at that hour (I only have been one time), but the one time I did play then, I witnessed strange behavior at the vendors.

05-14-2010, 02:31 PM
Edit: Nevermind, read OP closer.

05-14-2010, 02:52 PM
...It's just been a long time sense I've been screwed that hard...

That certainly explains all the anger. We all have needs...

05-14-2010, 07:32 PM
That certainly explains all the anger. We all have needs...

+1 for that laugh mate! LOL

05-14-2010, 07:41 PM
You probably hit bid...

05-14-2010, 08:40 PM
That certainly explains all the anger. We all have needs...

lmfao +1

05-14-2010, 08:54 PM
I accidentally bid 250,000 pp once when I meant to bid 250,000 gp. I should have paid closer attention. The OP should have paid closer attention too. There is very little the devs can do about this situation. When the servers are backing up all kinds of wonky stuff can happen that the devs have no control over so it's not really fair to blame them. The only way they could prevent it from happening is if they shut the game down from 5:30 am to 6:30 am EST every day. But that would open up a whole other can of worms.

If you are truly a casual player like you say then this really shouldn't bother you that much. Losing 225,000 pp was inconvenient for me, but it isn't like I can never play the game again.

05-15-2010, 04:36 AM
Well nothing has been done in game, but I didn't really expect it to. However I have some really good guildies and they loned me some cash and we went farming to make some of it up. I really wish Turbine would so something about this lag. It happens every night and causes trouble. I know lots of bugs need fixed but this one is really screwing the game up for me.

05-15-2010, 04:40 AM
That certainly explains all the anger. We all have needs...

Lol I'll hit the husband up tonight and see if it brightens my mood ;)

05-15-2010, 04:48 AM
maybe I'm just tired, but I thought the title of the thread was "The Auction house stole my mommy."

Needless to say I was disappointed.