05-14-2010, 07:20 AM
I've been a lurker for some time now, but I felt I just had to post about this. I posted this in my searver forum (Khyber) but I'M posting it here as well.
I tried to buy some armor in the AH at about 04:30 CST yesterday. I know the searver gets a little buggy around this time everyday, but it had never posed a real problem before. I clicked on the buyout button and nothing happened. So I waited clicked it again same thing. I did this like three or four times and still nothing happen. Five minutes after I had left the AH a message pops up with "you don't have enough money to place that bid" I suddenly went from 400k plat to 10k (the armor was only 85k plat) and there is nothing in the mail.
What the F%#k! It tried to buy the single item from the AH multipal times, something you can't do, and didn't give me the item. I put in a ticket and the GM tells me this is a problem they have never seen before, and there is nothing they can do, please submit a bug report. This is $hit! I am a casual player and it took me a real long time to get that much money. When I Bi*^#ed about it in general chat people told me this had happened before and even after being reoprted nothing has been done to fix this.
I know there are bugs that have waited years to be fixed. Don't get me wrong, I hate getting stuck on ladders as much as anyone, but i spent a huge amount of time making that money.
I am aware that B^%#hing on the forum isn't going to get this resolved, but I had to vent somewhere. It's just been a long time sense I've been screwed that hard.
I tried to buy some armor in the AH at about 04:30 CST yesterday. I know the searver gets a little buggy around this time everyday, but it had never posed a real problem before. I clicked on the buyout button and nothing happened. So I waited clicked it again same thing. I did this like three or four times and still nothing happen. Five minutes after I had left the AH a message pops up with "you don't have enough money to place that bid" I suddenly went from 400k plat to 10k (the armor was only 85k plat) and there is nothing in the mail.
What the F%#k! It tried to buy the single item from the AH multipal times, something you can't do, and didn't give me the item. I put in a ticket and the GM tells me this is a problem they have never seen before, and there is nothing they can do, please submit a bug report. This is $hit! I am a casual player and it took me a real long time to get that much money. When I Bi*^#ed about it in general chat people told me this had happened before and even after being reoprted nothing has been done to fix this.
I know there are bugs that have waited years to be fixed. Don't get me wrong, I hate getting stuck on ladders as much as anyone, but i spent a huge amount of time making that money.
I am aware that B^%#hing on the forum isn't going to get this resolved, but I had to vent somewhere. It's just been a long time sense I've been screwed that hard.