05-14-2010, 05:49 AM
I am in the process of planning a 2x TR character, and this is what the end product will be looking like.
The previous classes of this build are Fighter and Monk.
Although the 2x TR's do alot to help this build out, it is not needed.
But if you are looking to do something like this, let me know and I'll post the details without the TR's.
What do you do with this build? Simple; High speed unarmed DPS, with reliable Stunning Blow.
Class bracket sweet spots:
12 Fighter
Kensai II
Haste Boost 4
Weapon Specs
Tactical enhancments
7 Monk
Wind/Earth Stance 2
Wholeness of Body
1 Rogue
Minor SA damage (1d6+3)
Open Lock
Bigg Stunna
Warforged Fighter 12/7 Monk/1 Rogue
STR 36 (18 + 5lvls + 3tome + 3enhancment + 1exceptional + 6item)
MAX STR achievable:
36 + 8 Surge + 6 Titan's Grip + 4 Madstone + 2 Rage spell + 2 Yugo = 56
DEX 26 (15 + 2tome + 7item + 2stance)
CON 24 (16 + 2tome + 6item + 2enhancment - 2stance)
INT 12 (10 + 2tome)
WIS 20 (10 + 2tome + 2enhancment + 6item)
CHA 14 (06 + 2tome + 6item)
Armor: DT Docent (+5 Resistance, 20% Healing amp, Radiance Guard)
Head: Greensteel (+6 CHA skills, Air Guard)
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles (+5 SA bonus, 15 spot & search)
Belt: Knost's (+6 CON, GFL)
Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (+6 WIS, +1 Exceptional STR) Craft: Shocking Burst
Ring2: Encrusted Ring (+6 STR, +1 Exceptional STR) Craft: Holy Burst
Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves (Ethereal +7 DEX, +4 Attack) Craft: 6 CHA
Boots: Madstone etc.
Necklace: Shintao Cord (+15 Concentration)
Trinket: Bloodstone/Head of Good Luck
Cloak: Greensteel (+45 HP, +5 Protection, Heavy Fort)
Bracers: Epic Jidz-Tet'ka (+8 Armor, +5 Will save, +6 Wisdom)
Weapons: Greater Banes/Devout Handwraps/5% Weighted/Disrupting/Smiting
Level and feat progression:
Level 1 (Rogue)
(Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
(Past Life) Past Life: Monk
(Selected) Stunning Blow
Level 2 (Monk)
(Monk Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
Level 3 (Monk)
(Selected) Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
(Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 4 (Monk)
(Monk Path) Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
Level 5 (Monk)
Level 6 (Monk)
(Selected) Fighter Past life feat.
Level 7 (Monk)
(Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Level 8 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 9 (Fighter)
(Selected) Fighter Past life feat.
(Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 10 (Fighter)
Level 11 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 12 (Fighter)
(Selected) Fighter Past life feat.
Level 13 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 14 (Fighter)
Level 15 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
(Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
Level 16 (Fighter)
Level 17 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 18 (Fighter)
(Selected) Quick Drraw
Level 19 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 20 (Monk)
Fighter Enhancments:
Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Fighter Attack Boost II
Fighter Unarmed Specialization I
Fighter Toughness II
Fighter Strength III
Fighter Kensei II
Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
Fighter Extra Action Boost I
Fighter Haste Boost IV
Kensei Unarmed Mastery II
Warforged Enhancments:
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Tactics I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Monk Enhancments:
Monk Improved Recovery I
Adept of Wind
Adept of Rock
Monk Wisdom II
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
120 Fighter
56 Monk
6 Rogue
20 Base
10 Favor
30 GFL
45 Greensteel items
62 Toughness + enhancments
140 CON
489 HP
As you've probably figured, this build is more DPS focused. In other words, AC's going to blow.
10 Base
09 DT Docent
01 Alchemical
08 DEX
05 WIS
02 Centered
35 AC
04 Shield Wand
03 Barkskin
01 Haste
43 Self-buffed AC
04 Bard song
02 Recitation
02 Ranger Barkskin
06 Def of Siberys Paladin Aura
57 Raid Buffed AC
23 Ranks
02 CHA
03 Skill focus: UMD
04 GH
02 Luck
06 Greensteel items
Stunning Blow
10 Base
17 STR (Base STR + Surge)
10 Weighted (When they fix this as well.)
03 Fighter Enhancments
03 Fighter Past Life feats
01 Warforged Enhancments
44 DC
Max achievable DC:
With max STR
8/4/4 Fighter 12
5/5/5 Monk 7
0/2/0 Rogue 1
5/5/5 Resist
7/8/5 Stats
4/4/4 GH
2/2/2 Luck
The most regular question regarding monk hybrid builds is usually, "Why not make a pure monk instead?".
1. High Stunning Blow DC
2. Higher base damage, but lower burst damage.
3. UMD - Heal scrolls are just soooo yummy!
4. Higher to hit
These four things in combination outweighs the loss of going pure in my opinion. Here are the major bonuses you loose out of from not going pure:
1. Earth Stance 3 and 4
2. Wind stance 3 and 4
3. Touch of death
4. Elemental curses (Wich is quite situational, and would not add anything to your own DPS)
5. 10DR
6. Abundant Step
I have been following some builds, and the discussions going on in different forum threads that use about the same split i have. (12 Fighter/7 Rogue/1 Monk being the main adversary when it comes DPS)
While other build's main focus has been DPS, I decided to maintain the same goal, but with a little spice. In other words: "Stunning Blow".
When you're able to reliably stun mobs, you add a whole lot more DPS to the table than what most other characters are able to spit out of burst effect.
When i originally created this build i incorporated Combat Expertise. Having run this toon around for a bit, I find it useless at current end game. It just get's too annoying when CE drops down on each monk finisher. (Fix this already Turbine!)
The previous classes of this build are Fighter and Monk.
Although the 2x TR's do alot to help this build out, it is not needed.
But if you are looking to do something like this, let me know and I'll post the details without the TR's.
What do you do with this build? Simple; High speed unarmed DPS, with reliable Stunning Blow.
Class bracket sweet spots:
12 Fighter
Kensai II
Haste Boost 4
Weapon Specs
Tactical enhancments
7 Monk
Wind/Earth Stance 2
Wholeness of Body
1 Rogue
Minor SA damage (1d6+3)
Open Lock
Bigg Stunna
Warforged Fighter 12/7 Monk/1 Rogue
STR 36 (18 + 5lvls + 3tome + 3enhancment + 1exceptional + 6item)
MAX STR achievable:
36 + 8 Surge + 6 Titan's Grip + 4 Madstone + 2 Rage spell + 2 Yugo = 56
DEX 26 (15 + 2tome + 7item + 2stance)
CON 24 (16 + 2tome + 6item + 2enhancment - 2stance)
INT 12 (10 + 2tome)
WIS 20 (10 + 2tome + 2enhancment + 6item)
CHA 14 (06 + 2tome + 6item)
Armor: DT Docent (+5 Resistance, 20% Healing amp, Radiance Guard)
Head: Greensteel (+6 CHA skills, Air Guard)
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles (+5 SA bonus, 15 spot & search)
Belt: Knost's (+6 CON, GFL)
Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (+6 WIS, +1 Exceptional STR) Craft: Shocking Burst
Ring2: Encrusted Ring (+6 STR, +1 Exceptional STR) Craft: Holy Burst
Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves (Ethereal +7 DEX, +4 Attack) Craft: 6 CHA
Boots: Madstone etc.
Necklace: Shintao Cord (+15 Concentration)
Trinket: Bloodstone/Head of Good Luck
Cloak: Greensteel (+45 HP, +5 Protection, Heavy Fort)
Bracers: Epic Jidz-Tet'ka (+8 Armor, +5 Will save, +6 Wisdom)
Weapons: Greater Banes/Devout Handwraps/5% Weighted/Disrupting/Smiting
Level and feat progression:
Level 1 (Rogue)
(Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
(Past Life) Past Life: Monk
(Selected) Stunning Blow
Level 2 (Monk)
(Monk Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
Level 3 (Monk)
(Selected) Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
(Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 4 (Monk)
(Monk Path) Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
Level 5 (Monk)
Level 6 (Monk)
(Selected) Fighter Past life feat.
Level 7 (Monk)
(Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Level 8 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 9 (Fighter)
(Selected) Fighter Past life feat.
(Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 10 (Fighter)
Level 11 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 12 (Fighter)
(Selected) Fighter Past life feat.
Level 13 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 14 (Fighter)
Level 15 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
(Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
Level 16 (Fighter)
Level 17 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 18 (Fighter)
(Selected) Quick Drraw
Level 19 (Fighter)
(Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 20 (Monk)
Fighter Enhancments:
Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Fighter Attack Boost II
Fighter Unarmed Specialization I
Fighter Toughness II
Fighter Strength III
Fighter Kensei II
Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
Fighter Extra Action Boost I
Fighter Haste Boost IV
Kensei Unarmed Mastery II
Warforged Enhancments:
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Tactics I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Monk Enhancments:
Monk Improved Recovery I
Adept of Wind
Adept of Rock
Monk Wisdom II
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
120 Fighter
56 Monk
6 Rogue
20 Base
10 Favor
30 GFL
45 Greensteel items
62 Toughness + enhancments
140 CON
489 HP
As you've probably figured, this build is more DPS focused. In other words, AC's going to blow.
10 Base
09 DT Docent
01 Alchemical
08 DEX
05 WIS
02 Centered
35 AC
04 Shield Wand
03 Barkskin
01 Haste
43 Self-buffed AC
04 Bard song
02 Recitation
02 Ranger Barkskin
06 Def of Siberys Paladin Aura
57 Raid Buffed AC
23 Ranks
02 CHA
03 Skill focus: UMD
04 GH
02 Luck
06 Greensteel items
Stunning Blow
10 Base
17 STR (Base STR + Surge)
10 Weighted (When they fix this as well.)
03 Fighter Enhancments
03 Fighter Past Life feats
01 Warforged Enhancments
44 DC
Max achievable DC:
With max STR
8/4/4 Fighter 12
5/5/5 Monk 7
0/2/0 Rogue 1
5/5/5 Resist
7/8/5 Stats
4/4/4 GH
2/2/2 Luck
The most regular question regarding monk hybrid builds is usually, "Why not make a pure monk instead?".
1. High Stunning Blow DC
2. Higher base damage, but lower burst damage.
3. UMD - Heal scrolls are just soooo yummy!
4. Higher to hit
These four things in combination outweighs the loss of going pure in my opinion. Here are the major bonuses you loose out of from not going pure:
1. Earth Stance 3 and 4
2. Wind stance 3 and 4
3. Touch of death
4. Elemental curses (Wich is quite situational, and would not add anything to your own DPS)
5. 10DR
6. Abundant Step
I have been following some builds, and the discussions going on in different forum threads that use about the same split i have. (12 Fighter/7 Rogue/1 Monk being the main adversary when it comes DPS)
While other build's main focus has been DPS, I decided to maintain the same goal, but with a little spice. In other words: "Stunning Blow".
When you're able to reliably stun mobs, you add a whole lot more DPS to the table than what most other characters are able to spit out of burst effect.
When i originally created this build i incorporated Combat Expertise. Having run this toon around for a bit, I find it useless at current end game. It just get's too annoying when CE drops down on each monk finisher. (Fix this already Turbine!)