View Full Version : THF - how much I'm missing?

05-12-2010, 10:17 AM
How much I'm missing by not taking the THF feats?
I'm playing 2/18 pally/sorc so I'll never have it, just wondering.
I'm only using 2 first attacks and then move a bit to repeat the sequence, seems faster this way. If I found room for one THF feat, would this be worth it?

Probably not important but using carnifex right now.

05-13-2010, 04:08 PM
How much I'm missing by not taking the THF feats?
I'm playing 2/18 pally/sorc so I'll never have it, just wondering.
I'm only using 2 first attacks and then move a bit to repeat the sequence, seems faster this way.
Well, you know you're losing a huge boost to your BAB by doing this, right? Your BAB for the attack chain is 11/11/16/21

If I found room for one THF feat, would this be worth it?

Hard to say - how important is beating on things with a two handed weapon for you? THF and TWF chains both work rather better if you can go all three levels, but THF doesn't need a 17 Dex ;)

Probably not important but using carnifex right now.
Um, that's an ML 4 weapon. Couldn't you do a little better?

05-13-2010, 04:10 PM
without GTWF you dont get glancing blows while twitching, with it you get them 50%
thats alot of damage which adds up. also the feats increase the chance to trigger special effects on glancing blows

05-13-2010, 04:19 PM
Carnifex is a ML 4 weapon that have a greater crit range of 17-20 (compared to a 20), so yes, it IS a good weapon except when you have dr to bypass and until you got a good level 10+ weapon :)

05-13-2010, 04:24 PM
Carnifex is a ML 4 weapon that have a greater crit range of 17-20 (compared to a 20), so yes, it IS a good weapon except when you have dr to bypass and until you got a good level 10+ weapon :)

No, no, I understand Carnifex is a great weapon at, say, level 8 (hell, I loved my Carnifex so much made a little Barbarian to hold mine once I outgrew it). But at level 20?

05-13-2010, 04:30 PM
When I GR'd my WF Kensei I took all of the THF feats as well as the WF enhancements (greater apps).

It was amazing how much more "damage" he started doing. Was pretty sick watching the numbers scroll (not like the old wall of fire days, but prety sweet...)

If you can fit them in, take 'um...

05-13-2010, 04:32 PM
Pretty sure the additional feats also increase the amount of damage done by glancing blows...Not sure of what the actual break down is though.

05-13-2010, 04:36 PM
ddowiki.com has a pretty good breakdown of what the feats get you.

05-13-2010, 04:43 PM
I run Carnifax up to level 12.... when I switch to Min II's...just saying...:D

05-13-2010, 09:04 PM
Incorrect wording.
I meant I'm playing 2/18 as in I'm playing such a build. Like in, to give a broader look at what I'm trying to achieve. 2/4 at the moment. Sorry for not being precise enough, and thank you for the answers.

And as for the loss of BAB - I don't care as long as I'm hitting things. Also I went through a painfull process of collecting stuff on my fvs before I rolled this toon - so now I'm a proud owner of 5 ML7 3/3 DP goggles, and 5 ML11 5/5 ones to offset a bit for this loss.

At level 6 with a full set of house P buffs, rage pot, heroism pot, haste pot etc. the problems I'm having are rather from the 'where the ^&*%$ do I get money for this' area reather than 'I can't hit things' :)

05-14-2010, 07:45 AM
Ah, now I get it:
I don't think one level of THF will get you all that much, based on the (entirely non-scientific) feel of my little Barb when he picked it up at level 3.

Lots of DP will help a bunch, I'd think - again, no real science, but it seems to make a significant difference on my clerics.

And as to the money, yeah, that sounds like a spendy toon.


05-14-2010, 09:03 AM
Ah, now I get it:
I don't think one level of THF will get you all that much, based on the (entirely non-scientific) feel of my little Barb when he picked it up at level 3.

Yeah, I think I'll pass. Just wanted to know - maybe I didn't pay attention to some groundbreaking detail about 1st level of THF :)

And as to the money, yeah, that sounds like a spendy toon.

Actually this is getting kind of ridiculous. The sucker has spent 200k plat in 2 days. Yes, he is going through low level quests like an epic SoS thru Velah, but it's getting insane and soon my FvS will run out of monies to sustain the lil' one's pot/scroll addictions.