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05-11-2010, 09:37 PM
When in Shroud part 3, no matter how shiny it may be, do NOT break your crystal, take the extra few seconds to solve your puzzle and get two "extra" chests and avoid the other 11 people's wrath.

Thank you.

05-11-2010, 09:38 PM


more detail please :)

05-11-2010, 10:41 PM
Really... I'm not supposed to.... But I was told to Firewall the crystal....

05-12-2010, 12:17 AM
When in Shroud part 3, no matter how shiny it may be, do NOT break your crystal, take the extra few seconds to solve your puzzle and get two "extra" chests and avoid the other 11 people's wrath.

Thank you.

Were you in my party today when I yelled at someone, "Don't break your crystal!!!" and his response was, "Why not?"
*lol* yes but I can't believe I had to say something.

05-12-2010, 01:58 AM
Whoever was leading that raid is responsible for said crystal.

If you lead a raid then ask if anyone is new and make sure they understand what to do and what not to do at each part. If you have a lot of unknown people then the first 2 parts should be the judge as to what you're leading must be like. In all cases state the obvious things, better safe than sorry.

Obviously the person involved didn't know why breaking the crystal shouldn't be done, and since the person asked "why not?" I would suggest he's a reasonable player with a lack of information.

05-12-2010, 04:33 AM
I've had some wierd things on that part and I have a script I say before entering...

Do not break any crystal unless it is to open the main fountain barrier.
Do not put water in any fountain unless the puzzle in that room is complete.
If you need help state where you are and stand by your door.

*New* If you are putting water in the fountain and you are not the one that completed the puzzle in that room make sure that puzzle is complete.

I state this each and every time. I don't like wierd things happening and I take it personally if we don't get the extra chests because I don't feel like I'm being an effective leader then.

05-12-2010, 04:36 AM
Once again I see the shooting star from the NBC "The More You Know" commercials. LOL! I love it.

05-12-2010, 10:29 AM
I lead the shroud alot, and 99% of the time I will get an initial tell, saying that they have never done the shroud. OR they will say in party as soon as they join the lfm. Not a problem for me as I don't have a problem explaining what needs to be done. Said person had no issue in part one or two. It was my fault for not asking prior to starting. But I was just saying as the crystal incident had happen to me in my group the same day this was posted. :)
We all were first timers in the shroud. But really if you aren't sure what to do, you should ask. So it goes both ways.

05-12-2010, 10:34 AM
If you lead a raid then ask if anyone is new and make sure they understand what to do and what not to do at each part. If you have a lot of unknown people then the first 2 parts should be the judge as to what you're leading must be like. In all cases state the obvious things, better safe than sorry.

I don't understand why people don't follow the when in doubt do nothing policy. Why do something when you have no idea what you are doing?

05-12-2010, 10:51 AM
I don't understand why people don't follow the when in doubt do nothing policy. Why do something when you have no idea what you are doing?

They think doing something is better than piking. "Look guys I'm contributing!"

05-12-2010, 11:51 AM
I don't understand why people don't follow the when in doubt do nothing policy. Why do something when you have no idea what you are doing?

If you are doing nothing, you are learning nothing.

05-12-2010, 12:04 PM
If you are doing nothing, you are learning nothing.

I think you are taking it too literally...

Read as: When in doubt do nothing (or for the love of god ask first.). IE what's this switch? don't know. do nothing... What's this book? Don't know, do nothing. It's not experimenting time...you want to learn follow the leader and do what they do.

05-12-2010, 04:36 PM
I think you are taking it too literally...

Read as: When in doubt do nothing (or for the love of god ask first.). IE what's this switch? don't know. do nothing... What's this book? Don't know, do nothing. It's not experimenting time...you want to learn follow the leader and do what they do.

I agree to an extent, problem is the shroud can be a bit overwhelming for someone doing it for the first couple of times and some people get dedicated roles so you can't really follow the first random person you see and expect to do good. I do believe that most of them are trying to do *something* instead of piking, which is a good sign. Especially in a hectic timed run like shroud part 3.

I myself would have, and did, ask about anything I wasn't clear about. Some people are more shy I guess. But I still think that as a leader you are responsible for the actions of those you lead (works in the army as well). I do believe it kinda outweighs the responsibility of a single newbie person. Joining a fast paced shroud and trying to get explanations via tells is an exercise in futility, it took me at least 2-3 shrouds full of tells (with which I probably annoyed the heck out of those poor people lol, thanks again!) and some offline reading to get all the details.

It's just too much info at first. So somebody who explains what each party member (with dedicated role)/subgroup is to do and avoid doing is a good thing in any way, it's takes only a couple of seconds and saves a lot of people the trouble. Inherently, I believe the leader should be the one doing it.

I always take responsibility if I'm lazy and some new people mess up because I wasn't clear or didn't emphasize certain points. I feel it's my fault if we fail because of my lack of guidance.

It is only my €0.02 as you would say, but that's how I roll.

05-12-2010, 05:39 PM
Whoever was leading that raid is responsible for said crystal.


However, there will be a rare instance where, no matter how much you tell someone to do, or not do, something, some idiot will do the opposite.

05-12-2010, 07:19 PM
lol this is awesome.


05-12-2010, 11:41 PM
But.... but... shiney!

05-13-2010, 12:02 AM
When in Shroud part 3, no matter how shiny it may be, do NOT break your crystal, take the extra few seconds to solve your puzzle and get two "extra" chests and avoid the other 11 people's wrath.

Thank you.

An infamous guild leader from EU, now on argon ;). Used to always say (as we ended p2 shroud), "if you can't do puzzle or leech in middle, i will smash all the cystals" and no1 gets loot. Weirdly enough, puzzles got done and people always run at least 1 water ;)

05-13-2010, 08:38 AM
An infamous guild leader from EU, now on argon ;). Used to always say (as we ended p2 shroud), "if you can't do puzzle or leech in middle, i will smash all the cystals" and no1 gets loot. Weirdly enough, puzzles got done and people always run at least 1 water ;)

I agree.

05-13-2010, 09:17 AM
I think you are taking it too literally...

Read as: When in doubt do nothing (or for the love of god ask first.). IE what's this switch? don't know. do nothing... What's this book? Don't know, do nothing. It's not experimenting time...you want to learn follow the leader and do what they do.

This assumes there is an atmosphere in place that makes noobs want to learn, which is not the case most of the time. Too many vets with nerd rage.

05-13-2010, 09:30 AM
This assumes there is an atmosphere in place that makes noobs want to learn, which is not the case most of the time. Too many vets with nerd rage.

Honestly, I don't see it. I came back from a year off in January. So Reavers, IQ, Amarath, Sub are all pretty much new to me. I never ran much Vale then either... I have found a lot of people willing and open to help people who ask. The nerd rage seems to exist more on the forums than in game. The only time I see people get ticked is when people don't respond, don't listen, don't cooperate, or act like children. My first Shroud after coming back I said it was my first and the leader explained thing before each portal clearly; no sighs or whining she was happy to do it. Maybe I'm lucky... maybe the fact that I knew the game cold and learning/relearning the quests and game changes is the easy part but I joined a party in Reavers to grab essences and runes and there was a vet leading 4 newbs through all three quests for the first time. I was nervous at first what kind of mess is this gonna be but it was great. They played well he was a good and willing teacher. On the way he was explaining greensteel and dragontouched, different pieces of raid loot, a basically giant info dump. The newb's were getting a solid education even I learned a whole new and better way to run EtK. So there are folks out there...both willing to learn and willing to teach.

I mean yeah there are "No Noob", LFM's but those are a two way warning. Just don't join it...there are an abundance of parties why torture yourself.

05-13-2010, 09:49 AM
Hehe.. here are my favorite experiences:

I unlock a door and run in, start to solve the puzzle. Suddenly the puzzle goes away! Huh?! I ask over voice, "What the @#$@#$ just happened?" Silence for a few ticks. Then, "Oh ****! I thought I was on the south end breaking the crystals to open the door, I guess I was on the north end and broke the wrong crystal!"

My second shroud ever, I didn't get the puzzles at all, and didn't have a solver, so I let the party know where I am (SE 5x5). Someone comes and unlocks and opens the door and comes in to solve. Another person comes around the corner, sees the open door and rushes in and puts water in the fountain. "oops, sorry, I saw the open door and thought it was solved."

Those are *almost* as fun as clerics who won't use a potion or casters who can't break the crystal in part 2.

Here's a question for ya: Which is better, getting a first timer to jump to the white center of the portal to part 5 so we can get the "extra chest", or teaching the noob paladin that someone needs to kite the blades in part 3?

05-13-2010, 01:43 PM
This assumes there is an atmosphere in place that makes noobs want to learn, which is not the case most of the time. Too many vets with nerd rage.

I feel sad for you if this has been the prevailing experience you have witnessed. I have seen things differently.

05-13-2010, 01:45 PM
Were you in my party today when I yelled at someone, "Don't break your crystal!!!" and his response was, "Why not?"
*lol* yes but I can't believe I had to say something.

Really? You can't believe it could possibly be someone's first time in the Shroud?? Because everyone else in this game (including you) started at completion #10, right?

05-13-2010, 01:45 PM
Whoever was leading that raid is responsible for said crystal.

If you lead a raid then ask if anyone is new and make sure they understand what to do and what not to do at each part. If you have a lot of unknown people then the first 2 parts should be the judge as to what you're leading must be like. In all cases state the obvious things, better safe than sorry.

Obviously the person involved didn't know why breaking the crystal shouldn't be done, and since the person asked "why not?" I would suggest he's a reasonable player with a lack of information.

This. +1 rep, but apparently I already gave you some recently.

05-13-2010, 01:47 PM
I lead the shroud alot, and 99% of the time I will get an initial tell, saying that they have never done the shroud. OR they will say in party as soon as they join the lfm. Not a problem for me as I don't have a problem explaining what needs to be done. Said person had no issue in part one or two. It was my fault for not asking prior to starting. But I was just saying as the crystal incident had happen to me in my group the same day this was posted. :)
We all were first timers in the shroud. But really if you aren't sure what to do, you should ask. So it goes both ways.

My apologies for not reading further down before responding to your first post... :)

05-14-2010, 07:25 PM

Print it out and put it next to your computer OR bookmark it. There is no reason for someone to be unable to solve their puzzle. It is nonsensical at this point, 2 years after its inception, that veteran players are still unable to solve their puzzle. Today I solved both 5x5s, a 4x4, a 3x3 and the circle. Come on people wake up. Some of my guildies have grown weary of this and are inclined to break people's crystals before they solve the puzzle. I don't condone this but frankly its time for people to pull their own weight and that includes doing the puzzle.

05-15-2010, 09:26 AM
I no longer solve more than 1 puzzle. Too many people being pileons and not doing their part of the raid.

I won't break the crystals (unless asked) but I will watch the wall go around and around if necessary. If the leader of the groups states its a 'solve your puzzle yourself or we break the crystals run' then I'm fine with that as well.

There are multiple solvers available out there that anyone can use/read. If its someone's first time, I'm happy to post a solver for them. But there aren't that many shroud 1st timers these days. And if they are they should say so.

With an ingame browser, how hard is it to search the forums for a solver anyways?

05-15-2010, 10:36 AM
I loooOOVE the wall...

Very pretty... best of all.. watching the rogue/knocker get zapped and all the folkes standing by the water too scared to run out and get his stone :)

Heck I once saw 2 walls up...

Gotta love DD/Teleport/Recall... cuz ya just know that the run will only get worse lol...

05-15-2010, 10:37 AM
With an ingame browser, how hard is it to search the forums for a solver anyways?

Or just learn the puzzles... they are not hard :)