View Full Version : Ranger 6, Bard 6, ???

05-11-2010, 06:58 PM
I was thinking of making the following types of builds, if you know anything similar please provide the link:

Ranger 6, Bard 6, Fighter 8 (focus on Tempest I, bard self buffs, fighter HP maybe kensai, figher weapon speed). Possible Dwarf build using duel Dwarven Waraxes


Ranger 12, Bard 6, Barbarian 2 (end loaded but going Rng 6, Brd 6 then 6 more in Rng then Barb at 19 and 20)

I like the 18/1/1 builds using monks but I've always thought of something completely different getting away from the lawful alignment builds and using some cool spells that Bards capitalize early on. The way I see it, haste will be dropped all of the time so no need for bard 3 level spells. Tempest I is a no brainer, but I'm concerned with staying power without fighter or barbarian levels.

Just a random thought and I didn't want to put too much time into this if it isn't viable.

Honest opinions based on facts are encouraged. Thanks in advance.

05-11-2010, 08:28 PM
You need at least 7 levels for Displacement and Haste.

05-11-2010, 08:55 PM
how about a dragonmarked elven tempest kensai ? youd get displacements with the ability to pick up extend and if going 11(moderate) or 14(serious) cure wounds, ranger gets pretty good self healing ive been thinking about it for a while now but i havent decided over the split part yet id need to free up 3 feats from somewhere and also landing at a decent number of fighter/ranger lvls for the pre's and tempest II just dont cut it and just grabbing tempest I il miss out on ranger selfbuffage&healing but i would be at full bab with the fluffy cloud around me called displacement without any caster split, i love my current self healing rangers poping 100-150ish heals and dealing a ton of dmg but extended displacements is really hard to fit in without fighter lvls i think ,

6ranger 12 fighter 2 rogue
14 ranger 6 figther

is probly what ima try n build but im not to sure about the 3 split since il loose so much self buffage

im gonna build some kinda displacement fighter but i just cant decide on what to build and ive been haveing to much fun on my wiz to roll it up yet, anyone around with a displacement fighter ?

05-11-2010, 09:37 PM
Think a build that might be cool and viable would be 7 Bard/6Ranger/7Bard.....

05-12-2010, 07:50 AM
Yeah I was actually looking at level 5 Bard with Blur, and Heroism. The 20% miss chance and +2 to hit is worth it compared to taking 8 Bard for Haste and Displacement. These spells are nice, but Haste will be dropped allot at higher levels and Displacement is great but these other 3 levels can be used towards a BAB class.

So now I'm thinking 5 Bard / 6 Ranger / 9 something else non warforged
8 Bard / 11 Ranger / 1 Wizard (shield, repair, extend spell feat) Warforged

05-12-2010, 07:56 AM
You can get blur/heroism on wands and clickies, eliminating the usefulness of the 5 levels of bard altogether. If you are going to go bard, go to 14 at a minimum.

05-12-2010, 08:26 AM
I experimented with that idea, splash of small number of Bard levels.

It sounds great on paper, but ingame it was only nice at mid levels.

At low levels it's not, because Bard gets slow spell progression. At high levels it was more "why bother if I can just emulate whatever lowbie Bard gives with scrolls/wands/clickies".

Haste + Displace is minimum or delete/reroll.

Another annoying thing is that Bards song gets better with more Bard levels. Whatever damage you get from lets say Fighter, you lost from better song.

Bard is not great for splash.

05-12-2010, 08:57 AM
8 Bard on melee build can work, but the 3rd level spells along with the +1 to songs at level 8 are all important. You also get your second Damage enhancement at level 7 and your second to hit enhancement at 8. You'll never outclass a full Bard's song, but if you're in a group without another Bard, your songs can be a big help.

The feats from 6 Fighter levels and Weapon Specialization are nice, but Kensai I isn't that big of a boost and you're going to be a bit starved for APs. Going Ranger 11/ Bard 8/ Fighter 1 is probably a better split because Ranger gives you Evasion and TWF with lower Dex requirements. Fighter 1 gives you an extra feat, Haste Boost and a Toughness enhancement. Dwarves with dwarven axes, the axe enhancement and extra Con would probably be a good choice.

05-12-2010, 09:21 AM
I would consider tweaking it to get evasion. I kinda like Rgr12/brd8 in theory.