05-11-2010, 03:01 PM
This concept combines one U5 PrE (Ninja Spy) and a future racial PrE (Drow's Scorpion Wraith), but will be effective even without Wraith implemented (and Assassin I can be a perfectly valid filler).
End split will be 12 Monk / 7 Rogue / 1 other (most likely 1 Ranger for devotion I, +3 FE dmg, and sprint/energy boosts, as well as the extra skill points allowing me to keep Rogue skills maxed).
Pros to the build:
- 2d6 unarmed damage. 2d8 if TRed from a past-life Monk. Still on par with the base damage of GS weaponry, and the lack of max unarmed damage dice is made up for with sneak damage dice.
- fast movement tier 4 of 6 for a fast-moving character.
- access to Ninja Spy II, whatever that may hold (TBA at this point). Tier one offers shortsword use and a self-25% incorporeal buff which will stack with Blur / Displacement for very effective defense.
- access to Scorpion Wraith racial PrE, whatever that may also hold (also TBA). Presumed to have sneak attack damage, poison use, and further shadow abilities.
- Abundant Step
- Touch of Death
- tier III stances and ki strikes. That's 20% self-haste, or 7.5% on top of the Haste spell. And 2d10 element ki strikes as quickly as you can cycle them.
- 10 feats to play with
- immunity to disease and poison
- Improved Uncanny Dodge
- monk wis III, rogue dex II
- tier III animal paths
- Improved Evasion
- Wholeness of Body
- 3 of 5 centered AC bonuses
- full trap skills/abilities (including upcoming U5 trap salvaging skills) if so inclined, as well as full UMD.
- Rogue damage boost III (+4 dmg) and haste boost III (+25%) for dps boosts.
- Reasonable Monk finisher DC (10 + 12 Monk levels + 5 or 6 Wis mod = 28ish. Should hit most things) for Touch of Despair to make 100% fort enemies crittable.
- Unbalancing strike DC of 10+6+wis mod = 22 or 23ish for exposing enemies to SA damage, even if tanking.
- Great sneak attack damage (4d6+9 from Rogue levels; Ninja Spy = 1d6, possibly 2d6 if linear progression. Could pick up Assassin I for an extra +1d6 until Scorpion Wraith comes along. +8 from Tharne's, and a further +10 if a TRed Rogue past life. So you could be looking at 7d6+27 all told)
- access to all 3 weapon types while remaining centered. Kamas for slashing; shortswords for piercing; unarmed for blunt. This character should never lack for dps, and should always have the right weapon for the job. Whether it is unarmed for slimes, slashing for zombies, or piercing for spiders / rakshasa, this character can do it. It also allows for a good endgame variety, whether it be radiance II shortswords, vorpal kamas, or devout handwraps, this character can tackle anything given the right equipment. You should never, ever, lack for dps in any given situation.
Suggested starting stats:
S: 14 (+5 lvl ups +6 item +1 exc. str +2 tome = 28 end-game easily. Add in rage/madstone, yugo pots, etc...)
D: 16 (+6 item +2 tome +2 drow dex2 +2 rogue dex2 = 28. Wind wind stance and a +3 tome, can hit 32 dex)
C: 14
I: 12 (+1 tome = CE)
W: 12 (+6 item +2 tome +2 monk wis2 = 22)
C: 10
Tomes required = +1 DEX for the TWF line; +1 INT if you want CE. Not a big deal these days, as you can even purchase them through the DDO store. Very, very beginner friendly as you only really require Drow and Monk access.
Feats (suggested/required):
TWF, ITWF, GTWF, PA, CE, Dodge, Toughness, IC:Piercing, IC: Bludgeoning, 1 empty.
Suggested feat for the empty slot will be Quick Draw to take advantage of the haste/damage clickies, as well as weapon swaps, but Skill Focus : UMD may serve you better at early levels.
Potential AC:
10 base
8 bracers
4 icy (dodge)
3 chattering (dodge)
5 CE
5 protection
3 centered
1 dodge
1 ritual AC
4 insight
10 dex (achievable with little difficulty)
6 wis (achievable with little difficulty)
60 AC beholder and with CE on
3 barkskin
1 haste pot
4 shield clickie/wand
67 AC
6 DoS aura
4 bard song
2 recitation
2 full barkskin
81 AC
Very short-term AC:
6 Imp. Uncanny Dodge
87 AC.
Granted, in Epic mode this may be moot, but then you'll also have 50% displacement on you more than likely plus your 25% incorporeal buff. You may very well be the most untouchable character out there.
HPs - someone else can work this out, but 12 monk levels + 8 Rogue levels + toughness + a few racial toughness enhancements should provide a workable HP level. I'd wager around 400-500ish easily once kitted out in greensteel and higher-end gear.
Suggested level split:
My character is currently built and will be holding at level 9 or 10, awaiting Update 5 and centered shortswords. One thing I've noticed thus far is that you'll want to plan your skills fairly carefully. 4 skill points on Monk levels to play with = not much at all. It's doable, but you'll simply lag behind every 2-3 levels and have to play catch-up with the Rogue levels.
Or you can bypass trapsmithing altogether and simply keep your Monk skills + Open Lock + UMD maxed. Whatever works for you. Just be aware that when people see 8 Rogue levels endgame, they may very well expect you to be able to do traps.
End split will be 12 Monk / 7 Rogue / 1 other (most likely 1 Ranger for devotion I, +3 FE dmg, and sprint/energy boosts, as well as the extra skill points allowing me to keep Rogue skills maxed).
Pros to the build:
- 2d6 unarmed damage. 2d8 if TRed from a past-life Monk. Still on par with the base damage of GS weaponry, and the lack of max unarmed damage dice is made up for with sneak damage dice.
- fast movement tier 4 of 6 for a fast-moving character.
- access to Ninja Spy II, whatever that may hold (TBA at this point). Tier one offers shortsword use and a self-25% incorporeal buff which will stack with Blur / Displacement for very effective defense.
- access to Scorpion Wraith racial PrE, whatever that may also hold (also TBA). Presumed to have sneak attack damage, poison use, and further shadow abilities.
- Abundant Step
- Touch of Death
- tier III stances and ki strikes. That's 20% self-haste, or 7.5% on top of the Haste spell. And 2d10 element ki strikes as quickly as you can cycle them.
- 10 feats to play with
- immunity to disease and poison
- Improved Uncanny Dodge
- monk wis III, rogue dex II
- tier III animal paths
- Improved Evasion
- Wholeness of Body
- 3 of 5 centered AC bonuses
- full trap skills/abilities (including upcoming U5 trap salvaging skills) if so inclined, as well as full UMD.
- Rogue damage boost III (+4 dmg) and haste boost III (+25%) for dps boosts.
- Reasonable Monk finisher DC (10 + 12 Monk levels + 5 or 6 Wis mod = 28ish. Should hit most things) for Touch of Despair to make 100% fort enemies crittable.
- Unbalancing strike DC of 10+6+wis mod = 22 or 23ish for exposing enemies to SA damage, even if tanking.
- Great sneak attack damage (4d6+9 from Rogue levels; Ninja Spy = 1d6, possibly 2d6 if linear progression. Could pick up Assassin I for an extra +1d6 until Scorpion Wraith comes along. +8 from Tharne's, and a further +10 if a TRed Rogue past life. So you could be looking at 7d6+27 all told)
- access to all 3 weapon types while remaining centered. Kamas for slashing; shortswords for piercing; unarmed for blunt. This character should never lack for dps, and should always have the right weapon for the job. Whether it is unarmed for slimes, slashing for zombies, or piercing for spiders / rakshasa, this character can do it. It also allows for a good endgame variety, whether it be radiance II shortswords, vorpal kamas, or devout handwraps, this character can tackle anything given the right equipment. You should never, ever, lack for dps in any given situation.
Suggested starting stats:
S: 14 (+5 lvl ups +6 item +1 exc. str +2 tome = 28 end-game easily. Add in rage/madstone, yugo pots, etc...)
D: 16 (+6 item +2 tome +2 drow dex2 +2 rogue dex2 = 28. Wind wind stance and a +3 tome, can hit 32 dex)
C: 14
I: 12 (+1 tome = CE)
W: 12 (+6 item +2 tome +2 monk wis2 = 22)
C: 10
Tomes required = +1 DEX for the TWF line; +1 INT if you want CE. Not a big deal these days, as you can even purchase them through the DDO store. Very, very beginner friendly as you only really require Drow and Monk access.
Feats (suggested/required):
TWF, ITWF, GTWF, PA, CE, Dodge, Toughness, IC:Piercing, IC: Bludgeoning, 1 empty.
Suggested feat for the empty slot will be Quick Draw to take advantage of the haste/damage clickies, as well as weapon swaps, but Skill Focus : UMD may serve you better at early levels.
Potential AC:
10 base
8 bracers
4 icy (dodge)
3 chattering (dodge)
5 CE
5 protection
3 centered
1 dodge
1 ritual AC
4 insight
10 dex (achievable with little difficulty)
6 wis (achievable with little difficulty)
60 AC beholder and with CE on
3 barkskin
1 haste pot
4 shield clickie/wand
67 AC
6 DoS aura
4 bard song
2 recitation
2 full barkskin
81 AC
Very short-term AC:
6 Imp. Uncanny Dodge
87 AC.
Granted, in Epic mode this may be moot, but then you'll also have 50% displacement on you more than likely plus your 25% incorporeal buff. You may very well be the most untouchable character out there.
HPs - someone else can work this out, but 12 monk levels + 8 Rogue levels + toughness + a few racial toughness enhancements should provide a workable HP level. I'd wager around 400-500ish easily once kitted out in greensteel and higher-end gear.
Suggested level split:
My character is currently built and will be holding at level 9 or 10, awaiting Update 5 and centered shortswords. One thing I've noticed thus far is that you'll want to plan your skills fairly carefully. 4 skill points on Monk levels to play with = not much at all. It's doable, but you'll simply lag behind every 2-3 levels and have to play catch-up with the Rogue levels.
Or you can bypass trapsmithing altogether and simply keep your Monk skills + Open Lock + UMD maxed. Whatever works for you. Just be aware that when people see 8 Rogue levels endgame, they may very well expect you to be able to do traps.