View Full Version : 3 barrel cove suggestion thread

05-10-2010, 05:38 PM
My favorite adventure area ever no contest but it lacks polish in a few places

Please change the quests so you get them when you are near entrance like vale quests

Tie it together better with Sentinels, alternate entrance to the Loch for instance

I would also like to see at least some nice pirate themed named loot available but thats fairly low on my concern list more interested in more accessible questing and story possibilities

05-10-2010, 05:50 PM
Is there even a single piece of named loot that comes out of 3BC? I usually grind it out for favor once per toon (if I feel like it) and forget it. It's a shame because there are some interesting quests out there. Just not interesting enough to make it worth while to run ALL the way out there.

05-10-2010, 05:55 PM
there is 0 named loot that drops from quests or adventure area chests

05-12-2010, 10:52 AM
The #1 thing I would like to see in 3 Barrel is a vendor/broker. You got that entire area of orc archers on perches and such but you can't buy a single arrow in the entire place! :D

05-12-2010, 11:14 AM
Please change the quests so you get them when you are near entrance like vale quests
Yes, as I suggested back when the neo-Three Barrel first came out, it would be better if the minotaur, ghost, and Red Tom questgivers were closer to their dungeon door. Not exactly sitting on it, but maybe around the nearby shrine. The kobold and Rosie questgivers can stay in town where they are (for one thing, those quests don't involve returning to the same dungeon)

Tie it together better with Sentinels, alternate entrance to the Loch for instance
It's true that it was a mistake for the Black Loch area to be visible within the Three Barrel landscape, but for the dungeon to be included in another adventure pack and be inaccessible from that landscape. However, there is no apparent way for Turbine to fix the problem now. Tying adventure packs together is often a negative, because it's upsetting to customers who only have one of the packs.

I would also like to see at least some nice pirate themed named loot available but thats fairly low on my concern list more interested in more accessible questing and story possibilities
Yes, that's an obvious fix that has been suggested many times.

They could do it the traditional way and put a chance for named drops in the end chest of each dungeon. Or they could do it differently:
Each chest in Three Barrel provides 1d2 Ancient Sarlonan Coins, with 1d6 coming from the end chests of dungeons. When you get 25 of them you turn them in with Commodore Bloodeye for a list of binding named loot rewards.

Back when neo-Three Barrel came out I made a suggestion of 12 detailed items they could include, but I don't have it with me now. But they were cool and included:
Pirate outfit with +dex, +tumble, +swim, and -wis.
A cutlass scimitar which grants the TWF feat while held.
A bladed quarterstaff in the sauhagin style, which provides a bonus to natural armor.
A trinket to summon a helpful skeleton.
A bandana that increases thiefing skills.
An eyepatch (goggles) with +sneak attack but -spot -attack
and many more

In addition, it would be fun if 3bc includes a rare-drop treasure map. Using that map on the explorer zone will lead you to a random position, where you dig and unearth a bunch of treasure chests (and a bunch of undead guards)