View Full Version : Ranged Combat Feats

05-10-2010, 10:10 AM
I am thinking of building a Ranger/Bard Elf that will be taking advantage of the Elven Arcane Archer line, but had a few questions about ranged combat feats.

1. Obviously Weapon Focus: Ranged applies to bows, but can anyone verify that it applies to x-bows and repeaters?

2. Does Weapon Focus: Piercing also help with ranged combat? I would assume so since it is a piercing weapon. But does it stack with Weapon Focus: Ranged?

3. With the Many Shot feat, does each arrow get it's own die roll? Just out of curiosity, since it would drastically increase the effectiveness of Arcane Archer: Imbue Slayer Arrows (i.e. more chances of rolling a natural 20).

Please don't tell me ranged combat is gimped. If I wanted to build something for max DPS, I wouldn't be building a ranged character. I am planning on building a support role toon, focusing on CC, with ranged abilities.

05-10-2010, 10:12 AM
1. its all ranged weapons, even throwing ones
2. no, piercing is melee only. ranged is for the range weapons. and thus they dont stack
3. yes, individual rolls

05-10-2010, 11:12 AM

05-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Please don't tell me ranged combat is gimped. If I wanted to build something for max DPS, I wouldn't be building a ranged character. I am planning on building a support role toon, focusing on CC, with ranged abilities.

What sort of level split were you thinking and why?
I ask because while Ranger is full BAB, bard is not and that affects the number of arrows with Manyshot. Also access to Bard Songs and their power depends on bard levels. Both classes have restricted and delayed access to spells, so you also need to figure out which ones you really want to be able to cast.

Hopefully you have at least 32 point builds available, or else this will be a very uphill battle stat wise.

05-10-2010, 11:42 AM
I am thinking of building a Ranger/Bard Elf that will be taking advantage of the Elven Arcane Archer line
I guess you mean Bard18/Ran2. You'd get BS and RS granted, and then need to train WF, PBS, PS, IPS, MS, and IC in your 7 feat slots, leaving one feat open for Toughness or whatever. Sadly you can't have the two feats it would take for Warchanter (PA + WF), so your damage song will be -3 below the max. But you can put one feat into Spell Focus and get Spellsinger.

05-10-2010, 11:47 AM
I guess you mean Bard18/Ran2. You'd get BS and RS granted, and then need to train WF, PBS, PS, IPS, MS, and IC in your 7 feat slots, leaving one feat open for Toughness or whatever. Sadly you can't have the two feats it would take for Warchanter (PA + WF), so your damage song will be -3 below the max. But you can put one feat into Spell Focus and get Spellsinger.

I don't believe two levels of Rangers allows you to inbue arrows, as mentioned the OP's first post. This will be a tough build for sure.

05-10-2010, 11:49 AM
I don't believe two levels of Rangers allows you to inbue arrows, as mentioned the OP's first post. This will be a tough build for sure.

thats why it will be an elf

elven arcane archer and such, you know

05-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Whilst you won't get the full BAB effect of multi-shot you could just use a divine power clicky to raise BAB to your level, then turn on manyshot, and get the full 4 arrow effect. That or any other ability that raises BAB to level. also, if you can fit in improved precise shot each target a arrow passes through also gets a roll.

05-10-2010, 03:29 PM
Thanks for all the responses. All this is going way off my initial questions (that was all I really needed answered), but to answer a few things about the build for anyone else that might stumble upon my post.

Split will be 18 Bard/2 Ranger.

It will be an Elf, so you do not need full ranger line to get access to Arcane Archer.

As I mentioned, I am not going for DPS, let alone RANGED DPS. If I wanted ranged DPS, I would roll a pure ranger. My build is going to a CC Bard. I am tired of playing the same build as almost every other CC Bard running around with a light repeater (or so it seems). Repeaters are cool, until end-game when all you are doing in "tickling" bosses (IMHO). I wanted to try and use a bow and be able to whip up some nifty arrows.

As far as the bard buffs are concerned, 18 is enough (more than, IMHO. Need at least 15 to get to Inspire Heroics, 18 if you want the get the Bard Prestige Items and Mass suggestion) and you will only be missing out on 1 additional bump to your inspire courage. I have played several bards (have 4 on various servers).

Yes, 32 point build (a must IMHO if you are trying to do any "fancy" builds).

Angelus is the closest, but he's leaning towards the ranged DPS side. My build will be leaning towards CC and will be a Spellsinger, not a Warchanter. I am just trying to figure out the MINIMUM amount of feats needed to have an somewhat effective Archer Archer. Let me freeze/debuff mobs and let the melees do their job while I pick off a few here and there.

I guess that leads me to one last question, do the Arcane Archer line of imbuing arrows also apply to BOLTS? Never thought about it, and I would assume that they don't sine the enhancement even say "Imbue Arrows: . . .". Just a thought.

Oh, and all my Bards carry divine power clickies.

05-10-2010, 03:59 PM
I guess that leads me to one last question, do the Arcane Archer line of imbuing arrows also apply to BOLTS? Never thought about it
They don't!

05-11-2010, 05:19 AM
The problem with this build as a CC Bard is that you lose 2 levels of Spell Penetration and the capstone, which is tailor made for CC Bards. And getting enough feats for decent ranged abilities takes away from casting feats. You will also have MAD to contend with since you need high Chr for casting, a high Dex to hit, and at least moderate Str and Con.

Ideally, this split would make a good buffing/ ranged DPS or general Bard build. In practice, it will probably be somewhat lacking unless the devs release an alternate ranged path for Warchanter. That's something I would support by the way. Require something like Weapon Focus: Ranged and Precise Shot.

05-11-2010, 05:47 AM
1. its all ranged weapons, even throwing ones
2. no, piercing is melee only. ranged is for the range weapons. and thus they dont stack
3. yes, individual rolls

1. No it does not apply to throwing weapons ... that's WF: Throwing

just for clarification purposes


05-11-2010, 10:14 AM
1. No it does not apply to throwing weapons ... that's WF: Throwing

just for clarification purposes


wf: throwing exists?
well, been abit since i took WF on any char

youre right then

05-11-2010, 10:22 AM
Consider ranger 2 / fighter 2 / bard 16: you give up Mass Suggestion and a lvl 6 spell; but gain two extra combat feats to beef up your archery and hit BAB 16 at lvl 20, so you'll get full benefit from Manyshot without relying on DP clickies.