View Full Version : grinds my gears
05-09-2010, 04:27 PM
Why do people put stuff on the AH for stupid prices when a simple search would find the same stuff for much less (with a buyout). e.g. saw some Shavarath iron for 120kpp buyout, but people STILL put theirs up there for 500kpp. sigh. What you think people aren't going to buy the 120kpp one and buy yours instead?
Why do 'tanks' in the Reaver insist on moving around like crazy ferrets - then I have to play whackamole with my caster in order to get a charge. Also 'tank' does not mean 'dps the giant down to 5% so you can't hold any agrro for the last 3 orbs' it means TANK.
Please stop putting winter recipes on the AH too.
05-09-2010, 04:34 PM
lmao - thats all that needs to be said ;)
05-09-2010, 04:44 PM
Why do people put stuff on the AH for stupid prices
Some people use the AH as a second bank. For example if my bank was full i would just place a couple items on the AH for a stupid price so no one buys it and i can get it back whenever. A few tiny pieces of gold isn't much to sway people away from putting up fake auctions. Also some idiots just brag. For example look at the +4 Metalline Khopesh of Pure Good on the AH right now for almost 20 mil gold if i remember correctly.
I would also like to point out i never put up an aforementioned fake auction. I just send items to to my alts and leave it in mail until i need it or keep it in my inventory.
05-09-2010, 10:19 PM
complaining we are going to fast when the lfm said fast run
asking if we are getting a healer when the lfm said byoh
"shr plz"
telling me how uber your fighter is in a lowbie group
"intimitanks" who "tank" harry hiding behind their shield.
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
Just a few of mine. Id give you more but I know you will do all these as soon as you can when raiding with me, so ill leave the list short :D
05-09-2010, 10:56 PM
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
This one always cracks me up
05-09-2010, 11:01 PM
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
Ok, you're trying to tell me that my fighter's heal scroll/tower shield portal beating set is WRONG? Why has no one corrected me in all those Shroud runs? :eek:
Next you're going to tell me that the best weapon to DPS the Jailer and Judge in ToD ISN'T a fire shield scroll...what is this world coming to? Everything I know is wrong!
05-10-2010, 12:52 AM
Ok, you're trying to tell me that my fighter's heal scroll/tower shield portal beating set is WRONG? Why has no one corrected me in all those Shroud runs? :eek:
Next you're going to tell me that the best weapon to DPS the Jailer and Judge in ToD ISN'T a fire shield scroll...what is this world coming to? Everything I know is wrong!
lol . ive deon both those thigns in the past on various alts by mistake.
05-10-2010, 02:50 AM
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
I had a group where there was no less than 3 (non cleric/FvS) swinging away, there might have been a 4th but I could not see through my /facepalm at that point. Needless to say Harry sucked.
05-10-2010, 07:23 AM
"shr plz"
This is especially ridiculous when the quest giver is right next to the quest.
05-10-2010, 12:07 PM
People who don't solve their own puzzles in shroud part 3 (google is your friend) and they have more than a dozen shroud completions
People who don't run waters (I've done this two times, only b/c I needed to do something)
05-10-2010, 01:09 PM
People who ask what quest we're doing when the quest was both in the comment and the Quest column of the LFM.
"hi shar pls"
"plx to be sharing kthx"
People who tell me my character sucks because they have a higher number on the last hit counter.
When my cleric has more kills than everyone else in the group. Possibly one of the few times I'd use the kill counter to gauge the effectiveness of a group. Now, I wouldn't care if I was spamming Blade Barriers and such, but smacking things with a mace that get too close to me? Come on.
Logging in to find absolutely nobody running anything.
05-10-2010, 01:16 PM
Logging in to find absolutely nobody running anything.
It's like that in the morning. I am on early on the weekends because the kids wake up at an ungodly hour, so I log to see if anything is going on. Usually there isn't. This is when I solo junk to clean up favor or do toon maint. Maybe I should learn and log in a little later?
05-10-2010, 01:33 PM
complaining we are going to fast when the lfm said fast run
asking if we are getting a healer when the lfm said byoh
"shr plz"
telling me how uber your fighter is in a lowbie group
"intimitanks" who "tank" harry hiding behind their shield.
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
Just a few of mine. Id give you more but I know you will do all these as soon as you can when raiding with me, so ill leave the list short :D
But my cleric is int-based... he can't hit anything swinging 2 weapons :(
05-10-2010, 01:56 PM
But my cleric is int-based... he can't hit anything swinging 2 weapons :(
Anyone can hit those portals. . .My Cleric has 10 STR, 16 with an item and she hits them, every little bit counts.
Now. . .taking 2 smoke breaks in a shroud when you are the leader. . . ..
05-10-2010, 02:06 PM
Anyone can hit those portals. . .My Cleric has 10 STR, 16 with an item and she hits them, every little bit counts.
Now. . .taking 2 smoke breaks in a shroud when you are the leader. . . ..
2? I take at least 4 or 5!
05-10-2010, 02:18 PM
complaining we are going to fast when the lfm said fast run
asking if we are getting a healer when the lfm said byoh
"shr plz"
telling me how uber your fighter is in a lowbie group
"intimitanks" who "tank" harry hiding behind their shield.
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
Just a few of mine. Id give you more but I know you will do all these as soon as you can when raiding with me, so ill leave the list short :D
its called bows i hate them dont use em to hit a portal . its too bad they cant bow bash
05-10-2010, 04:22 PM
Anyone can hit those portals. . .My Cleric has 10 STR, 16 with an item and she hits them, every little bit counts.
Now. . .taking 2 smoke breaks in a shroud when you are the leader. . . ..
Never, before and after yes, but not during :p
05-13-2010, 02:25 PM
OK so let me ask this Why do people think a Rogue is a tank? thy are trap-monkeys and for first strike not a one-on-one fight with Mobs.
05-13-2010, 02:29 PM
Ok, you're trying to tell me that my fighter's heal scroll/tower shield portal beating set is WRONG? Why has no one corrected me in all those Shroud runs? :eek:
Next you're going to tell me that the best weapon to DPS the Jailer and Judge in ToD ISN'T a fire shield scroll...what is this world coming to? Everything I know is wrong!
I prefer to use the Candy Canes of Death approach.:D
Quite a few mid level mobs have died due to sugar overload....
OK so let me ask this Why do people think a Rogue is a tank? thy are trap-monkeys and for first strike not a one-on-one fight with Mobs.
The same players in the shroud after making it through a few parts. "Hey guys I have to go, I have an emergency, sorry - real sorry about this guys."
The same two people had 4 or 5 different emergencies in the same day. :p
Just put up an LFM, Shroud parts 1-4 until ransacked.
05-13-2010, 03:57 PM
People who look to my Pally to heal them :confused:
Need i say more. :)
05-14-2010, 11:35 PM
Lagging with under 5 seconds left on Divine Intervention, and coming out of the lag dead
Getting Auto-rezzed by death pact and killed again before you can move
Wasting Heal scrolls on players who don't bother removing their own curses
Having monster attacks break major mnemonic potions
05-15-2010, 02:18 AM
People who use madstone in fights where a tiny bit more dps is irrelevant and being able to decurse urself is important lol
05-15-2010, 02:27 AM
When you put up a lfm, get ppl in and they nag you because your in clearing and they waited outside for full group.
When toon dies in cleared dungeon just before completition.
When after type if you need buff i wait 1 min go shrine and ppl start typing needed buffs.
PPL who in BYOH group dont have pots/scrolls.
When first timer just does something in raid that makes it near fail, becuase he didnt ask what to do, or just didnt follow. [ Titan pillar killing ]
05-17-2010, 10:32 AM
Vets who join pugs, zerg through without talking to group, finish out the quest and leave with a snitty comment about crappy pugs.
Pugs who complain about zerging.
The phrase, "sorry, guildies need me."
Shroud runs with 5+ players under level 17.
Waiting for a healer and a wf tank. As if every raid will fail without a wf tank and 3 clerics.
05-17-2010, 11:10 AM
TR's who won't let me pike while they are power leveling. I hate that! :P
05-17-2010, 11:39 AM
We used to do shroud with 12 players under 17. We did em with weapons that didnt break dr. We did em faster than most pugs full of level 20's. Its not the level thats important here its the player.
05-17-2010, 01:29 PM
Any raids that now require 20's to get threw (like level really means competence) I hate that people think that 14's cant run things like the shroud um..we did that for awhile before the cap raise.
Being in the middle of a raid on one of my better knowns and having people send me tells. Yeah look at the who list before you start spaming me questions please and try not to get offended if im not answering you while running a TOD for petes sake.
Pugs who tell me im running to fast or not to open a door unless the whole group is ready when everything is dead already..yeah because I really want to do a quest that should only take 15 mins top a full 2 hours while you put on buffs you dont need..
05-17-2010, 01:37 PM
People who ask what quest we're doing when the quest was both in the comment and the Quest column of the LFM.
"hi shar pls"
"plx to be sharing kthx"
Sounds legit to think so, but I have joined a few PUGS, when LFM said one thing, and they were through with that and on to something else. I go to Kobold assault looking for group to find they have moved on to Market Place.
I know, you can see location of individuals in the LFM panel, but does that mean they are coming back to location of Quest listed in LFM or on to something different.
Leaders tend to forget those LFM's after a while.
05-17-2010, 01:55 PM
Running out of Tasty Ham Oil.
What? My gears need oil!
05-17-2010, 01:55 PM
Pugs who tell me im running to fast or not to open a door unless the whole group is ready when everything is dead already..yeah because I really want to do a quest that should only take 15 mins top a full 2 hours while you put on buffs you dont need..
Well, I don't typically like to Zerg. I enjoy running Quests for the experience of Questing, not necessarily XP. I usually put a note in my Zerging. I like to do optionals and hit breakables.
So if you join my PUG and don't follow my request, I will drop you as soon as I have a chance.
I am frequently asking Zergers to stay with the group. If you want to run fast through a Quest, don't join my group.
Sure, we may not really need all of those buffs, but what does it hurt to wait one minute for a caster to throw a couple of buffs on. The Caster gets to think he actually had something to do with completing the quest. He might enjoy watching Mobs die unmercifully, the the characters he just buffed still have full health because he threw on Bulls Strength, Bears Endurance & a host of other buffs
I find too many people are obsessed with getting their toon to 20 as quick as possible, so they can what...TR and do it all over again. Kinda Boring if you ask me.
I might Zerg through a quest if I just need a few XP for next level, but that is the only time.
05-17-2010, 02:22 PM
Well, I don't typically like to Zerg. I enjoy running Quests for the experience of Questing, not necessarily XP. I usually put a note in my Zerging. I like to do optionals and hit breakables.
So if you join my PUG and don't follow my request, I will drop you as soon as I have a chance.
I am frequently asking Zergers to stay with the group. If you want to run fast through a Quest, don't join my group.
Sure, we may not really need all of those buffs, but what does it hurt to wait one minute for a caster to throw a couple of buffs on. The Caster gets to think he actually had something to do with completing the quest. He might enjoy watching Mobs die unmercifully, the the characters he just buffed still have full health because he threw on Bulls Strength, Bears Endurance & a host of other buffs
I find too many people are obsessed with getting their toon to 20 as quick as possible, so they can what...TR and do it all over again. Kinda Boring if you ask me.
I might Zerg through a quest if I just need a few XP for next level, but that is the only time.
Well I dont join groups that say go slow so you will never have to worry about that, but many have sent my girls a tell to come help them threw a quest and putz around. Im a single mom I use my time sparringly between this my one real shot a me time and my kid who is my world. So while sure there are players who want to flower sniff threw a quest and more power to them im not one of those players anymore. New areas I make the time to take my time when I know they are being released but something like HIPS which after 17 alts have done it a few times n/h/e yeah im not going to worry about people buffing up for a few ogres that I killed already.
Its about perspective If I join an lfm that says quick run and its not a quick run I make it so. I dont join go slow lfms and in my bio make it clear how I tend to run unless asked up front to do so other wise. I respect most play styles even if I dont want to run that way and try to avoid it most of the time.
and special edit as of yet to have any TR I like leveling I like getting new spells, skills and approaching a class in new ways. Not to say I wont make a TR one day (my poor archer needs to do something) but seriously not everyone rushing to get to 20 is doing it just for reincarnate some of us want to see the work we put into a build pay off at higher levels. Like I said before its about perspective and I dont assume everyone heading towards a goal is doing so for the same reason.
05-17-2010, 02:42 PM
Shroud runs with 5+ players under level 17.
you do know the shroud was end game content for about a year and ahalf when the cap ws 16? we used to start running it at level 12.
05-19-2010, 10:33 AM
you do know the shroud was end game content for about a year and ahalf when the cap ws 16? we used to start running it at level 12.
Nope, didn't know that. Started training my healer on raids by joining shrouds and not completing and have had the worst time with low level groups - not getting through part 1, etc. I've never wished for pick lock so much as when I'm standing outside a door watching someone bounce randomly on puzzle tiles. As someone said above - it's the player - and it seems when I find a group of level 17's the players make sure I don't have to worry about ddooring at the end.
05-19-2010, 10:42 AM
complaining we are going to fast when the lfm said fast run
asking if we are getting a healer when the lfm said byoh
"shr plz"
telling me how uber your fighter is in a lowbie group
"intimitanks" who "tank" harry hiding behind their shield.
swinging at portals with a shield equipped
Just a few of mine. Id give you more but I know you will do all these as soon as you can when raiding with me, so ill leave the list short :D
An indication of the state of reading ability amongst the troops???
05-19-2010, 11:11 AM
ok I have a few more.
If you're generous enough to offer your raid loot up for roll...
Does anyone want this shard?
Even more wrong:
Anyone need this?
d40 for the shard of ironweave
Even Better:
d40 for <link item here>
Don't chose the same dice roll as someone else. If possible don't say it over voice because it's hard then to scroll up and keep track of who is offering what.
And of course it's your loot so do what you want with it :)
05-19-2010, 03:33 PM
People who feel they deserve loot
People who throw a fit over not getting loot
The "anything you can do, I can do better" attitude
People who lie about their characters
Why are there no tacos in game?
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