View Full Version : Looking for a guild

05-09-2010, 03:15 PM
I'm looking for a guild that loves to have fun. I recently came back from a long break. I want to go VIP with my account but going to wait till i get into a guild.

Contact Probonno/Prolifik/Protrusion

05-31-2010, 05:23 PM
I'm looking for a guild that loves to have fun. I recently came back from a long break. I want to go VIP with my account but going to wait till i get into a guild.

Contact Probonno/Prolifik/Protrusion

We'd love to have ya at Disciples of Insane Drunk Men.
Our concentration is on FUN.
We love to help and love helpful players. Find us online and pm an officer for an invite.

web: www.disciples.clangroups.com
Leader: Phunk
Officers: Devilrey, Puddletoes, Gildoman, Comet, Sarnaa

Please, join us for some fun.