View Full Version : Legends

05-08-2010, 10:49 PM
Legends: Where adventurer's are born and Legends live. Do you have the stuff Legends are made of?
Established: May 4th, 2010
Average Playtime: Peak 4pm CST to 2am CST, there is almost always a Legends player online
Size: Maximum 39 players allowed. Number of members fluxuates between 20-39 active players.
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Only the raid timers limit us
Leader: Fizban
Successor: Goolan
Officer (Team Builder): Yarek
Website: http://www.Legends.republichost.com
Ventrilo: A dedicated Ventrilo (Vent) account for Legends players only. A valuable game enhancement tool.
Recruiting: Players that are interested in joining Legends must apply via our website application and complete a small questionaire which includes the Legends member that referred you.
Info: Legends is a guild of common minded players that enjoy all things Dungeons & Dragons. We love to run and complete raids on all difficulties (see one of our raid nights or epic nights) as well as complete quests like Proof is the Poison or Mirra's Sleepless Nights. If you need something, we are there to help with equipment to flagging. We have characters of all levels just because grinding isnt the only thing in this game. A Legends player stands out as a well oriented individual who isnt afraid to help out other gamers, not just our guildies. Legends aspires to continue to be a solid guild with good players.
History: The founding Legends players have been playing DDO since the game launched in February 2006. Legends is located on the Khyber server so look us up when you get a chance. Many like minded and experienced players came together to build a guild that not only offers a great quality of questing but other D&D experiences as well. Since the launch of Legends leaders, officers and members have succeeded in maintaining a strong guild with a solid reputation for being solid players as well as good in-game citizens.
Additional Information: Legends is our guild name on Khyber however we have a presence on all other DDO servers under the guild banner of "Legends of Khyber". So if you see one of us around be sure to say hello.

Roleplaying - I told you we offer a well rounded D&D experience.
Permadeath: Guild only permadeath play. Legends has a group of players in guild that meet once a week and play a permadeath campaign. We quest for about 2 hours one day a week to keep it simple and follow a strict permadeath set of rules. We setup a sub-guild for this play called Legends PD.

06-06-2010, 04:02 PM
Legends offers many additional amenities and information to all of its members. Below is a small sample of some of the things you will find in our forums.

> Welcome to Legends (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&ForumID=1703755&TabID=2998030&Replies=0&TopicID=9007271) - Look here for some additional things offered by Legends.
> DDO Updates (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&ForumID=1703755&TabID=2998030&Replies=0&TopicID=9136724) - All of them in one location for you to review from past modules to current updates.
> Dragons (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&ForumID=1703755&TabID=2998030&Replies=9&TopicID=9331142) - Thar' be Dragons out there. Ever want to know some of the legend and lore behind some of D&D's dragons.
> Quest Solvers - Want to know many of the secrets for most of the raids and quests in the game, we have it. This is under a members only forum.

06-26-2010, 08:58 PM
The Hostile Crew has merged into Legends we welcome all new incoming players.

07-18-2010, 09:07 AM
Could Legends be an option for you? Visit us at our website the link is in the OP, we look forward to seeing you online.

07-26-2010, 03:23 PM
Where adventurer's are born and Legends live.

09-11-2010, 05:58 AM
Are you looking for a guild with a complete D&D experience. You may have just found it.

09-11-2010, 06:35 AM
I'm surprised no one has replied here, you really know how to sell your guild, and it looks like a lot of fun!

Good luck with the guild!, and +1 for selling tactics xD

09-16-2010, 09:03 PM
I played with a couple of members from Legends on my FvS and they are always fun to quest with, and not to mention know what they are doing ^^

10-09-2010, 09:08 AM
Are you the guild leader of a smaller guild maybe from 5-20 players or so and are looking for more?

> Maybe the reason you have a smaller size guild is because you have a group of friends you have made and like playing with when the log on.

> Maybe you have a small group of real life friends or family you play with from time to time.

> Maybe a larger guild just hasn't taken the time to approach you or your guild about a merger?

Legends wants to offer an opportunity for like minded players and/or guilds to merge with us.

What we offer:

> We are a midsize guild of about 40-60 players with about 20 plus players that are really active so grouping is usually never a problem. Any night you log into the game you will find several Legends players on.

> We are a laid back no drama guild that has several folks that have brought in their real life friends, online and/or family to form a larger group of like minded players. You see in part because of this it makes us a bit closer and more respectful of each other as we all should really be.

> I have also outlined some of the unique things we offer to all of our guild members that takes being a member of a guild to a new level. If you're interested just click on the ~ Legends ~ link in the signature line below to travel to our website for more details.

Thanks for your time.

10-11-2010, 04:37 PM
Come and see what a Legend is

10-16-2010, 03:12 PM
If you have not ever seen this it is definately worth a look. A hilarious look at a group of gamers in an online guild.

The Guild (http://www.watchtheguild.com/)

10-17-2010, 01:46 AM
Just thought I would send some Props out too the guys at Legends.
Just completed a Tower of Despair run on my monk Smallmans Syndrome, which was predominantly populated and run by the guys at Legends, I enjoyed it and all went pretty smooth.
All and all seemed like a good bunch of people too run with.

10-23-2010, 06:44 AM
European players welcome.

I wanted to throw an invitation out there to European players to consider Legends (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&TabID=2998029) on Khyber. We already have a small contigent of European players and recognize the quality of play from players all over the world.

If you are interested please check out our Legends (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&TabID=2998029) website and apply. Thanks for your time and consideration.

11-29-2010, 05:40 AM
Like the players, but not my speed. =)

Legends is a goodie though. Never had a problem with any member.

11-29-2010, 05:45 AM
To you have to be a double TR to join legends? Cause every single double TR is a legend...

11-29-2010, 05:50 AM
To you have to be a double TR to join legends? Cause every single double TR is a legend...

Maybe it's a coincidence? =P

11-29-2010, 05:50 AM
To you have to be a double TR to join legends? Cause every single double TR is a legend...

edit: I'm slow. I got it.

12-04-2010, 07:33 AM
posted an app. just waiting on reply.

02-01-2011, 08:20 AM
Welcome traveler to where adventurer's are born and Legends (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&TabID=2998029) live.

Legends are made up of heroes, adventurers and loreseekers just like you. Meet your foe with confidence and a mighty sword and your legacy will be passed down through a bard's song (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6koya_blind-guardian-the-bard-s-song-offi_music/) and you to will become Legendary.

Our goal is to have fun and enjoy Dungeon & Dragons Online. We respect each other and the other players in the game, yes we treat other players like we wish to be treated.

Do you have the stuff Legends are made of?

For those players seeking to be future Legendary players all you need to do is apply here at our website. Once your application is reviewed look for some of us in game and we will also look for you. We do like to run with a potential Legends recruit a few times prior to a guild invite just to make sure it is a fit on both sides. Regardless of the outcome we certainly appreciate your interest in Legends. Be sure to check out our visitor's information (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&ForumID=1703755&TabID=2998030&Replies=0&TopicID=9007271) on all the things we offer.

04-14-2011, 05:55 PM
> April 14, 2011 - Sleepless Knightz officially merged into Legends, welcome to Legends folks.

05-08-2011, 09:56 AM
Reccenting Legends players have been sharing some of their all time favorite playlists in our Sidebar forum called Legends Playlist (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&ForumID=1703809&TabID=2998030&Replies=6&TopicID=9656243). There is some good music in there that some of you may have not ever been exposed to I know I was not. Check this out you won't regret it.

05-13-2011, 11:07 PM
Legends has been honored by DDO's The Eberron Chronicle (http://my.ddo.com/turbinecommunity/2011/05/13/eberron-chronicle-25/), check out the DDO website for details. Thank you Turbine for the honor all of the members at Legends appreciates the shout out.

The Eberron Chronicle writes:

Legends (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&TabID=2998029) is a Khyber-based guild that recently celebrated their first anniversary! The guild’s motto is, “Where adventurers are born and Legends live!” The guild is looking for new friends to join their close-knit family.

12-06-2011, 11:46 AM
Please note that Legends has amended its recruitment policy as follws:

Recruiting: Legends accepts new recruits via reference ONLY from existing Legends members. Potetial members must seek out officers or members in Legends to run two or more quests with in order to receieve a reference for Legends membership. Once that has been done interested applicants must apply via our website application and complete a small questionaire which includes the Legends member that referred you.

We look forward to seeing you in game.

07-15-2012, 01:56 PM
Simple the best, better than all the rest. Legends has recently modified its guild model to a lower membership allowed. However we are rocking 40 + active members. I am not sure of the count but Legends has to be among the Khyber leaders in Epic Elite questing with many players over 20+ completions.

10-22-2012, 10:03 AM
For those interested Legends is looking to pick up approximately 3-6 new players through the end of October 2012. If interested we look forward to revfiewing your application.

09-03-2013, 12:20 AM
Once again Legends is looking for a few new members. If your interested in a guild with lots of D&D and DDO history you might be a Legend.

09-04-2013, 08:39 PM
Legends: Where adventurer's are born and Legends live. Do you have the stuff Legends are made of?
Established: May 4th, 2010
Average Playtime: Peak 4pm CST to 2am CST, there is almost always a Legends player online
Size: Maximum 49 players allowed. Number of members fluxuates between 38-49 active players.
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Only the raid timers limit us
Leader: Fizban
Successor: Goolan
Website: http://www.Legends.republichost.com
Ventrilo: A dedicated Ventrilo (Vent) account for Legends players only. A valuable game enhancement tool.
Recruiting: Players that are interested in joining Legends must apply via our website application and complete a small questionaire which includes the Legends member that referred you.
Info: Legends is a guild of common minded players that enjoy all things Dungeons & Dragons. We love to run and complete raids on all difficulties (see one of our raid nights or epic nights) as well as complete quests like Proof is the Poison or Mirra's Sleepless Nights. If you need something, we are there to help with equipment to flagging. We have characters of all levels just because grinding isnt the only thing in this game. A Legends player stands out as a well oriented individual who isnt afraid to help out other gamers, not just our guildies. Legends aspires to continue to be a solid guild with good players.
History: The founding Legends players have been playing DDO since the game launched in February 2006. Legends is located on the Khyber server so look us up when you get a chance. Many like minded and experienced players came together to build a guild that not only offers a great quality of questing but other D&D experiences as well. Since the launch of Legends leaders, officers and members have succeeded in maintaining a strong guild with a solid reputation for being solid players as well as good in-game citizens.
Additional Information: Legends is our guild name on Khyber however we have a presence on all other DDO servers under the guild banner of "Legends of Khyber". So if you see one of us around be sure to say hello.

Roleplaying - I told you we offer a well rounded D&D experience.
Dungeon & Dragons (D&D): Guild only pen and paper D&D sessions. Yes thats right and we play with players from all over the country and even in other country's via an innovative software program and Ventrilo. We currently have three different sessions going with over 20 players.
Permadeath: Guild only permadeath play. Legends has a group of players in guild that meet once a week and play a permadeath campaign. We quest for about 2 hours one day a week to keep it simple and follow a strict permadeath set of rules. We setup a sub-guild for this play called Legends PD.

Wlelcome to all

10-15-2013, 12:13 PM
Is there a way to update original thread?

10-15-2013, 12:22 PM
Level 82

10-15-2013, 05:05 PM
Level 82
if you are looking for a guild on khyber read this thread

08-25-2014, 07:55 PM
I should start playing the game again by next week and would like to see some new members amongst the guild, looking forward to Epic Orchard

10-02-2014, 04:08 AM
ive run with a good number of you fine folks, always a good time
if you could pm me or send me a tell or mail or something in game id be interested to have an alt pop in that guild for the permadeath experience
- strangrdnger