View Full Version : Returning, maybe...from Adar

05-08-2010, 03:51 PM
So, I know it's a long shot, but I've been toying with coming back to this game lately and am hoping to find some of the people I used to run with. I left back in late 2007 but never did find a game as good as this one. I've been playing LOTRO lately but keep finding myself missing the combat of DDO.

Anyway, I used to play as Meri, a cleric, on Adar and for a very short time on Sarlona after the merge. I was in the A-Team guild as well as the Blood Cloak Clan. If there's any of you out there still that remember me I will be amazed but incredibly happy. I'm looking forward to getting back into things!

05-08-2010, 09:28 PM
well get back in game and say hello me and jaxr and others are here still , welcome back

05-08-2010, 10:43 PM
I can confirm that Brey and Jaxr are still playing and they are both still liabilities.


05-08-2010, 11:25 PM
lol so we had a good teacher what can i say ;)

05-09-2010, 01:39 AM
I can confirm that Brey and Jaxr are still playing and they are both still liabilities.


Sometimes they are both 2 liabilities.

05-09-2010, 01:33 PM
BCC circa 2007 still has a few people running around, mostly in the BCC guild, The Swords of the Light Guild, and Brey is in QE :D

05-09-2010, 03:55 PM
Wow some of you are still around that's great! I can't wait get back into things. Although you probably won't be seeing much of Meri for a bit. I have to relearn everything so I'll be starting from scratch at first. I'm even playing with the idea of deleting Meri and starting from scratch with her.

Don't suppose you guys know of any A Team members still around?

05-09-2010, 04:30 PM
either way dont delete / cap her and tr her to something else if thats what u want to do

05-09-2010, 05:26 PM
I don't know what tr stands for, but it sounds like you're saying I'll have the option to reroll after I cap? is that right?

05-09-2010, 05:38 PM
yes sorry forgive me Tr - true reincarnate after lvl 20 u can do this and u start back at lvl 1 and u have 34 pts to spend instead of 32 and if u do it again after cap u will have 36 pts but it caps there , but u can tr as many times as u want and theres benefits from your past life that follows u and a spended past life feat u can obtain ( Warning u lose all xp / favor - u start over just with more pts to spend at first level )

also there is Gr - Greater Reincarnate - basically takes a 28 ptr and makes it a 32 ptr without losing tomes/favor/level

and Lr - Lesser Reincarnate - takes your current 32ptr and lets u redo your stats / skills / feats but u have to keep your same level breakdown u already had

then theres Lr +1 , +2 , +3 which lets u do the same as Lr but u can switch a class out for each + u have

theres a breakdown of all of this somewhere just dont have the time to find it atm have to go

but hope this helps

05-09-2010, 05:43 PM
TR stands for True Reincarnation. So, yes, it is an alternative game reroll mechanic. However, the character must attain Level 20 and obtain a True Heart of Wood to go through a True Reincarnation.

A character undergoing a TR has the benefit of starting out as a 34-Point Build (or 36-Point for 2nd TR and beyond). The character keeps all gear and money from previous life, except the Inherent Bonus to Stats from consumed Tomes (so bank any extra you don't plan using right away). Downside is you'll need to gain more XP to level up on these more-powerful characters (1.9MM XP for Normal Levelup, ~3.1MM XP for TR1 & ~4.2MM XP for TR2+).

05-10-2010, 03:34 PM
Coming back to the game is like opening a time capsule. Your toon will probably be loaded with raid loot and little else. No doubt you have everything from the Dragon raid and Jinkx's Stormreaver solo runs. If you haven't played since 07, your characters will be 14 and have no greensteel. The good news is the reflexes don't fade. You'll be up to speed playing your character within a few days. Look me up when you get back in game. We can get your character reequiped quickly.

05-11-2010, 11:53 PM
Heh Del, you've got it exactly right. I've got the pieces from Dragon and Gianthold, and I think maybe some DQ. At the time we had managed to down Titan a few times but not enough for me to have anything from it.

Ah, the Gianthold solo runs, I leveled up a Wizard just for that. Good times :)

05-12-2010, 11:41 AM
Heh Del, you've got it exactly right. I've got the pieces from Dragon and Gianthold, and I think maybe some DQ. At the time we had managed to down Titan a few times but not enough for me to have anything from it.

Ah, the Gianthold solo runs, I leveled up a Wizard just for that. Good times :)

I figured as much. When I returned last month, I had the same look plus a whole lotta greensteel. When you log to your characters, type /quest completions. Since you were last in game, they added raid loot rewards on your 20th completion and the game keeps track. I'm usually on on afternoons under Clandestine.

05-14-2010, 02:54 PM
A-Team and Swords of Light, my very two first guilds in the game....welcome back.

05-14-2010, 07:25 PM
Welcome back. I wonder.....I used to play Fallensword, and someone over there goes by the same screen name as the OP.