View Full Version : Life After DDO Death--What to Expect

05-07-2010, 10:14 AM
I decided to post my question/observation/concern here in the reincarnate forum, because it has to do with character death.

Since October of 2009 when I started playing, when I "die," my screen goes "white." White as in, it's pretty similar to the page I'm typing on right now--just white. I see my tool bars, my mini-map, chat log, target/examine lens, but the rest of the world is "white." I see no features: no PCs, no NPCs, no critters, no furniture, no stairs, ladders, pits, etc...

This became my definition of "DDO Death," and a somewhat poetic, existential, quasi-Poltergeist experience. I expected the short lady with glasses from Poltergeist to show up and tell me, "Don't go in the Light...." Yet, I'm beginning to wonder if something is wrong with my hardware, or settings, or something...

Last night I was running one of the Necro quests: Tomb of the UnHallowed (I think). It's the quest, where in some rooms, you're affected by the "Delruuth's (?) Environmental Effect." This I figured out all on my own, however initially I thought I went blind. The first time this occurred, I figured the wight caster "got me" and I asked for a remove blindness from our sorely taxed cleric. Nothing. I swallowed a potion of remove blindness and learned the cleric DID cast his spell as well.

Effectively I spent 65% of the quest "blind." My "blindness" when I'm affected by it, is just like my character death: white screen. I can see: PC names, at times critter names, but that's about it. I started a "keyed rant" about how idiotic the quest was: "Who puts together a quest where you fight blind chasing names?" Finally, the cleric "spoke up," "No one is blind--it's foggy, maybe blurry, but we can see."

I then started to get a not so good feeling. Why? Why could they see and I'm blind? Tons of other questions came too:

Should I be able to "see" when I'm dead? Should I be able to see furniture, ladders, pits, critters, and doors? I've seen other dead toons "scout" ahead and I figured they counted "names" in the room. I've seen them navigate platforms and ladders and I figured they REALLY knew the quest well.

Me, I'm a **** mess when I'm dead--walking into walls, falling off ledges--pathetic.

Even the mechanics of running to a RES shrine is a feat for me. I've died in front of shrines and it's an effort to RES myself. I don't "see" the shrine. I see "white." I see the name of the shrine, it appears in my examine lens if I "click around" for it, but I don't see it.

So now I've begun to suspect something is terribly wrong in my settings. WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT WHEN DEAD?!? If I find I have some setting wrong, I have a very loooooong list of apologies to make to epically failed quests, in which I couldn't find my way to the shrine, away from my stone, fast enough.

So much is talked about on the forums, but it occurred to me last night, that I really don't know what PC Death is supposed to be like. Please advise.

05-13-2010, 02:01 PM
Well, I'm a relative newbie, playing my fourth toon, but with my first and second toons (Fighter and Ranger) I died a several times while low level in both solo and in parties doing hard/elite low to mid-level quests and the screen goes dark, you can see things, but they are dark and blurry, and you CAN see the shrines.

This white screen sounds like something I've seen about 3 times when logging out. I have been stuck a couple of times with a full red bar for logging out but I don't get back to the character select screen. When I click on the screen again it goes white and I can't see anything. I have to task manager end program and reopen to get back in the game (I have learned to go to window view before logging out). Like I said, has happened 3 times in the past 2 months.

So, to answer your question, you are not supposed to see all white as far as I know, you are seeing something that I have never seen when dead. And my first two toons died a lot. I mean if there was a medal for stupid deaths, they'd be heavily encumbered. My fighter fell to his death twice in Misery's Peak with almost full hp by not paying attention to the ledges.

Don't know about settings for this, maybe tech support can help :)

Good luck!

05-13-2010, 02:17 PM
Well, I'm not sure I agree that the "Reincarnation" forum is the best place for this question :) but yes, I can attest to the fact (after many many deaths) that what one experiences after death in-game is more like a fuzzy, darker blurrier world, in which objects and people are indistinct -- but they are still definitely visible; you can see them and navigate around while dead, albeit tethered to your soul stone. It's not always to move around because in some of the darker sewer/cave environments, things can be really dark and hard to see when you're dead. However, I have never ever experienced this 'white' screen that you describe. I am no technical expert, but it sounds like it might be worth fiddling with some of your video settings.

Just out of curiosity, does the screen also go white after you rez out of a quest post-death? I'm asking just because there is a timed death-period in the tavern after you rez out that is also kinda of blurry for a bit, so if its a video setting thing, it might happen then too...

10-18-2010, 04:11 PM
Last night I was running one of the Necro quests: Tomb of the UnHallowed (I think). It's the quest, where in some rooms, you're affected by the "Delruuth's (?) Environmental Effect." This I figured out all on my own, however initially I thought I went blind. The first time this occurred, I figured the wight caster "got me" and I asked for a remove blindness from our sorely taxed cleric. Nothing. I swallowed a potion of remove blindness and learned the cleric DID cast his spell as well.

Effectively I spent 65% of the quest "blind." My "blindness" when I'm affected by it, is just like my character death: white screen. I can see: PC names, at times critter names, but that's about it. I started a "keyed rant" about how idiotic the quest was: "Who puts together a quest where you fight blind chasing names?" Finally, the cleric "spoke up," "No one is blind--it's foggy, maybe blurry, but we can see."
So now I've begun to suspect something is terribly wrong in my settings. WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT WHEN DEAD?!? If I find I have some setting wrong, I have a very loooooong list of apologies to make to epically failed quests, in which I couldn't find my way to the shrine, away from my stone, fast enough.

So much is talked about on the forums, but it occurred to me last night, that I really don't know what PC Death is supposed to be like. Please advise.

I have been getting the same exact things since I had to format my PC, not all the patches are installed and I ran in Necro last night "blind" it really sucked.
Can someone please advise

10-18-2010, 04:33 PM
EDIT: Didn't notice the thread necroing, nevermind.