View Full Version : Save the UI layout.

05-06-2010, 10:39 AM
Can we get some code out of LOTRO please?

Not only can they actually save chat logs over there, but they can also save their UI layout so they only have to do the work once, then apply it to their other characters.

http://na6.salesforce.com/_ui/selfservice/pkb/PublicKnowledgeSolution/d?orgId=00D80000000L4s5&id=50180000000OOWl&retURL=%2Fsol%2Fpublic%2Fsolutionbrowser.jsp%3Fsea rch%3Dlayout%2Bsave%26cid%3D02n800000001SCe%26orgI d%3D00D80000000L4s5%26t%3D4&ps=1

Can we get that implemented here please?

05-06-2010, 11:00 AM
been asking about this for a while.

05-31-2010, 04:32 PM
I've also been disappointed about this for some time now... :(

I've asked about it several times and have NEVER gotten a dev's reply on the matter

05-31-2010, 04:57 PM


(Waiting for that LOTRO AH interface to bleed over, too.) ;)

05-31-2010, 05:12 PM
If this means that I can have UI layout for my 1366X768 screen and then for my 1920X1080 screen, then I too /signed!

The UI and it's token 'customization' is quite useless and outdated.

06-01-2010, 05:15 AM
DDo has been for a long time, the neglected brother to lotro.

But I beta tested lotro, and although the interface was nice it still wasnt ddo, here's where I want some focus.

Some bug fixing and polish, it's been said that it's coming well.., you have some money now, hire the people and fix it up fernando.

06-01-2010, 05:53 AM
/signed for OP

Also would like to have items in our bags return back to their exact spots when switching weapons. I really hate having to reorganize my inventory every single time I'm done with a quest. I like my bags neat and orderly so I know exactly where to find things.