View Full Version : Draconis Immortalis is recruiting!

05-05-2010, 04:40 AM
Hello all, I am the leader of Draconis Immortalis. Figured I'd stop by the official forums to throw the guild name around a bit.

I solo a lot so don't get to meet a ton of new people and send out invites to the guild. However, Draconis has started raiding as a guild and have successfully completed every attempted raid so far ( I know that will change when we try the "higher-end" raids, but hey, that's how you learn right!).

So if you are a vet, and would like to change your home, or find a home, hit me up. If you are a newer player and would like to get into the raiding part of the game, feel free as well to hit me up.

Draconis Immortalis is a fun group of players and love to help each other out! We all have real lives and also love to get the most out of our time in-game! We definately understand that real life comes first. That being said, our raids are never mandatory, and are strictly for those guildies who want to raid!

You can check out our website at Draconis Immortalis Homepage (http://draconisimmortalis.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=122152)

If you have any questions please contact me in game or via these or my guilds forums! Hope to hear from you soon!

05-15-2010, 11:21 PM
Hey. I'd love to join your crew. My toons are TheBearJu (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/thebearju/) and BadRomantic (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/badromantic/). Have one of your officers hit me up.

05-17-2010, 06:37 AM
Hey there, check out our site at http://draconisimmortalis.guildlaunch.com or seek out one of our officers. You should be able to filter who's online by guild and find anyone from Draconis Immortalis online and have them give you the name of an online officer or myself and we'd be glad to have a short chat with ya and invite ya!

Looking forward to seeing you in-game.

05-17-2010, 09:08 AM
For those curious and that browse these forums. Thought I'd add some more information. We just recently took down HoX and VoD on our first attempts as a guild. Yes it was only normal but how else are you supposed to learn how to work together.

I am very, very, VERY proud of my guild members and am looking forward to guild Shrouds, Abbots, and ToDs VERY soon!

05-19-2010, 05:39 AM

05-19-2010, 02:08 PM

LOL Nothing wrong with that!

05-19-2010, 02:19 PM
Barbarian Open
Bard Open
Cleric Open
Favored Soul Open
Fighter Medium
Monk Medium
Paladin Open
Ranger Open
Rogue Low
Sorcerer Open
Wizard Open
Monks named Quis Very High


Also, I wouldn't close your doors to any players based on class. Not because of playerbase (which there's never a problem on Sarlona). Mainly because that one rogue may be an outstanding player, but just picked the wrong first class. For example, my paladin/fighter was horrible in the beginning. I made an alt bard (who is now my main) and I get tons of groups. Now my paladin/fighter (who is now a paladin/monk) can sneak into groups ;)

05-19-2010, 03:42 PM
Barbarian Open
Bard Open
Cleric Open
Favored Soul Open
Fighter Medium
Monk Medium
Paladin Open
Ranger Open
Rogue Low
Sorcerer Open
Wizard Open
Monks named Quis Very High


Also, I wouldn't close your doors to any players based on class. Not because of playerbase (which there's never a problem on Sarlona). Mainly because that one rogue may be an outstanding player, but just picked the wrong first class. For example, my paladin/fighter was horrible in the beginning. I made an alt bard (who is now my main) and I get tons of groups. Now my paladin/fighter (who is now a paladin/monk) can sneak into groups ;)

Really, rogues low?