View Full Version : how many past life feats possible

05-03-2010, 03:50 AM
I'm not sure whether this ahs been answered already, but a search didn't result in anything, so here goes:

How many past life feats can I get? I know I can TR as often as I want, but I'm not sure about the maximum of feats you can get. And what happens to the past life feats you took before TRing a 2nd or 3rd time?

The reason why I'm asking myself that is because I want to TR my 28pt barb into a 34pt ... yeah, what should I TR him into? Ranger for ram's might (whn I TR back into barb after that)? Fighter for attack rolls/tactics/BAB +4 or monk for damage rolls? And not to speak of the fact that some PL feats can stack up to 3 times. Or can I just TR and TR and TR and get them all? (will probably take me some months though ^^)

cheers in advance!

05-03-2010, 05:13 AM
you can get all the passive ones 3 times if your that dedicated but some of them might be pointless depending on what your final class would be. now if you do tr each class once you get the completionist feat which has a lot of bonuses but I am not sure if it worth the hassle.

05-04-2010, 02:46 AM
you can get all the passive ones 3 times if your that dedicated but some of them might be pointless depending on what your final class would be. now if you do tr each class once you get the completionist feat which has a lot of bonuses but I am not sure if it worth the hassle.

The end build is going to be a 36pt (obviously) max dps barbarian. So I'll try to get fighter and maybe monk past life feats, which means I'll have to TR 7 times in order to become a barb with 3 stacking monk & 3 stacking fighter feats ^^