View Full Version : Professions and Trades (sugg: 2 out of 2)

04-30-2010, 09:00 PM

I believe adding trades/professions to this game would add a much needed layer of depth. Potion crafter, Magical cook, Blacksmith, Bartender etc. Let them craft/make products that are not sold anywhere else. As I suggested in a different thread maybe allow for recipes for 1 minute haste, food/drink rations that are dungeon consumable, armor and weapon improvement, spell damage improvement, etc. If a person is dedicated enough, he or she can become a provider and/or business person. Perhaps have the coin lords levy taxes on the sales of these products for gold sink purposes. Perhaps charge a fee for using one of the Marketplace stands and so forth. In short, just another way to keep both new and long-timers busy while they wait for more content. I know that this is done in many MMOs and very poorly implemented in most. However, D&D and DDO by extension lend itself to this sort activity more so from the RP perspective. SWG (pre-NGE) had an excellent market/trade system and it made that game very fun and very interesting to play even when not actually "playing" it. Something like that could work wonders for DDO, IMO.

04-30-2010, 10:00 PM
What the hell? Do you want to chop a tree or fish for the next 2 years to collect gp's? What a useless time waster. Perhaps you should head on back to Runescape-ville. Geebus Chrips, what the hell is wrong with you?


[edit] keep them busy????????? Venture up out of your parent's basement and soak in some sun. That should do the trick.

[final edit] i have to delete my forum account. i can't stand by and watch perfectly good meat sacks take up oxygen and food resources for the purpose of fueling DDO instead of contributing to society in a meaningful and altruistic fashion. Shake your heads.

Hmmmm. I'm in my 30's, system's analyst, married with children. Where's your argument again?

04-30-2010, 10:05 PM

I believe adding trades/professions to this game would add a much needed layer of depth. Potion crafter, Magical cook, Blacksmith, Bartender etc. Let them craft/make products that are not sold anywhere else. As I suggested in a different thread maybe allow for recipes for 1 minute haste, food/drink rations that are dungeon consumable, armor and weapon improvement, spell damage improvement, etc. If a person is dedicated enough, he or she can become a provider and/or business person. Perhaps have the coin lords levy taxes on the sales of these products for gold sink purposes. Perhaps charge a fee for using one of the Marketplace stands and so forth. In short, just another way to keep both new and long-timers busy while they wait for more content. I know that this is done in many MMOs and very poorly implemented in most. However, D&D and DDO by extension lend itself to this sort activity more so from the RP perspective. SWG (pre-NGE) had an excellent market/trade system and it made that game very fun and very interesting to play even when not actually "playing" it. Something like that could work wonders for DDO, IMO.

yay another useless time sink,,, no ty

04-30-2010, 10:15 PM
yay another useless time sink,,, no ty

Useless? Don't think so. If the products that can be manofactured are well thought out and unique there would be nothing useless about it.