04-30-2010, 04:27 PM
Ok, I know that Jump caps at 40, the jump spell gives +30, so anything higher than 10 is pretty much a waste.
I know that 1 point in tumble and a positive mod after Dex and Armor is all you need to unlock the ability, and beyond that it's just flavor/animation change (and less falling damage but Feather Fall is plentiful).
I've also heard that a Bluff of 5 is necessary for the -single- instance where it is relevant as a conversation skill (which is easily handled with an item swap). Still haven't heard of any Diplomacy conversations, despite the statement in the skill descriptions "...and is useful in certain NPC conversations" or something like that.
But I cannot find any conclusive information on Trap DCs (and is the Search DC the same as the Disable DC?), Locks, and especially Balance and Spot. Though many make mention of Balance and Spot as skills to sprinkle a little bit into after all your other concerns are taken care of (and still others cite them as absolutely necessary to max), no one has thus far offered any specific DCs, at least not in my research. How little is too little? Does anyone have information on these particular skills? Also if anyone knows about how high your Stealth skills have to be to get past most enemies' perception skills that would be a help.
Also, I have not been able to determine conclusively exactly what Abundant Step/Leap of Faith does. The feat description is very vague. Is it a Jump spell clickie? Does it raise the Jump cap? Is it worth it to take Monk all the way to 12 just to get some vague indeterminate jump advantage?
I'm working on a Thief/Monk exploration build and skill points are spread a little thin so I'd like to know where I can skimp and still have access to all the locked doors/high jumps/any other hidden area that requires a particular skill to reach without completely gimping myself in combat (though I know a lot of people would consider anything besides one of the established cookie cutter power builds to be gimped, but hey, I feel like running around like a chicken with my head cut off and jumping around like an idiot every once in a while. It's also part of my Server Themed Characters chain. This one for Orien in particular).
I know that 1 point in tumble and a positive mod after Dex and Armor is all you need to unlock the ability, and beyond that it's just flavor/animation change (and less falling damage but Feather Fall is plentiful).
I've also heard that a Bluff of 5 is necessary for the -single- instance where it is relevant as a conversation skill (which is easily handled with an item swap). Still haven't heard of any Diplomacy conversations, despite the statement in the skill descriptions "...and is useful in certain NPC conversations" or something like that.
But I cannot find any conclusive information on Trap DCs (and is the Search DC the same as the Disable DC?), Locks, and especially Balance and Spot. Though many make mention of Balance and Spot as skills to sprinkle a little bit into after all your other concerns are taken care of (and still others cite them as absolutely necessary to max), no one has thus far offered any specific DCs, at least not in my research. How little is too little? Does anyone have information on these particular skills? Also if anyone knows about how high your Stealth skills have to be to get past most enemies' perception skills that would be a help.
Also, I have not been able to determine conclusively exactly what Abundant Step/Leap of Faith does. The feat description is very vague. Is it a Jump spell clickie? Does it raise the Jump cap? Is it worth it to take Monk all the way to 12 just to get some vague indeterminate jump advantage?
I'm working on a Thief/Monk exploration build and skill points are spread a little thin so I'd like to know where I can skimp and still have access to all the locked doors/high jumps/any other hidden area that requires a particular skill to reach without completely gimping myself in combat (though I know a lot of people would consider anything besides one of the established cookie cutter power builds to be gimped, but hey, I feel like running around like a chicken with my head cut off and jumping around like an idiot every once in a while. It's also part of my Server Themed Characters chain. This one for Orien in particular).