View Full Version : Human Improved recovery II vs Armor Mastery III

04-30-2010, 02:26 PM
Since armor does not seem to mean much unless you can get it above 60, would I be better off taking Human Improved recovery?

Right now I am thinking of dropping just Armor Mastery III and taking improved recovery I & II, but should I consider dropping the entire Armor mastery line and taking the improved recovery line instead?

I am a human TWF with high dex (17 base) and most of the time my AC is between 42 and 45 ( I think). I can get it to the high 50s and I think I have even had it at 62 or 63 when I have had every possible AC boosting buff you can get.

04-30-2010, 02:31 PM
Since armor does not seem to mean much unless you can get it above 60, would I be better off taking Human Improved recovery?

Right now I am thinking of dropping just Armor Mastery III and taking improved recovery I & II, but should I consider dropping the entire Armor mastery line and taking the improved recovery line instead?

I am a human TWF with high dex (17 base) and most of the time my AC is between 42 and 45 ( I think). I can get it to the high 50s and I think I have even had it at 62 or 63 when I have had every possible AC boosting buff you can get.
Armour mastery means little to a human twf or thf kensai III build unless you plan to dual gear it to turtle once in a blue moon.