View Full Version : Cursed Crypt (mini rant)

04-30-2010, 01:16 PM
I think the boards are a great place for excellent information and advice, and SOMETIMES a great place to ask W T F!??

I have a group of friends I run around with in game and on our first pass before TR'n we had not purchased the Necropolis 3 expansion. After the reincarnation we all collectively did some research and picked 5 or 6 expansion packs to buy and Nec 3 (even though many said it was hooooorrible) has some nice gear and the Silver flame piece so we all bought that one.

So...we start off on our new adventure not knowing what "horrible" can be. Seriously, I am pretty sure the developing team that came up with these four quests to open the Cursed Crypt were probably experiencing stigmata while in developement. We get done with the fourth crypt, tormented I think it was - you know the BS one with the rat maze. At this point we are ecstatic we will not be running those quests EVER again. After 90 minutes of trying various things : tapping my mouse while patting my head etc. I ask the advice channel why Sir Pythias the Radiant will not give us the Cursed Crypt quest.

Come to find out the developers were "trying something new", I was told and that it didn't matter if you finished the pre requisites but that they actually had to show in the "completed" stage in your quest log. NO freaking way! We make a habit out of picking up quests after they are finished because no one wants to be the newb that forgot to pick up the quest we are heading back too so it is very much common place for us to do that.

I guess the jokes on us!

I am no fan of this particular expansion to be sure.


04-30-2010, 01:21 PM
Come to find out the developers were "trying something new", I was told and that it didn't matter if you finished the pre requisites but that they actually had to show in the "completed" stage in your quest log. NO freaking way! We make a habit out of picking up quests after they are finished because no one wants to be the newb that forgot to pick up the quest we are heading back too so it is very much common place for us to do that.

I guess the jokes on us!

I am no fan of this particular expansion to be sure.


Sux that it happened, but you are not the first, and you will certainly not be the last. For future reference, ALL 3 necropolis chains work this way, and The Ruins of Threnal.

Rerun them on hard for more favor/exp, and flag properly.

04-30-2010, 01:33 PM
woops, i didnt knew this, gladly i never ran necro 3 :P, recently went premiun, and its one of the few packs i didnt bought (togheter with 3bc catacombs devil assault and sharn)

04-30-2010, 05:51 PM
You can have someone else open the quest for your group and enter that way. You won't get the final reward, but you'll get a chance at all the nice items & upgrading your amulet.

05-01-2010, 09:26 AM
The Necro 2 & 3 quests nearly killed off DDO for good when they were released.

The flopped the day they were 1st playable, and dead content a week later.

People didnt like necro 1, and the devs improved on the parts of the quests that people strongly disliked when designing necro 2 and 3! These 2 chains are one of the biggest design mistakes in DDO.

05-01-2010, 09:31 AM
There are actually some interesting quests there. Cursed Crypt has one of the best graphics for a Dungeon feel, and is actually a fun quest.

I would recommend the series to anyone and once you learn them, they are all not really so hard. Not to mention there is a crapload of xp to be had in there.

05-01-2010, 09:50 AM
Ive recently started soloing this whole chain. Can never find groups or when i only have time for 1 quest they are doing the chain, when i want the whole lot no one else has time :)

I grouped for the one in the first chain where you need 4 people (or other tricks) but other then that i soloed so i could have a proper look around.

The only one i haven't done now is the tomb of the forbidden. I can use a hireling to throw the other switch but i cant figure out what to do next :D

Still, i gota say, from all the horror stories i heard i have throughly enjoyed the whole lot.

The first 4 i have run a number of times. The second 4 only once or twice. The last 4 never before ran.

I farmed a whole load of xp from the shadow....... knight? i think. One with the north south east and west altars.

I have to say, as something a bit different i really did enjoy them. Few hours worth of adventuring with good xp, decent loot and some good named stuff to aim for too, plus the neckie upgrade.

I even enjoyed tormented :) although i can see how the noveltey would wear off with that after a while, and in a group i can imagine theres not much to do.

Personally, my worst was tomb of the blighted. Just found that one a bit more of a pain.

My 2 Ep's worth

05-03-2010, 04:47 PM
Hi guys!

Thanks for being part of my rant. I don't like this quest chain but after running it again it was definetely not as bad as the first time, it is the least favorite series I have done though.

I must say though the reward of being able to run Cursed was pretty awesome. I really like that zone so it was worth it =).
