View Full Version : Guilds Of Fernia

02-25-2006, 12:23 AM
I apologize for the long absence... I tried to log on to let people know I was going afk, but apparently you have to have an active subscription of DDO just to post in the forums.

Anyways, many thanks to AEschyl for the upkeep on the guild list... I copied his list so it could once again be stickied for your convenience.
Adventurer's League of Eberron


Black Knights of Templar

Black Rose Society (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=112877&TabID=963983)

Clan of the Crimson Claymore

Coven of Eternal Fury


Da Maniax

Darkhorse Legion


Dragonmark Alliance (http://www.clangroups.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=69524&TabID=601939)

Dragons Nex


Face Stabbing Misfits (http://www.facestabbers.com)

Fist of the North


Heroes of Canton

Heroes of Stormreach

Iron phoenix (http://www.iron-phoenix.com)

Kindred Spirits (http://ksguild.org)

Les Joyeux Lurons

New OutRiders (http://www.newoutriders.com/)

Old School DnD

Ripped Dragon

Salty-demigods (www.salty-demigods.com)

Southern Tenant Farmers Union (http://www.clangroups.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=125123&TabID=1066362)

Special Needs Children of Eberron

Tavern Brawlers (http://www.clangroups.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=101497&TabID=869000)

The Finders Guild (http://www.guilduniverse.com/finders)

the kings almighty

The Lucky Knights (http://theluckyknights.guildportal.com)

The Outsiders (http://www.ddo-theoutsiders.com/)

The Shadow Guard

Turba Imperium

Warforged Gold (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=119749&TabID=1021452)

Warlords Battle Brigade

We Are Borg (http://www.werborg.net/bb)

If you notice that I removed your guild from the list, just let me know and I'll hook you back up. Thanks.

02-25-2006, 04:48 AM
Y:Dour doing a great job organizing some info for this server....I tip my hat.:D

02-25-2006, 08:43 AM
I am an officer for "Keepers of The Shadow Realm". Where a friendly guild for people who have that dark spot in their heart. A website is in the making aswell. ;)

02-25-2006, 08:50 AM

Thank you very much, Spatula -- this is a really terrific thing you're doing for the guilds of the Fernia server.

As a side note to those of you that just signed on to Fernia, check out the guilds above, contact one of them! D&D has always been about gaming with friends, make some friends by joining a guild today!

02-25-2006, 09:19 AM
The Fellowship of Founders can be found here:


02-25-2006, 09:52 AM
MT - sent a PM to spatula.

02-25-2006, 10:58 AM
Don't forget the Fellowsip of the Founders! We were with the Alliance on Shavarath, too. I see we are not on the list. Please add us! Thanks!


02-25-2006, 11:02 AM
Hi There! Our guilds name is Dragonmark Alliance. We are off to a wonderful start with 13 people recruited before headstart launch and a few more since. We have 17 people in the guild right now and more are expected to be joining soon. Not too bad for a brand new guild. Feel free to add our name to this list. Nice job helping to keep the community organized.


02-25-2006, 11:42 AM
Looks good, keep up the good work!

02-25-2006, 11:47 AM
thanks from the whole d6 Mafia, this list is great

02-26-2006, 01:54 AM
The Order of the Flame is a casual guild founded by Sephrenia. Visit us at www.orderoftheflame.org

02-26-2006, 07:40 AM
WOOK guild, a guild started in Star Wars Galaxies back in the day who have spread the love seed of the Wookiee's throughout the world and gaming too.

WOOK have landed into DDO in the form of

Warriors of old Kashyyyk

We are cool.

02-26-2006, 11:26 AM
Indebted - also members of the casual guild alliance.

02-26-2006, 05:12 PM
Hello, friends!

I'm Rengar Fierymane, from the guild known as The Refugees (http://www.refugeesguild.com).

We're a mature group of gamers who have been together for years, but we're always welcoming new faces into our fold.

Please check our website out at www.refugeesguild.com for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

Walk with Honor,
Rengar Fierymane

02-26-2006, 05:29 PM
House Anarawyn is a very small casual guild that was just formed. You can find our website at http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=69572&TabID=602336

Just as a warning there not much there yet LOL. I just created the account :)

02-27-2006, 10:51 AM
Please add Asylum to the guild list! We are a newly formed group of RL friends/family and newly-made DDO friends. We're pretty casual right now and will likely stay that way for awhile. Anyone is welcome to join! Just contact myself, Lilly or Odin/Ezekiel.

02-27-2006, 10:53 AM
Fun group oriented and helpful guild looking for any player. The intended purpose is to play and have a good time doing so. We use the voice chat when we can we trade amongst ourselves if we can. Are very willing to help new players that are either new to D&D or new to MMO style games. All classes welcome to join!

Look for the following players:

Thanks all Aerof1

copied from other post with permission.

02-27-2006, 01:52 PM
I'm an officer for the guild H.A.N.D. Feel free to stop by our website and say hello. :) The link is in my sig.

02-27-2006, 02:51 PM
The Fellowship of Founders can be found here:


Could we be added to the original thread? We are a member of the casual alliance.

02-27-2006, 04:04 PM
Hey spatula, could d6mafia have one of thoes nefty '*' Next to ours, we've joined the aliance

02-27-2006, 06:18 PM


02-28-2006, 03:27 AM
Hmmm spatula hasn't been on the boards since 2/24. Log out of DDO and update this! :)

02-28-2006, 08:06 AM
Bloodoath has been forged...

02-28-2006, 08:23 AM
Hand of Oblivion has arrived and is seeking members.


02-28-2006, 09:19 AM
please add Warriors of Old Kashyyyk and the link for our site is http://wook.bhozar.com. We are vets of SWG, GW, WoW, CoH and more :)

02-28-2006, 12:32 PM
Spatula could you please add a link to our guild 'Forsaken'.
It would be very nice if you could make the link as 'Forsaken** Requirements'.

We have changed our name to Forsaken.

Thank you.

02-28-2006, 03:38 PM

02-28-2006, 08:56 PM
Could you please add "The Crimson Knights" to the Fernia guild list.

We are a guild of mature and fun loving players who have been gaming together since 1998. We have been in Dark Sun Online, Ultima, EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot and now Dungeons & Dragons Online.

To learn more about our brotherhood go to www.bck.org.


02-28-2006, 09:07 PM
Alright, respective guilds and/or "nifty stars" have been added...

Sorry for my delayed absence, I went to NY just in time for the headstart >.<

Anyways, let me know if there are updates for your link, type-os, or just any new clans who want to be on the list :D

I appretiate all the nice comments :D

02-28-2006, 10:32 PM
Thank you very much Spatula!

updated post link

Thanks again!

03-01-2006, 04:36 AM
Yay Spatula! Thanks for maintaining this list. :)

03-01-2006, 02:51 PM
nice list, thanks for doing this from Midnight Avengers

03-02-2006, 03:28 PM
Strength in Numbers is also a guild on Fernia

03-02-2006, 04:37 PM
Keepers of the Borderlands

03-04-2006, 02:45 AM
aww we were forgotten about :mad: lol its okay.. we have umm 50+ members :)

the guild is named The Bretons

contact us at thebretons.guildportal.com

k thanks guys..


03-04-2006, 02:30 PM
Please add Dragonmark to your list.

03-04-2006, 09:25 PM
Add Seal of fate please =) we are a small group of friends and will eventually expand out :)

03-05-2006, 01:36 AM

03-05-2006, 11:37 PM
Dark Star Avengers is up and runnig. Looking for all types of players

03-09-2006, 01:45 AM
It's the black metal takeover, busting skulls and breaking hearts. We're all Los Angeles based rock n' rollers / PnP players, with a little MMO experience. We get together after work to kill stuff. We make our dex checks. We want rad people to group with.
Sorry no web site. We're living in the dark ages. Contact Nadea, Natalie, Avalonde, Kelar or Linus in game. Word.


03-10-2006, 07:53 AM
I thought I had posted this once before, but I searched and did not find it.

Our guild is a pile of friends that have been pNp and mmorpg gaming for over 20 years. We have approximately 25 members in our guild.

Salty-Demigods (http://www.salty-demigods.com)

03-11-2006, 10:28 AM
I suppose it pays to look at the stickies before posting a new thread. Oh well, here it is again.

Our web site is still being put together but it's up:

We are a small and very casual guild that avoids politics and other guild sillyness. We are accepting applications.

Our members are easy going and generally altruistic. Many of us are long time D&D players and DMs, and we are all MMO vets who are defecting from other games. We welcome mature players--no 1337 d00dz please. We have no real rules other than to be respectful of other players. If this sounds good to any of the un-guilded out there, please visit our site and just keep in mind that we are still building it. Thanks!

03-13-2006, 08:26 PM
Founder Guild - "Fellowship of the Flame"


We're a small very tight knit guild based on the principle of altruism and generosity. Please have a look through our website especially take the oportunity to read our mission statement in the recruit forum. If you like what you see and are a mature fun player, say hi on our forum and send in an application to join us.

03-14-2006, 09:18 AM
the keepers guild site is up and running. please stop by to check us out and feel free to sign up to our forums. the site is still under construction but functional.
hope you can join our guild for some good times with other D&D enthusiasts.


03-20-2006, 11:52 PM
The Better Part of Valor, origninating on the Fernia server is a guild based on adventuring style. The main purpose is to gather together adventurers that prefer to use a little strategy and caution when adventuring. We believe in "Let the scouts scout". We like to try different tactics other than just "Charge!". If that's your idea of fun, please try another guild. If however, you like to take the path less travelled, and look for those hidden secrets, that's us.
The guild hall (web site) is still under construction.

03-21-2006, 11:07 PM
Hi, we are a small adventure oriented guild that is small and looking to grow a little. Nothing to serious just a fun group to play and trade stories with. If this sounds like you look for Dude where's my chariot.

Also, I would like to add a thank you to Spatula for compiling a great list.


03-22-2006, 10:13 AM
How did you forget to put the most Uber guild on the server...not on this list?

Serva Cappadon 10 Bard
Serval Cappadon 9 Fighter -Tranquility

03-22-2006, 04:30 PM
Could you please add our new guild page link to the guild listing. We are also part of the casual guild alliance. Thank you :)

03-22-2006, 06:05 PM
Add The Lucky Knights to the list :)

we have 30+ members and growing fast!

We will have a website up soon(er than later) i hope :|

03-22-2006, 10:55 PM

03-23-2006, 12:26 AM
The Lucky Knights now have a website...


03-24-2006, 01:48 PM

Here is a working Link for Hammer

03-24-2006, 02:26 PM
Hey gang dont forget to add Bloodaxe Clan to the guilds list.
And if there still people out there looking for a "guild", but dont like the whole you either with us on guild stuff or out of the guild type of "guild" check us out. My guild is just a quick and easy way to find people that you know to play with. Although since both the firends list and the guilds list arent working at this moment it is a bit of a challenge. Most of the core people in the guild are no life having losers that you can usually find on the game in one form or another at most hours of the night or day and night on the weekends. We are a founders guild tho to be honest it was mostly just thro a bunch of people on day 1 who said hey I will be in your guild to get me a helmet, and they have stuck around cause we dont hassle them. So if you are in the pacific time zone and like to play from 4-11pm on weekdays and all day and night on weekends look for our guild, either to join or just to hang with. We group with just about any person and or guild that like to play their characters and run the dungeons... not just run through dungeons for exp and loot.

Send a tell to Auryn, rathamas, druss, roryc, orig, drenai, darmel, kierstaad, or slat if you would like to join us in either a group or the guild. we usually have a char for any occasion to play, and we know how to play the class we have chosen as that char.

03-26-2006, 06:30 AM
Could you please add a "*" to the back of our guild name ..we are part of the casual guild alliance .. thank you. ( sry to nag ) :D

04-04-2006, 08:43 PM
Please add Bloodright (aka House Bloodright) to the list.

We were started the day preorder access went live, and have been around ever since. We waited to post here until the website was up, as no information is better than bad information.

Casual / RP guild of friends - mostly couples now, but there are single members too (no, we are not a dating service - well - unless you are a war forged female, mmmmm, mmmm!). Long storyline and big backdrop to the guild - but none of that is required - I just like to write. Site is still being updated and will continue to be updated as time passes.


04-05-2006, 03:13 PM
How did you forget to put the most Uber guild on the server...not on this list?

Serva Cappadon 10 Bard
Serval Cappadon 9 Fighter -Tranquility

.... Please tell me you did not just say uber..... *pulls out his greater halfling bane clubs*

*wispers to everyone else* serva is only the guild mascott.... >.>;;;;

04-05-2006, 05:30 PM
Please don't forget my guild, The Crystal Chronoiclers. We're not big but im working on that and trying to bring it across the servers.

04-06-2006, 01:30 PM
Please add "Darkwood" to your guild list.

We do not have a website at this time.

Thank you
Furgulder Grimforge
Dwarven Fighter/Cleric

04-10-2006, 08:23 AM
.... Please tell me you did not just say uber..... *pulls out his greater halfling bane clubs*

*wispers to everyone else* serva is only the guild mascott.... >.>;;;;

Greater Halfling Bane Clubs? *puts on expedious retreat robe* *uses a charge* eeeeeeeeeee!!! *lags* .... darn you caught me :(

^^^ aww a day in the life of Okitas

04-13-2006, 03:24 PM
Band of the Red Eye is the DDO branch of clan PFG. Casual gaming clan, CS:S, DDO, BF2, WOW, etc.


04-14-2006, 01:26 PM
The Order of Springfield Shield is a DDO only guild. The leader's name is Raclessa. I am an officer of the guild but use the name Chuunac. We have no official rules but we do try to do guild events every Sunday afternoon. The rest of the week the guildies will try to group up before looking for a PUG. Mainly we're just here to have fun. :D

Website is oss.guildportal.com (http://oss.guildportal.com)

04-19-2006, 11:08 AM
My husband and I have a guild called the Mystical Knights. We are mainly made up of our alts at the moment (with 2 other active members right now). We would love it if you added us to the list.

Do you love to have fun and make new friends? Do you want to be with people who won't leave you behind in a dungeon? Want to be with people who'll help you advance your character and help you get stuff done? Then the Mystical Knights is the guild for you. Send either Draxis or Anastrinanna a tell in the game and let us know! We'd love to have you with us!


04-19-2006, 04:03 PM
Heya, I'm Brutuus, leader of "The Motivationally Challenged". We are a casual guild that wishes to experience endgame content. We are looking for mature, competant players who wish to enjoy the game. Our guild respects that people have Real-life demands. Our goal is a place where people can make the best use of their possibly limited online time without pressure to play the game like its a job. Send me, Saeliel, Shellie, Jinxy, or Wind a tell in game anytime. Or Email me at bl1168@yahoo.com.

P.S. will post website info as soon as our Motivationally Challenged site admin has it ready )>.

04-22-2006, 12:55 AM
Please and The Mournland Exiles as well. We are a small guild of RL friends but are open to anyone looking for a guild. (We had the name long before the test server name came out; and yes, no chance of any of us getting on it)

you can find us at www.clangroups.com (DDO-Fernia)

05-13-2006, 12:00 PM
Hey Im the leader of the Stolen guild, we aren't on the list, but want ot be. I am also wondering about thie 'allaince" you mention a lot in this post. Can we become an allaince member, we are a big guild around 50 ppls less than half alt's thank god. Let me know whats rockin...

Dalhorn Clawbringer

Our website is in development, however our google groups are well in use...

05-24-2006, 03:47 PM
Please add "Darkwood" to your guild list.

We do not have a website at this time.

Thank you
Furgulder Grimforge
Dwarven Fighter/Cleric

Website? Website? We don't need no stinkin' website!
When Grog and Gynx hit 10 then i'll get you yer stinkin' website. ;)

05-25-2006, 08:59 AM
Order of Springfield Shield now has a website. If you'd like to read about us or join up check it out.

oss.guildportal.com (http://oss.guildportal.com)

06-15-2006, 02:26 AM
Newbie questions here :D

I belong to a very small group that has formed a guild, and we are preparing to have that guild listed for the Fernia server. I see reply posts on this thread asking that this guild or that be added to the roster--Is this how it is done?

If so, will my providing a link to our guild web site in my post enable the guild name in the main list to become a link?

And finally, how do we get the * added to indicate that we are a casual guild?

06-24-2006, 11:05 PM
:D very nice friendly guild..:)

Joseph wrote:
"Please add Bloodright (aka House Bloodright) to the list.

We were started the day preorder access went live, and have been around ever since. We waited to post here until the website was up, as no information is better than bad information.

Casual / RP guild of friends - mostly couples now, but there are single members too (no, we are not a dating service - well - unless you are a war forged female, mmmmm, mmmm!). Long storyline and big backdrop to the guild - but none of that is required - I just like to write. Site is still being updated and will continue to be updated as time passes."

06-27-2006, 03:49 PM
Please also add, "The Clan of the Crimson Claymore" to your list.

We are one of the larger guilds on the Fernia server, always looking for new members.

We have characters of all levels, and we are a group that has the "guild first" mentality. We always make an effort to game with guildies first and non-guildies later.

We take care of each other. When items are looted that better suit another character, someone in our guild usually asks, "what do you want for that?" It is usually replied with, "nothing."

We have a diverse amount of players of all ages. We have a good mixture of people who are in different time zones, so finding someone to group with is usually not an issue. We even have several international members!

If interested in joining, contact one of us. We may group with you, see if you mesh with our philosophy, and who knows...you may receive an invite!

Currently we do not have a website, but it is in the works.

06-29-2006, 05:54 PM
Looking to start our own guild....If your tired of being dropped by those adults who think us kids are no good players then come join The lost Kids of Stormreach.

Parents this is a place away from the language and obsenities, where a kid can be a rouge, wizard, fighter or whatever they want....come join

Look for

Kebler lvl 3 fighter

And we'll get you added to the list....

This guild will be watched by myself, Critter (Dad), any questions contact me or my Lost Boy Kebler

07-19-2006, 01:52 PM
Knights of Stormreach has reformed and is accepting new members.

We're a casual guild focused on fun and being social. KoS is open to all classes, races and levels, though we're hoping to get a lot of lower level chars who can grow together. Alts are welcome, just don't bring a superior attitude from your high level char, we're all playing the same game. Friendly and fun is the goal.

We now have a site on guild portal, http://kos.wolfweb.us/ . Speak to Rarx or Arabellah to join or with questions.

07-19-2006, 02:12 PM
my name is xandrik and im the leader of The hearless. have a forums page nothing special
*edit* just getting started ont he page :D everything takes time


could u add us to the list

07-28-2006, 11:30 AM
We are The Face Stabbing Misfits, a delightful group of lively face stabbers.


08-29-2006, 08:14 AM
Need to add The Mystic Order to that nice list mate.

apply at www.ddotmo.com


08-29-2006, 11:05 AM
I would like to introduce the Hunters of the Abyss guild. We have been a small guild of R/L friends playing usually once or twice a week since the release. We are DDO only.

Recently we have admited our first non-R/L member, and I would like to open up membership to all.

We are a small casual guild that looks to have fun first. We are in for social experience, not who has the most l33t toon. We typically play on Monday and Thursday nights, but that is becoming more fluid as we grown.

There are currently characters of levels through 7 and all races/classes welcomed.

Come see us at hunters.guildportal.com (http://hunters.guildportal.com)

09-06-2006, 05:23 PM

I have just founded the guild, The Wild Cards. The guild is only for multi-classed characters.

The intent of the guild is to offer a place for people who enjoy multi-classing to explore the high-end content of the Stormreach and it's environs.

You must be multi-classed and have no single class higher than level 6 (though this is up for debate) to join.

The web page is pretty scarce, as I am trying to gauge interest before putting a lot of time into it. You can check us out at:


09-13-2006, 08:15 PM
I'm a proud member of strength in numberz. We have a new website up and running www.ddosin.com .

09-21-2006, 02:30 PM
Afternoon all, We are Borg is open to all that wish to have a bit of relaxed play. We are serious when the time is right. Website is in the making will be posted upon completion.

Have a nice day.:D

09-27-2006, 07:29 PM
Is there anyone here from Warforged Gold?

10-18-2006, 09:47 AM
Can you please delete Berserker Brigade. All my peeps cancled their accounts.

10-20-2006, 08:09 AM
ive been meaning to say this for a while, the crystal chroniclers are no more, we assimilated in to the lk.

11-02-2006, 01:14 PM
The Xen'Drik Adventure Company is a perma-play style guild made up of the 4 members that play together regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are actively seeking 2 additional members to complete the group.

This is not perma-death, but we play with a similiar style.

See the following two threads for more information:



11-26-2006, 03:34 AM
Next week is the two month anniversary of the founding of the Finders Guild.

If you would like information on on guild our web site is guilduniverse.com/finders

We recruit upper level toons that like a fun and relaxed raiding enviorenment. No drama, politics, or rudeness allowed!

We kill a Dragon or two every week and just killed our first queen.

02-23-2007, 04:22 PM
NIDWTJYG - deleted as we found a home in Borg. 8)

03-01-2007, 10:30 AM
The Shadow Guard - Mostly lvl 12 (ish) players that just like to play.. alot

03-25-2007, 05:34 PM
If you would be so Kind as to add " Black Rose Society" to your Guild listing. We are an all, well almost all Adult <and I use that term loosely> guild, with one dedication in life ...Have fun !! Being adults we use this game as our stress relief, so worring about who we might offend with language and or adult humor is Not in our scedule. We do have a few minors in the guild, a few of the officers children so we post a "MINOR ALERT" when they Sign on.. ..LOL can get quite humorous.

Any and all over the age of 21 are welcome to join us, new players are the life blood of the MMORPG experiance they keep the game new, and remind us of all the old tricks we might have taken for granted and forgotten.

We have a web site for those of you who are Web addicts ... hi my Name is Aguila .. and I'm a webaholic.


Well ty for your time and Hope to see more of you real soon.

Aguila <retired>
Ghast Halfling 11 Rogue
The Brain Drow 11 Sorc
Leonordo Human <Pally in Training>

04-13-2007, 12:08 PM
Hmm.. I don't see Epic up there...

04-13-2007, 12:28 PM
i think it's kind of funny that people are still posting in this thread and that it's still stickied.. even though th OP no longer plays ddo haha

04-13-2007, 12:29 PM
i think it's kind of funny that people are still posting in this thread and that it's still stickied.. even though th OP no longer plays ddo haha

Dood ... I am bored !! lol .. and BTW.. I was the first lvl 14 on Fernia .. HIt it at 3:45 AM .. :p :p

04-13-2007, 12:32 PM

this shall go down as "spatula of doom's" last post on the ddo forums...

may 3/22/06 go down in history

04-13-2007, 12:36 PM
this shall go down as "spatula of doom's" last post on the ddo forums...

may 3/22/06 go down in history

WOOT !!!

04-21-2007, 03:06 AM
the borg site is basically a forum, it can be linked to


thnx again

i think it's kind of funny that people are still posting in this thread and that it's still stickied.. even though th OP no longer plays ddo haha

04-23-2007, 03:05 PM
this shall go down as "spatula of doom's" last post on the ddo forums...

may 3/22/06 go down in history

I beg to differ.

04-23-2007, 03:49 PM
I beg to differ.

welcome back, you gonna continue updating this thread.. and stick around this time? :P

04-23-2007, 03:59 PM
welcome back, you gonna continue updating this thread.. and stick around this time? :P

Well, I assume responsibility... after having it stickied and all.... tee hee.

It's hard to get a thread stickied nowadays...

08-07-2007, 02:21 PM
..so please refer to the current Ghallanda guild list. It is at http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=116962 Also, please send Quarion a PM and ask him to make the new list the default sticky. I can't understand why they were able to transfer this, and other now obsolete stickies over, but can't make the current list a sticky.