View Full Version : Long questlines

04-29-2010, 07:40 PM
Hey guys, easy one for you, what are some good long questlines for a group of 3 to do? We have a cleric 8, a fighter 7, and a rogue 6. We've done the seal of shan-to-kor, the depth quests, and tangleroot. Just looking for something that takes a little while to run through, instead of jumping from quest to quest.

Also, looking for a cph if anyone has one reasonable ;)

04-29-2010, 07:46 PM
Delera's should be good exp/loot although slightly below your lvls

04-29-2010, 07:55 PM
The Catacombs are long-ish, though a little lower level than you are as well.

And in another level or two check out the Ruins of Threnal.

04-29-2010, 07:57 PM
Ding Ding on Deleras - keep you busy for a good hour or two and great XP and decent loot. Sorrowdusk is pretty much your only other option.

If you want F2P - try the Pit - that'll keep you busy for a few hours.(snicker, snicker)

04-29-2010, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the replies, we did the first quest in delara's, it went well until all the skeletons spawn at the end, what magic weapons we had did not deal near enough damage to even begin to fight them off. We do plan to go back in and try to finish the rest. Also, not really looking for F2P, we are all paid subscribers. Once again, thanks!

04-29-2010, 08:09 PM
Thanks for the replies, we did the first quest in delara's, it went well until all the skeletons spawn at the end, what magic weapons we had did not deal near enough damage to even begin to fight them off.

You need good-aligned weapons to bypass the DR of the 'Ghostly Skeletons.' When you advance to the next part you're given a very crappy weapon, but it's good-aligned so it'll pass the DR. Otherwise get a Holy, Pure Good, or Flametouched Iron weapon.

04-30-2010, 04:30 AM
Ding Ding on Deleras - keep you busy for a good hour or two and great XP and decent loot. Sorrowdusk is pretty much your only other option.

Also, the new Sentinels chain is in your level range.

Sharn Syndacate, my favorite low level pack, is another option but it's below your level.

04-30-2010, 05:02 AM
Hey guys, easy one for you, what are some good long questlines for a group of 3 to do? We have a cleric 8, a fighter 7, and a rogue 6. We've done the seal of shan-to-kor, the depth quests, and tangleroot. Just looking for something that takes a little while to run through, instead of jumping from quest to quest.

Also, looking for a cph if anyone has one reasonable ;)
Do you mean "good" as in fun, or as in available?

The Catacombs is a 3-7 chain (I think 7 or so quests)) in the marketplace featuring similar back and forth questing as TR provides, though with a more frequent change of scenery, and populated predominantly with undead. The XP is so-so, and the rewards at the end are mostly poor, though there are a few decent lowbie items. Silver Flame favor has no immediate value to speak of.

Delera's Tomb is a 5-8 quest chain (4 quests) populated almost exclusively with undead, and featuring more varied dungeonscapes than TR and with a lot of optionals in House Jorasco. There are some excellent end rewards, including a trinket that grants a +1 luck bonus to skills and saves and a 5% increase in XP gained from quests.

Grey Moon is a 5-7 chain (4 quests) out on Sorrowdusk Isle (reached from House D) that features ogres and trolls mostly, with some undead mixed in for good measure, and a pretty nice explorer zone. It also, frustratingly features back and forth quest advancement, with much longer runs than any of the above, although there is stuff to kill along the way.There are no end rewards to speak of, but the chain is necessary to advance to The Cult of the Six series (also on Sorrowdusk), which is 7-10 (I believe) and features some very nice rewards.

The Sharn Syndicate quest chain is in the Market and around level 5.

The new quest series (blanking on the name) is, I believe, 6-8 and takes place mostly in House Denieth, and features some very well-designed quests and quite a bit of variety.

04-30-2010, 06:20 AM
I know you asked for chains, but all the good ones have been discussed already. My personal favorite from the list above is Sorrowdusk, There are 4 Greymoon quests, 6 Cult of Six (CO6)quests and a slayer/explorer area on the island. I was also thinking Vault of Night (VONs), but you should all be level 7 or above for that one and still it might be a little above your level range (levels 8 to 10 should be fine, although having a caster makes it much easier). As an alternate, both Gwylan's Stand and Stormcleave are a good ones at your current level range. They are only a single quest each, but are both fairly long and can be fun to run through with good XP.

04-30-2010, 06:22 AM
As an alternate, both Gwylan's Stand and Stormcleave are a good ones at your current level range. They are only a single quest each, but are both fairly long and can be fun to run through with good XP.
I'll add Tear of Dakhaan to that list.